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Considering Re painting my loyalist Marines


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Greetings Brothers.

First of all, I know they are my minis and my army so yeah I can do what I want but id like some opinions and feedback.


Right now I have my Loyalist Marines painted as Salamanders. not 100% painted ( i think most of us are there right?). And to be honest a lot of them are not even 50%. My vehicles are done but my squads arent even close.


So with that in mind, it makes the decision to repaint them not super difficult. Just some Simple Green, a soft tooth brush and I have clean models again (in theory)


What spured this on was a picture of a Land raider that i saw in another post talking about nose art. The painter has some Rennesance style freehand painting done to the LR and I liked it. This got me to thinking about my other Hobby which is the Society for Creative Anachrosim (or SCA). Its a Historical re enactment group. They focus on 1000-1550 AD. And within that hobby, i learned to paint scrolls like they did back then. Im not super but im not bad either. So i was thinking of creating a chapter thats main color is an off white sort of like partchment. This would let me do some great work on the vehicles and the bigger surfaces of the Brother Marines. I am also a Freemason and am thinking of incorporating that somehow in the idea but not sure yet.


What im having problems with is two fold. First, should I really strip them down and start again. Second, is if I do strip them down, should I keep them as Codex Marines or should I switch to a Black Templar, Dark Angel, Blood Angels or Grey knights codex army. I discounted Space Wolves because even though I like them, the paint theme didnt really strike me as "wolfy". Oh and I guess there is a third problem, I really dont know the strength of those other codex's.


So while I dont really want this thread to be a "my army is cooler than your army" argument, what are your opinions on how I should proceed.

I really like the idea of the off-white color scheme and scroll art. I think that would be a very unique and beautiful Chapter. As for Freemason iconography, I think that could be hit or miss. You could incorperate the colors blue, black, and red depending on what house they belong to. Their Chapter name could hint at as well something about the being "travelers" or something.

As far as Codex choice, I would go with whatever combat style you invision your chapter to favor. Don't be fooled by the fact that the "Templars" were masons either :)

I switched from BA to IF a few years ago. At that point I only had two squads and a couple of bikes painted, but I really think you should go with your inspiration and not keep collecting an army just becasue it´s already painted. Maybe you can try out your new colors on an unpainted squad and then decide? So if it doesn´t work out you haven´t ruined your salamnders for nothing...

I've repainted my Marines (foolishly also deciding to repaint my Guard at the same time...) and it was well worth the effort. For me it was mostly a revision of the paint scheme and incorporating better techniques and such but I'm really glad I did it as I'm much happier with them now. That said, perhaps easy to say now I've mostly finished!


If you're like me and only play with painted/uniform models then your Marines will be out of action for a while so hopefully you have another army to entertain yourself with. The trick is to plan your repaint carefully so you're sure it's exactly what you want. I painted a model from scratch to be sure. Once you've decided paint your favourite/most used models first so you can get them back on the table sooner.


Last but not least I think you should stick to C:SM as well as you don't seem to have voiced any issues with vanilla or desires to play differently ;)

Thanks so far with the comments and feedback.


I guess my main problem is that I really dont know the special ruels with the non IA marines. What is it about the Black Templars that make them different? Same question for Dark Angels. I sort of know the deal with Blood Angels but not 100%. So what rules do these other guys have or what units make them who they are? Not asking for a copy paste of the rules, just a feel for the army and its stuff. Hope I am making sense.


Im doing some internet on them but i dont have the codexs on hand like im sure many of you do.

The DA have the deathwing and ravenwing. The deathwing are considered by many to be the best terminator troops in the game, given that they can mix-n-match assault with basic, and if you take Belial, will count as troops. Ravenwing are all bikes and speeders, also available as troops if you take Samiel. They make a heck of a combination if you want to theme your army that well. The basic troop choices are over priced based on the new c:sm, so I've heard a lot of people play their "Greenwing" using that codex. The BT are pretty outdated as far as the new codex issues out, and I don't know much about it. The SW have excellent troop choices, but their style doesn't seem to be what you're looking for. Your best bet would be to stick with the Vanilla dex in my opinion, as it would give you the most options.

@Gaeus Marius and Jsmarriner , Black Templars are renowned for the crusader squads (mix scouts and full battle brothers in same squad - sort of like a knight and their squire, training them on the field so to speak), their righteous zeal (advance towards the enemy if they PASS their Ld tests) and the first to introduce Land Raider Crusaders. They draw their influences from crusading knights from various eras, which is also why their robes are smaller than the Dark Angels who are more monastic. hope that helps ;)


i think from the way you've described your force and the way the codex's are atm, its wise to stick with C:SM for the sheer variety, although in my opinion either C:DA or C:BT would be viable options too, just my £00.02p

Well I am getting told that there arnt any Black Templar successor armys. And I really like the paint scheme i have in my head, which isnt black.


I dont want to make a Deathwatch or Ravenwing army so DA is pretty much out.


I dont wanna jump on the Grey knights bandwagon.


I guess I could check out Blood angels. There are a lot of Angels in Renessance paintings I could use as refferences.


Sigh, back to the drawing board.

Well I am getting told that there arnt any Black Templar successor armys. And I really like the paint scheme i have in my head, which isnt black.


I dont want to make a Deathwatch or Ravenwing army so DA is pretty much out.


I dont wanna jump on the Grey knights bandwagon.


I guess I could check out Blood angels. There are a lot of Angels in Renessance paintings I could use as refferences.


Sigh, back to the drawing board.


It sounds like despite stating that you know the rule, you're forgetting that the paint scheme of your army does not have to match the paint scheme of your codex. I could see the BT's having each crusade take on different chapter names in certain situations ("Wait, how are there 1200 of you here?" ...."Oh those 500 guys? They're not with us, they're the Really Dark Grey Templars. Totally not the same as us......Have you seen the back of this shed??"). Same thing with BA's. They don't have to be vampires. I would recommend separating what paint scheme/fluff you want from what rules you want to use unless you're set on making a successor from the Codex chapter for fluff reasons, in which case based on your description BT or DA sound like the most likely candidates to exhibit the behavior you want.

This is what I plan on going with as far as the colors go. I might use different colors on either the knee or helm to designate squads and vets and such.

I printed this out and did some pen and ink on the legs to see if it would look right if i put prayers and such on the larger pieces. It looks pretty good actually. The best stuff will be the vehicles which will be done up with murals. I had thought to give the vehicles a crackle effect but i am not sure i can pull it off and make it look good.

I am still leaning to Black Templars but I read somewhere that Blood Angels are very artistic so that might fit the army better. Still doing research.


That scheme looks more BA-like than any other chapter you are considering.


Thats actually the way I deceded to go. I got a copy of the codex and liked the amount of jump pack units and I like that style of play, fast and close combat. I mean they basically have flying terminators and flying dreadnoughts (dread libraian). Hopefully I can put a good list together and wont lose to often.


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