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Couple of questions


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Im sure ive read something somewhere that if you blow up a transport that has moved flat out everything inside is either dead or takes a big hit but I cant seem to find it now.


Also in the table quarters deployment scenario do reserves have to come in within your table quarter or can they come in from anywhere on your table edge??

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If the transport moves Flat Out and suffers an Immobilized result from Dangerous Terrain in that same round, your marines are in a heap of trouble. Without my book in hand, I can't remember if they get an Emergency Disembark or not...but I seem to recall not. The real point here is that the trouble only arises if they are Immobilized in the Player Turn in which the transport moved.


If the transport moves Flat Out in your turn and gets Immobilized in the following player's turn (i.e. he nukes it), your guys either pile out of the access points, Emergancy Disembark, or gather up in the crater it leaves behind.


EDIT: Clarification.

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It's through a combination of rules that this happens, not any one in particular (these are all in the transports and Fast Vehicle/Skimmer section):


- When a vehicle moves Flat Out, no passengers may embark or disembark that player turn, thus:

- If a vehicle moves Flat Out and Immobilizes itself on terrain, it crashes and is destroyed. All passengers are likewise destroyed.

- If a vehicle moves Flat Out, and on your opponent's turn he Immobilizes it, it crashes and is destroyed. All passengers are allowed to disembark as normal, as the restriction in my first bullet point does not apply.




As for your second question:


- Reserves come on from your table edge.

- Your table edge is the entire long board edge that's closest to you.

- Ergo, your reserves may arrive anywhere along the long board edge.

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its in the BRB FAQ p6


"Q: If a transport vehicle is destroyed in the same turn as

it moved flat out what happens to any embarked

models? (p70)

A: They are removed as casualties."


I believe they were refering to the FAQ that detailed this a bit more if I am not mistaken. Since the BRB says same turn, not defining the word turn and the FAQ stated same PLAYER turn.

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its in the BRB FAQ p6


"Q: If a transport vehicle is destroyed in the same turn as

it moved flat out what happens to any embarked

models? (p70)

A: They are removed as casualties."


I believe they were refering to the FAQ that detailed this a bit more if I am not mistaken. Since the BRB says same turn, not defining the word turn and the FAQ stated same PLAYER turn.

"Whenever a rule uses the word 'turn', both in this rule book and in the Codexes, it means 'player turn', otherwise it will clearly state 'game turn'." BRB page 9

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Cut and dry. :lol: There aren't a lot of ways for this to happen to you: really the most 'common' one would be for you to have an epic turn for the worse when attempting to ram someone with your Flat Out moving transport and still have models embarked. Perhaps even more 'common' would be when you Flat Out Tank Shock! a unit and it gets wasted from a Death or Glory attack.
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