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Representing chaos marine specialists?


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I intend to convert a few specialists for my big WIP chaos army.


So how would one go about representing chaos space marine specialists like Techmarines and Apothecaries?

(I think a chaplain is straight forward enough since I'm not going for a point-for-point exact representation here)


The obvious option for a techmarine is of course an obliterator, either as a "counts as" or literally, since a fair few are

obliterators now. I intend to have one of these as a "counts as" with the reasoning that he is ridiculously well armed, but

cannot operate/power all the firepower at the same time. His lower body will be a tracked "mini tank" sort of deal that all

the stuff will be mounted on.


I've also considered representing a techmarine as a sorcerer. The risks of magic would represent his dabbling with

unstable/daemonic technology.


There's also the extreme option of a techmarine turning himself into a real monster and counting as a daemon prince, I



I can't really think of anything for the Apothecary characters, unless they're either just normal marines/champs (who collect gene-seed from dead) or have abandoned their healing duties for darker interests. So for example an apothecary turned

into a selfexperimenting geneticist (like Bile) and so gaining additional abilities. I see no way to represent the "healer"



So, any more ideas? Opinions?

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For the apothecary, I could see using some of the possessed arm bits. Explain that he no longer needs to use the Narthecium as he instead can repair wounds and harvest gene seed with his newly mutated limb. Maybe throw in an element of psychic surgery with it, having the limb phase through armor to get to the meat below.
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For the apothecary, I could see using some of the possessed arm bits. Explain that he no longer needs to use the Narthecium as he instead can repair wounds and harvest gene seed with his newly mutated limb. Maybe throw in an element of psychic surgery with it, having the limb phase through armor to get to the meat below.


That's the spirit. The mutated limb idea is great. The phasing idea could also be sort of creepy.



Or you can field an Apothecary as a marine with the Icon of Nurgle. +1 T is almost like feel no pain.


I made my own count-as Obliterators, who are supposed to look like Techmarines.


Got some pics here.


That's magnificent! As is the rest of the army. Great stuff. I like it when people put some effort into

modelling their army and you've put a lot of work into yours. :P

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