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Brad Powers' Penitent Crusdade

Bradley Powers

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Hello everybody,


This is bradpowers, and I'm a blood angels fanatic. I started playing BA when I was 12, took a long hiatus for high school, and now I'm back in the game. I signed up for the Librarium Painting Challenge, but was unable to complete due to an long time struggle with the side effects of brain cancer which took up all of my spare time. When I signed up for the LPC, I vowed on the honor of the sacred Blood Angels Chapter, and failed. In order to restore my personal honor, and that of the chapter, I have decided to embark on a penitent painting crusade.


I have been working on a 2500 point army, which is now fully assembled. I'm now working on getting everything painted. For my penitent crusade, I vow on my honor and that of the Blood Angels chapter to finish assembling and painting to at least tabletop standard my 2500 point Blood Angels army by November 4th (barring any unforseen circumstances). This includes:




2 Furioso Dreadnoughts


2 Sanguinary Priests


~30 Assault Marines


10 Death Company




1 Death Company Dreadnought


3 Stormravens


I will post updates detailing the progress, and possibly a tutorial or something on how I did what I did (I'm planning on doing some cool airbrush stuff). Lastly, I will be fulfilling my commitment to the Librarium as penitence for my failure as vowed for the LPC. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.



Bradley Powers

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Today, I worked on my DC Dreadnought and DC Stormraven. The Stormraven is more or less done at this point (I think I'm going to paint the bloodstrike missiles...). Here's a WIP for the Stormraven:




It was painted mostly using an airbrush, with small things like lights and line highlights done with a brush. Comments and Questions are appreciated!

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Well, my gaming group and I have decided (or very nearly so) to attend the "Battle At Blob's Park" tournament in Maryland (we live in Philadelphia). Because of this, my painting deadline has been pushed up to September 24th (yikes!) and my painting load has changed to reflect what I'm taking in my 2000 point list. The list looks like this:




2 Priests with JP and PW


Furioso Dreadnought


10 DC with Lemartes


DC Dreadnought


20 Assault Marines


2 Stormravens


And something costing 70 points, either upgrades or a melta speeder.


In any case, 1 stormraven is done, as is Lemartes. All of the assault marines, the priests, and the Furioso dreadnought are basecoated, and have zenithal highlights. The DC Dreadnought is over 50% complete. The Death Company are primed, and the second stormraven (Mephiston's ride) is 90% assembled. I might need to make a chart of some sort.


I'll put up pictures of Lemartes tomorrow or Friday.

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The Bolter & Chainsword is dedicated to the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Inquisition forces of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This means the website is strictly Power Armor only (with a few exceptions for the =][=, Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemons and the News forum).


Questions and posts dealing with NON POWER ARMOR armies can be made at many of the army specific or general 40k sites that one can find in our LINKS area.


With the exception of the news forum discussing upcoming releases, and rules questions in the Offiical Rules Forum, topics/posts about armies other than Marines, Chaos Marines, Demons, Sisters, Grey Knights are removed.

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Do mods? I don't feel I've been treated unfairly, I just would rather share my work in a setting that supports it whether it wears power armor or not, and acts reasonably when a transgression has occurred, instead of deleting things immediately. I'm not upset with you JamesI, just frustrated at the way you handled this.
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Do mods? I don't feel I've been treated unfairly, I just would rather share my work in a setting that supports it whether it wears power armor or not, and acts reasonably when a transgression has occurred, instead of deleting things immediately. I'm not upset with you JamesI, just frustrated at the way you handled this.


Bradley Powers, sorry you feel this way matey. But here is a link to the forum rules:




and a quote from it

"Post which break these restrictions may be deleted without notice."


JamesI handled it perfectly within his right - and more so in accordance to the rules.


We totally welcome your work and all your contributions to the BA forum but BnC is, at the end of the day, a PA forum and the mods are there to make sure the rules are adhered to.



Sorry if you feel hard done by, but don't sweat it too much - the deletion is not an indication or judgement of your actions, its merely us following what has been laid out for us to do.


Any other queries regarding this matter can be forwarded to Kurgan the Lurker or Brother Tyler.

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