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And They Shall Know No Fear

Red Pax

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I wanted to know if this rule is as good as I think it is. Today I played a game where I had a squad of marines fail their moral check, fell back and then regrouped because of the know no fear rule. The rule states, "Usually troops that regroup cannot move normally and always count as moving whether they do or not, but these restrictions do not apply to models subject to this special rule." On my turn I went ahead and fired all weapons in the squad including a missile launcher. Was I allowed to do this? If so does that mean that with the combat tactics rule, you can elect to fail your moral check, fall back, regroup and fire heavy weapons in your next shooting phase?
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Absolutely. ATSKNF is a fantastically great rule, especially with Combat Tactics.. Not only can you fire the heavy weapons but you can fire the heavy weapons after moving the 3" allowed by regrouping. Alternatively, you could move 3" for regrouping and then 6" for normal movement for a total of up to 9" in the movement phase after regrouping.
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Perfectly legit, but do remember that had an enemy been within 6" you wouldn't have been able to do this, instead you would have kept running and when falling back regardless of ATSKNF you count as moving. But I dare say you knew this already :sweat:.
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