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NeoBiggs's Black Templars


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Hey everyone, a few updates since my last post and I will let you guys judge if they are for better or for worse...


I changed the color scheme a little bit mainly out of frustration. I cannot emphasize enough how much I hate painting white. I used an airbrush to do the shoulder pads previously in white which turned out pretty good in terms of a nice even coat. Trying to airbrush white onto the shoulder pads of models which were already assembled is very tedious. I had to do a lot of masking and even then the clean up was very lengthy and was becoming more work than I was willing to put forth. The other factor was the badab black wash I was using to provide depth and an overall dirtier look. I was able to pull off a decent finish with the power fist initiate I had posted pictures of previously, but every model since then was a nightmare to try and get right. I therefore decided to change back to the original scheme of black/red which is far easier to paint than including the white.


Before anyone goes chewing my head off about how these are not "traditional" Templars, I would like to say that I totally agree and therefore will not pass them off as such. Either I will create a name and deem them a successor chapter, or utilizing these colors based on a special crusade (similar to how the Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators painted themselves bone white for the mission they were engaging in).


On a positive note, the initiates now fall in line with the terminators and vehicles which do not have any white on them anyway, making the entire army much more uniform looking. The look is nothing special, again a strong emphasis on the glow. Again, I understand some of you really do not like the glow and all I can really say is that this being my first army, I am just happy to have achieved these results as they are. I wasn't really aiming for anything above tabletop standard as I want to have a painted army in a timely fashion to start playing on a regular basis. On that note, I have bumped up the deadline for completion to the end of January (well 3rd week of January as I have a tournament during that week I plan on attending). I will have all my initiates and terminators done by the end of December while finishing the rest of the vehicles in the month of January.


Well.. here are the updated pics of what I have done so far...


5 man las/plas squad (I currently have a few of these squads but I am only posting one right now since they all look pretty similar)





and here is further progress on the predator tank which still needs more work (lenses, headlights, weathering on the red panels)...





The powerfist initiate also has red shoulder pads as well, and I will post more pictures once I get closer to completion so you can see the army all together. For what I have done now, everything looks pretty cool standing together on the display board (which is also quite badass but I will post images once the army is finished as I want to save some surprises for the end). There is a ton you haven't seen yet (custom built marshal which is magnetized on both arms for weapon swaps, lightning claw and TH/SS terminators, CCW and BP squads, Land Speeders, Land Raider Crusaders and regular Land Raiders, razorbacks/rhinos, and the scratchbuilt warhound titan and thunderhawk gunship I have started out of plasticard.


I think once the army is finished and I go back and work on details, the army will look even better! I share the same viewpoints as many of you who feel there is little in terms of detail. The goal is to add highlights and shading to the various details while using the wash to give the models the darker look they have now, just with more details like edge highlighting, shadows, etc.


Hope you guys like the new look!

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And here are the close combat terminators which will be tearing some xenos a new one shortly :P




There are more terminators but this is essentially the squad layout when I do run them, so a group shot was dedicated just for them.


I only have one more terminator cyclone squad, a magnetized marshal (with multiple arms), and then a couple squads of close combat initiates to paint before I can start on the remaining vehicles (land speeders, land raiders, and razorbacks/rhinos). I cannot wait to see this army in all its glory upon completion, even if the details are half-assed ;)

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Man.. You do have painting talent, but seriously.. You went so overboard with the OSL.. I won't beat you over the head with my opinion on an army that so many like, but just one thing that irks me regardless..


The eyes wouldn't light up the top of the head like that; that's kinda how they were designed, so that their foreheads wouldn't become sniper magnets.

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You guys are correct in your descriptions. The lighting is very over the top, and I guess my thought on it was that when you have something glowing with power, the brightness would be very intense, and therefore it would create an intense glow on the surrounding surfaces. It is also a very amateurish attempt at OSL and I will take the advice on my next army to keep the glow toned down and put more effort into the other details. I am rushing to get this army painted so I can start playing as I have been telling people for some time now that I will start playing and have this army painted in a timely manner. Well rushing the project has its obvious drawbacks.


The glow on the top of the eyes is not correct at all. I just used the airbrush to blast the green onto both eyes and bam, done! Again, rushing the paint job means unrealistic anomalies will be apparent. I have thought about going back when I am finished and touching up those areas above the eyes, but we will see. Being my first army, i am constantly learning and taking notes on what I like and don't like so future projects will be step in the right direction. Everyone's feedback is considered to a great extent as I take pride in my paint jobs and it just kills me that I cannot take more time on these models. I attach the models to their bases after both have been painted so I am unable to start playing until the entire army is painted. I most likely wouldn't of played with the models unpainted anyway even if the bases were attached to begin with as it is something that bothers me. Those of you who can play with unpainted models, more power to you, I am just not one of those people (not saying that in a negative way either, just how I roll).


Thanks for the comments people, keep em comin!

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Really nice and well done the OSL has been mentioned so let’s look at the rest of the models. LOL


The tanks to me seem plane for Templar tanks toss some seals or iconography some more crosses and such. And did you miss the head lights?

As for the guys very clean and crisp can’t wait to see them all.

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Yeah I mentioned above (and in the blog) that the predator is still WIP and what still needs to be done. I plan on adding icons to give it more of the Templar feel, so rest assured those ends are covered! The models are being rushed to get everything painted and finished which is why there isn't much else to look at. For being a rushed job, with minimal effort and an over the top lighting effect, I am merely trying to achieve a tabletop standard. I realize the photography and backdrop give the impression of being passed off as professional work, but this is merely a misconception. I am passionate about painting and displays, and being my first army, have faith that my future efforts will surpass this in every way. I appreciate the praise I have been given, and take note of the criticism received, which will ensure that I come back even stronger on future projects. We all have to start somewhere, this is where I have started!
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despite the fact that the eyes are a bit unrealistic, i like em! it's different from everyone else's and just awesome! :confused: i like the glowing green effect your drybrush brought out. should you maybe have just done the weapons, but hey it's your army and it does look pretty badass man. keep the models coming man!
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