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NeoBiggs's Black Templars


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Hey everyone. Finally decided to get on board after a few years of just visiting the forums. I am not new to 40k as I have followed it for a good 15 years and now I am finally committed to getting an army built and painted by the end of this year. It will be challenging with work, school, family, space marine, elder scrolls, bf3... and I still have to find the time to hang out with friends.. (sigh). Anyway, this will serve as a WIP thread for me as well but here is a preview of what I have finished so far...


Update: The white worked out so I will be using the white shoulderpads and red robes to finish out the rest of the army.




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Updated Terminators...



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Thanks guys, I am really placing a lot of emphasis on the glow (hence the dark color palette) but overall I am semi-pleased with them. I did not touch up details as I am trying to get this army done before the end of the year. I think with the the glow effects it distracts away from that somewhat and allows me to get away with it more than if the glow was not there at all. The army overall will emphasize the glow on the following... (Powerfists, Powerweapons, Eyes, Plasma coils, Jump Packs, lights on vehicles, etc.) The terminator squads having mostly all powerfists will have a lot of this effect going on. The initiate squads being only equipped with a powerfist and multi-melta will not have as much glow going on so I hope I am able to keep them all looking good despite the lack of glowing going on in those squads. This army did not turn out how I originally envisioned it but that is ok. I really wanted to take my time on each individual piece but I refuse to bring them to tabletop unless the whole army is painted and for that I am taking flak from local gamers on getting it finished so I can start playing. This is also my first army (as noted) and the downside to that is I am experimenting here and there but still trying to keep the overall look uniform. If you guys really look for mistakes you will find them. I gave up on trying to make an award winning army this time around to get something playable but I think these will pass for tabletop. Anyway, I'll keep updating as I go along! Thanks.
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Man, those are really well painted. Do you have any past experience with painting miniatures? And if you don't mind me asking, how did you achieve such a great glow effect? And where did you get/how did you make those bases?


Anyway, great work! Excited to see more of this army!

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Welcome to the board :blush:


While I'm amazed by your painting skills, I'm not too keen on the light effects. I think there's just too much and you can't enjoy the model itself or any other detail on the model that you have painted, in other words: it draws the eye too much. Maybe tone it down a bit? As for white colour, it's not that bad and I'm sure that there are a lot of tutorials on the web that show you how to do it :devil: Heck, you could ask here on the forum if anyone has a good tutorial :tu:


Looking forward to seeing more, though I hope I won't need my sunglasses next time :rolleyes: :(



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The brightness is really intense in the photograph and it was my first attempt at that as well. I use diffused lighting but I think the lamps were too close hence the light reflection off the base. The glow is not as bright in person, you can see the details on the fingers and such.


I am a little torn on what to do. I could try to incorporate the white/bone look starting with the initiates and the rest of the army and either modify they current ones or finish out the squad and make it a command squad of terminators. I would go for the dirty look and have a more bone look with maybe some bone/white highlight on the highest surface (zenithal highlights with the airbrush). Again, I am not sure. The red is so much easier to work with, decisions decisions.


Ok now to questions..


The bases were made out of cork board and 3 different types of rock sand they sell at fish stores. The cork board I get from my local hobby shop and I get 4 foot long strips ( 5 inches wide ) for around 6 bucks, they work great. They were painted with GW Brown foundation, then highligted with Khemri Brown, washed with Devlan Mud, highlighted again with Khemri Brown, and a final highlight of Bleached Bone. When I say highlight, I mean drybrush :yes:


The glow effect was just done with the airbrush. I hit it first with Dark Green (Vallejo Game Color) and then Scorpion Green (Vallejo Game Color) and then I drybrushed the fingers and closest surfaces with straight white. The glow effect around the eyes was done the same way, minus the white. I then touched the edges with the side of a brush to get a fine line to highlight the edges closes to the glow with scorpion green again (Vallejo's version is called Scorpy green or something like that.)


I have the entire set of Vallejo Game Color and I use Vallejo Model Air for the airbrush when I can, otherwise I have to pre-mix the Game Color to use in the airbrush.


I will see how it goes as I move along here. I am all for suggestions though so keep em coming. I realize this effect is not for everyone or is a little overdone. Again, this is my first attempt at building and painting an army and actually making progress on. ( I started nids and wolves a couple years ago but that didn't go anywhere and I ended up selling everything.) Here I am again and I am committed to getting into this hobby as I have wanted to for so long but never really had the patience, the resources, or time to dive in the way I wanted to. Now I am about to graduate college, I am engaged, and I am in a much better spot. I don't have much experience painting miniatures to answer that question but I have watched so many tutorials and painting videos, on top of reading various others, on top of contacting some of the best painters and getting tips, to actually know what I am doing... well sort of. As you can see, there are pros and cons here. I am happy about the pros, not so happy about the cons. I really would like to build an army that is breathtaking. As I gain more experience and experiment more, the closer I will come to achieving that.


Anyway, keep the comments rolling guys, your input is valuable and will often shed light on areas I had not thought of. Thanks!

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Ok guys, I gave in and decided to try the white on the shoulderpads and I was surprised by the turnout. I had to airbrush the white on then go back and outline the shoulderpads using the base color and touch up any over spray (I didn't take the time to do masking). I hit it with a badab black wash to tone down the brightness and the results are fairly decent. I think I will stick with this design (white shoulderpads, red robes) for the rest of the army. Now, since the orignal terminators I did do not have any white on them, I can either try and go back and put the white on or just leave them as command squad terminators since their bling matches the Emperor's Champion as well. What do you guys think? How do you think the white turned out? Thanks!




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Nice white - very well done!!


For the glow effect - I am not a fan of it on either miniature and honestly I find yours too intense - for example: He is wearing a red tabard over a black armor and yet all is simply green. It looks more like a nurgle beast spat on him :( Sorry, I am not meaning to be rude but it looks a bit over the top.

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Here is an updated pic of the initiate, to look more like a templar. I wasn't feeling the gold I had originally so I painted over it and I think you can see how it turned out for the better. Now, do I go back and change the terminators? I would leave the gold on the chest eagles (but the terminator crux, and other skulls and bits that are gold would be turned to grey to make them more uniform with the initiates. Looking for thoughts here...




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That is amazing.



I felt like I needed some line breaks for emphasis, is the light coming from the powerfists and the powersword?


yes, both the powersword (in this case the black sword ... which glows green :D ) and the powerfists, and eye lenses. I am sort of rushing these to get the army done so I apologize if there is a lack of detail. The glow is what looks cool and I think my local gaming group will let me get by as is.

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Alright, updated the terminators to fall in line with the initiates and removed most of the gold as I felt it was too out of place. I may return to the gold trim when doing terminator command squads but I want them to be much more extravagant. Anyway, here are the updated terminators...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I have been crazy busy with school and Space Marine (among other things) and was able to get some work in this week. First, I often jump around during painting (ie. paint a couple terminators, then initiates, then a vehicle, maybe some scenery, etc.) to keep it fresh and to avoid getting tired of repetitious painting. Currently, I am working on a Predator in which I plan to use magnets for all the interchangeable options available in the kit. Since I am waiting on the magnets, I decided to do some conversion work...




Since the cockpit area was empty, I wanted to add some details to show off more of the interior. The two hatches located above the cockpit area will not have the hatch covers glued in so I can remove them to show off the interior. I may also magnetize the front cover as well to pull off for a more detailed look as the two hatches above give limited visibility. Anyway, I had a lot of fun making this so far and will continue to add on to it until the magnets arrive in the mail. The controls will also utilize the glow effect and should provide some decent eye candy. I apologize in advance if the glow effect that is used is a bit extreme as some have stated, I am trying to keep the look uniform with an emphasis on the glow.

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*Update: Picked up some smaller checkerboard plasticard today as well as 3 packages (4 sheets each pkg .40" thickness @ 2 feet long x 8 inches wide) of plasticard sheets from the local hobby store ( the sheets are for a scratch built Thuderhawk I plan on building). The small checkerboard pattern works great for buttons and that on the control panels. I added a dash cover, more controls, a control panel next to the seat and I plan on adding a monitor just above the steering column so the driver can see where he is going. I also added control panels near the two doors in the cargo area for a little added detail. Anyway, building with plasticard is really fun once you get the hang of it and I feel like the possibilities are really starting to open up. Anyway, here is the update...




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