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The GK Demonbane Ability versus Eternal Warrior.


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The demonbane ability (and numerous others in the GK codex) use the words "remove as a caualty" rather than "instant death".


Are people playing "remove as casualty" effects as though they bypass EW.


Or, since EW blocks "instant death effects," it would thus would block daemonbane as well.

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I'd agree. EW only works against weapons with a x2+ strength attack over defenders tougness. The Daemonbane is essentially a special form of 'instant death' caused by the failing of a LD test on unsaved wounds -- it doesn't cause death in a way EW can counter.


The only situation where trickiness might ensue is with a GK Dread's Nemesis Doomfist (strength 10): if a multi-wound model has an unsaved wound from being bashed by one, it would stay on the table by dint of EW if it has it, but would still be subject to Daemonbane as it still has the unsaved wound. If it fails the Daemonbane LD test it will then be removed.

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I'd agree. EW only works against weapons with a x2+ strength attack over defenders tougness. The Daemonbane is essentially a special form of 'instant death' caused by the failing of a LD test on unsaved wounds -- it doesn't cause death in a way EW can counter.


The only situation where trickiness might ensue is with a GK Dread's Nemesis Doomfist (strength 10): if a multi-wound model has an unsaved wound from being bashed by one, it would stay on the table by dint of EW if it has it, but would still be subject to Daemonbane as it still has the unsaved wound. If it fails the Daemonbane LD test it will then be removed.


almost, but there is more causes of instant death than just x2+ strength. Instant death is a special rule, and is caused by many things, such as force weapons, bone swords, malanthropes, Cato Sicarous's special attack, etc. EW works against all of those. That said unless a rule (such as deamonbane) specificly says it cuases instant death, then it does not, it is simply a comprable effect, and EW will not work against it.

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Indeed, the daemons bane special rule was most likely brought in to counter the fact that all daemons from codex: daemons have eternal warrior, and thus are immune to the instant death causing effect of force weapons (which, sorta makes sense).
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almost, but there is more causes of instant death than just x2+ strength. Instant death is a special rule, and is caused by many things, such as force weapons, bone swords, malanthropes, Cato Sicarous's special attack, etc.


:D hmm yes thanks for bring to light the lack of fullness in my answer :). I seem to have forgotten a lot of stuff over the summer. Lack of practice. Luckily it didn't effect Daemonbane v Eternal Warrior :sweat:


nurglez makes a good point on Daemonbane circumventing Daemons' EW -- which would make Nemesis weapons pretty lame in their primery role otherwise.




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Theres a couple others out there- at the very least Eldar Direswords also circumvent eternal warrior, and I agree with thade- this was a fairly elegant solution to force weapons, though it doesnt help other force weapons out there sadly.
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A little more meta than needed perhaps, but I feel that the psilencer is in this same vein: a subtle boost against Demon armies (in that your Psycannons aren't going to ever Rend against invuln saving Demons, but a larger bucket of dice wounding on 2+ is even better). Allowing FW for a small model count army to work (even somewhat) against demons isn't that big of a deal, and it all helps with the old feeling that GK are an anti-demon army.
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To expand on thade's point I think it also gives Daemons that feel of resiliency that monsters from beyond the pale should have and makes you understand that when there's something strange and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call? Grey Knights!


Umm :) -- anyway I think "The Grey Knights" would've scanned better :)

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To expand on thade's point I think it also gives Daemons that feel of resiliency that monsters from beyond the pale should have and makes you understand that when there's something strange and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call? Grey Knights!


Umm -_- -- anyway I think "The Grey Knights" would've scanned better ;)

Yes, definitely could've used the third syllable there to stick to the song's rhythm. <3

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To expand on thade's point I think it also gives Daemons that feel of resiliency that monsters from beyond the pale should have and makes you understand that when there's something strange and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call? Grey Knights!


Umm :P -- anyway I think "The Grey Knights" would've scanned better :P

Yes, definitely could've used the third syllable there to stick to the song's rhythm. <3


Definitely one of those times I should've said part of my post out loud before hitting submit... :D

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