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How to use Sang Guard?


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How do you guys run your sg´s ?


I plan to use 2 of them with dante and priests. One sq will get banner and both will get one pf. However i am not sure if i want both sq to have 2 ip´s or i should get the other sq 2pp´s ?Or even more of pp´s ?


On the other hand should i get ip to a priest as well? (dantes sq)

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Dante's squad should have the banner, pf and two ip. A lot of people will say don't take the pf but it has helped me win many a game... sometimes like versus parking lot armies you can multi charge tanks and the fist really has a big impact.


I also attach a priest and chaplain to the unit. They can really dish out the pain.


G <_<

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i ran mine for the first time last week(or was it the week before) any way they were stunnning to say the least. they chewed through 2 large chaos spacemarine squads, a couple of obilts and termys, only died as they tried to kill a landreaider and kept missing with their fist whilst getting slowly lascannoned to death. anyway i ran mine with a fist and banner. and i had a libarian in the unit with sheild and unleash rage. i didnt intend to keep the libarian in the unit but the extra attack they granted him and him making it easier for me to roll their dice as i could roll them all at once rather than rolling each powerweapon seperately to hit... and the 5+ cover save is a great benifit at they enemy will plas and melta them. and regardless of what anyone says you cant always stay in cover. i ran them behind my assault squads to benifit from a save from them and feel no pain from their priest whilst giving them when exposed a cover save... worked well.(didnt fail a 5+ cover save.... :cuss )
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If your Libby had Sanguine Sword you would have shredded that LR. :devil:


G :HQ:


I've had fun with that combo.


Personally, I like SG to stay cheap. No fists. 5 Guys, the banner, perhaps an infernus pistol. Hits really hard on the charge.

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What about Death Masks?


I used mine first time last week, supporting a JP Librarian, but was quite disappointed. The Honour Guard have more choices, and include the Priest, and the Vanguard have the really strong advantage of Heroic intervention (unless someone like the librarian joins them) and they can still end up within range of an unattached priest.

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What about Death Masks?


I used mine first time last week, supporting a JP Librarian, but was quite disappointed. The Honour Guard have more choices, and include the Priest, and the Vanguard have the really strong advantage of Heroic intervention (unless someone like the librarian joins them) and they can still end up within range of an unattached priest.


Seriously worth looking at the link I posted to Snorri's analysis.


It depends on what you want them for: mobile fire support = Honour Guard; mobile anti-elite infantry close-combat = Sanguinary Guard; tying up enemies' backfield fire support = Vanguard Veterans.


I don't recommend Death Masks. They rarely do anything, to be honest. Not worth the points in my opinion.


Used properly, though, Sanguinary Guard are a devastating assault force.

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masks are to me not worth it. the price they cost for the very lim chance that theyll work simply aint worth it to me. and comparing them to the likes of vangurd and hounour guard is hard as though smilar they are still different. for one the hounour guard has an inbuilt priest whos stuck with normal weapons. and their upgrades cost too. the damae out put ends up being similar, and the sanguard likely end up doing slightly better when in range of a priest as they all have powerweapons, artificar armour and ok guns. vanguard are different again as they drop in to tie up/kill something of importance. its like comparing apples and oranges. sure its all fruit and does you a similar job but the taste is quite different...
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Dante's squad should have the banner, pf and two ip. A lot of people will say don't take the pf but it has helped me win many a game... sometimes like versus parking lot armies you can multi charge tanks and the fist really has a big impact.


I also attach a priest and chaplain to the unit. They can really dish out the pain.


G ;)


I wouldn't run Dante with Sanguinary Guard as they don't really benefit from Dante's accurate deep strike - they have nothing bar a couple of Infernus Pistols to offer on the drop. Better by far would be to put Dante with a squad of Honour Guard and 4xMeltaguns.


I think Sanguinary Guard can be ok, but probably best used as troops in a Dante list rather than as an elites choice in a ASM list. SG don't really qualify as an elite cc unit as they'll fall over to the exact same things as ASM do.

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What about Death Masks?


I used mine first time last week, supporting a JP Librarian, but was quite disappointed. The Honour Guard have more choices, and include the Priest, and the Vanguard have the really strong advantage of Heroic intervention (unless someone like the librarian joins them) and they can still end up within range of an unattached priest.


Dante already has a death mask, there is no need to purchase more ;)

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Dante's squad should have the banner, pf and two ip. A lot of people will say don't take the pf but it has helped me win many a game... sometimes like versus parking lot armies you can multi charge tanks and the fist really has a big impact.


I also attach a priest and chaplain to the unit. They can really dish out the pain.


G :)


I wouldn't run Dante with Sanguinary Guard as they don't really benefit from Dante's accurate deep strike - they have nothing bar a couple of Infernus Pistols to offer on the drop. Better by far would be to put Dante with a squad of Honour Guard and 4xMeltaguns.


I think Sanguinary Guard can be ok, but probably best used as troops in a Dante list rather than as an elites choice in a ASM list. SG don't really qualify as an elite cc unit as they'll fall over to the exact same things as ASM do.


I disagree with this entirely. The accurate deep-strike is better for the Sanguinary Guard as you can put them within guaranteed melta range, even with their extremely small-ranged infernus pistols. A couple of infernus pistols plus Dante's infernus pistol is all you need to reliably take out most any armour in the game, with accurate placement. The Honour Guard have the larger range on their meltaguns, which means they don't need the accurate placement quite so much.


Sanguinary Guard don't quite fall over to the same things as Assault Squads do - they have a moderately better armour save. And as you should be running any unit in your jump infantry list with the backing of a Sanguinary Priest, the Sanguinary Guard are more survivable than Honour Guard, too. The main strength of Sanguinary Guard, though, is the ability for the unit to pump out twenty power weapon attacks with five rerolls. That's where the secret of their survivability comes from - they kill stuff well before it gets to hit them back. Particularly against Space Marines or other high-armour opponents, the power weapons make all the difference in the world. Against a regular squad of Space Marines, five Sanguinary Guard with the chapter banner will kill over eight of them. Add the mandatory Sanguinary Priest (which I always run with a power weapon) and Dante, and you have a unit which will obliterate almost any opponent up to and including nearly any elite infantry in the game.


The only unit we have which is definitively more survivable than Assault Squads by your reckoning is Terminator Assault Squads - and they're not exactly viable in a jump infantry list. (Unless you're planning on running Honour Guard with stormshields, which seems a massive points-sick to me.)

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Add a Librarian with jump pack and two infernus pistols to your Sanguinary Guard and you pretty much have my main unit in my jump infantry army.


I've been tempted to add a JP libby before, but this makes an already super-expensive unit (560 pts) border on the ridiculous.


As for the IP, I prefer to keep the Angelus boltguns as they are pretty useful for pre-charge shooting, and I feel that 2 melta weapons (one which is BS 5) is a pretty good number for a unit of that size.

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Add a Librarian with jump pack and two infernus pistols to your Sanguinary Guard and you pretty much have my main unit in my jump infantry army.


I've been tempted to add a JP libby before, but this makes an already super-expensive unit (560 pts) border on the ridiculous.


As for the IP, I prefer to keep the Angelus boltguns as they are pretty useful for pre-charge shooting, and I feel that 2 melta weapons (one which is BS 5) is a pretty good number for a unit of that size.


If memory serves, statistically three meltaguns are required to destroy an AV10 vehicle, though I can't be bothered doing the numbers at the moment to confirm that.


And yes, the Librarian increases the cost of the unit, but in fairness, if your unit is already almost 600 points you're only adding another... what? 20%? Something like that. And the benefit you get, particularly on the turn you arrive from deep strike, is immense. One extra model with multiple wounds plus a 5+ cover save can save your unit some serious pain against eg. plasma weapons. It also gives you significant extra anti-tank, as you can take either blood lance or sword of sanguinius on the Librarian to help open those nasty AV targets.


I generally play a 2,000 point game, so I still have plenty of nasties left over in my army - several Assault Squads, Honour Guard and Sanguinary Guard to run amok among the enemy.

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If memory serves, statistically three meltaguns are required to destroy an AV10 vehicle, though I can't be bothered doing the numbers at the moment to confirm that.


Yes, that is correct, but in this case, I think 2 meltas is fine as the point of the the unit is to shred infantry, not vehicles


And yes, the Librarian increases the cost of the unit, but in fairness, if your unit is already almost 600 points you're only adding another... what? 20%? Something like that.



20% increase is pretty significant. And it's 125 pts I can't spend on something else, like another 5-man missile dev squad or 5-man ASM.


And the benefit you get, particularly on the turn you arrive from deep strike, is immense. One extra model with multiple wounds plus a 5+ cover save can save your unit some serious pain against eg. plasma weapons.



On the drop, it should not be a problem to get cover. Over later turns, maybe, but even if you have SoS, you're still only saving 1 in 3 Guard.


It also gives you significant extra anti-tank, as you can take either blood lance or sword of sanguinius on the Librarian to help open those nasty AV targets.



That was the main reason I considered it (Sang Sword), but I still came to the conclusion that I'd rather spend those points elsewhere.

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