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BtW's Word Bearers wip


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Hi all! Thanks to some inspiration and wonderful advice that I have found here at B&C I have decided to post up some pics of my 34th Host of the Word Bearers....

I hope you enjoy them. Any c+c is welcome and appreciated...

1st up, one half of the 13th Coterie led by aspiring champion Sabtec...


13th Coterie icon bearer and 2 of the 4 remaining csms....


Aspiring Champion Sabtec of the 13th Coterie with his "power sabre" (yeah I know it looks more like a scimitar,may change it in the future)...


More to follow....


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First Acolyte Ashkanez WIP. Still waiting on getting one of the hooded Dark Angel heads to greenstuff a long braided beard onto....but he's coming along


17th Coterie Skull Champion Khalaxis...


Another pic of Khalaxis...not 100% happy with the green stuff dreadlocks but what are you gonna do....


My Possessed squad led by Burias-Drakshal. I am still mulling through ideas for his Icon/banner...


I am planning on having multiple and varied squads of lesser summoned daemons. So far I only have some Bloodletters of Khorne...


Another 5 Bloodletters of Khorne...


Any thoughts or ideas on how to do the bases?!? I could use some good suggestions...


I just picked up another 10 man csm squad to be my "11th Coterie" led by First Acolyte Ashkanez....(btw the hammer/power maul he is modeled with is going to be a "counts as" power fist). I also picked up one of the Blood Angel Dreadnaughts to kitbash for my "Warmonger", as well as the first of 2 Chaos Landraiders, and the first of 4 Chaos Rhinos.


Eventually I plan on adding a pair of defilers, a couple pairs of oblits including kitbashing one that will be used as Dariok-Grendahl (sp?), another csm squad and possibly a few Havocs and another dreadnaught just to round out my force and give some varied options when I play.


As to the models, I am stumped on what to do for their bases...I am thinking of doing some stone tiles made from plastic card and painting them to look like grey stone flooring with a brown colour around the edges and around the base edges, but I am open to suggestions. So if you have any please feel free to share them wiht me.


Again, thank you all for the wonderful inspiration and motivation you have given to me. I'll continue to add to this as I get more finished. Thanks!



An impressive work i think. A lot of pretty conversions and interesting ideas. And perhaps most important - seeing this army i do feel the breath of Chaos :) And it's quite obvious you do like Anthony Reynolds and his Dark Host of the WB Legion and that's great! Chaos rewards mostly those who likes his army :)


And i have some questions if you don't mind.


1 - aspiring champion Sabtec. Is his head and sabre from FB? Or maybe sabre is from the Noise Marines box? And why does he have so horrible face? I do dislike that fact that many people make horrible faces for their CSM, it isn't necessary and often! :D

2 - First Acolyte. As i can see he is made of Dark Angel veteran, loyalist thunder hammer and possessed backpack? Quite pretty. And i'd like to suggest him a helmet rather than an open face, for example hooded helmet from the DA veterans or maybe some helmets from Space Wolves pack box like the wolf one or the Corvus pattern, they're amazing! :)

And as for some other suggestions:


1 - Icon/banner for Burias. If Icon so it's quite logical to give him the same IoCG. Or if banner... A one suitable can be found within the Loyalist Captain box.

2 - as for bases. I think it's possible to use different terrain for them. For example, one squad is used with show, another with lava and so on. It will also help to differentiate between different squads.


Smth like that :)


P.S. And remember - DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! ;)

An impressive work i think. A lot of pretty conversions and interesting ideas. And perhaps most important - seeing this army i do feel the breath of Chaos B) And it's quite obvious you do like Anthony Reynolds and his Dark Host of the WB Legion and that's great! Chaos rewards mostly those who likes his army :(


And i have some questions if you don't mind.


1 - aspiring champion Sabtec. Is his head and sabre from FB? Or maybe sabre is from the Noise Marines box? And why does he have so horrible face? I do dislike that fact that many people make horrible faces for their CSM, it isn't necessary and often! :D

2 - First Acolyte. As i can see he is made of Dark Angel veteran, loyalist thunder hammer and possessed backpack? Quite pretty. And i'd like to suggest him a helmet rather than an open face, for example hooded helmet from the DA veterans or maybe some helmets from Space Wolves pack box like the wolf one or the Corvus pattern, they're amazing! :)

And as for some other suggestions:


1 - Icon/banner for Burias. If Icon so it's quite logical to give him the same IoCG. Or if banner... A one suitable can be found within the Loyalist Captain box.

2 - as for bases. I think it's possible to use different terrain for them. For example, one squad is used with show, another with lava and so on. It will also help to differentiate between different squads.


Smth like that :)





Let's see if I can answer the questions ;)


1) Head is from FB...Sabre is a a kitbash using a csm power sword and a berserker scimitar scabbard bit.I would have loved to have had Lucius's blade available to use but... The reason I used the head with the demonic horn mutation is that Sabtec is decribed that way in the second book, I believe. I'll have to find the exact passage that describes him.


2) I have actually been thinking about using a closed helmet on him as my attempts with greenstuff are leaving me a bit frustrated, hehe..Hammer was actually pieced together from varied bits including a chaos warrior hammer head bit....IIRC Ashkanez is described wearing robes over his PA, and wielding a power maul, which I took to be an oversized hammer, kinda a chaos version of a TH....might go back and check the book to see if there is an actual description on it....


I have a banner/icon in the works for Burias....It's using one the chaos marauder banners for it and I am just trying to find a method of putting the Latros Sacrum on it that I am happy with, but he will definately have one. As for bases, it sounds like our thinking has been kinda of along the same lines. I am looking at using a lava-ish set for my summoned daemons, and different ones for the diff types of squads as you suggested. Perhaps an urban type for the csm, and there is one that I saw that actually had some corpses on/in it for my possessed, zerks or termies, it looked pretty cool.


I have most of the kitbash done on my "Warmonger" dreadnought. I used the Blood Angels Furioso kit as the basis for it. I'll try to get some pics of it tomorrow and get them posted asap. I am also gonna retake the pics of Khalaxis as it is way to hard to see him as they are now.


@ Tinysam The head on the DA is from the chaos warriors kit I believe. I picked it up via ebay. PM me and I'll tell ya exactly who I got it from, as I am not sure if it's ok to post it up in the forums here or not....


@ RocknChaos That is one sweet Land Raider you've got there....I actually just got my first one, as well as the first of my rhino's the other day as well...just working on cleaning up the mold lines on them before I start basecoating them and what not...


Again all thanks for the comments, criticisms, suggestions and inspiration ;)


More to come soon!



Wow some nice WBs right here. I love the Chaos Warriors head you used on the Aspiring Champion. I used it on my Dark Apostle :P


Your Dark Apostle is something really special. I can't wait to see some paint on him...




Kizzdougs, it was seeing some of your work here on B&C that really inspired me, so I take that as a compliment indeed! Thank you!


Without the work that you, CavPathfinder, TDA, and so many others have done and shared here at B&C, novices like me would have nothing to strive toward and be motivated by.


As I have said before, I only hope that I can do him justice, between my meager painting skills and my neuropathy that I have to deal with, hehe. I was just looking at your thread today and thinking, I gotta go back and work the highlights on my CSM's to try and get them to look decent enough to even be seen anywhere near yours.



@Dark ApostleThirst: Thank you, I am hoping I can do them some justice.....



Thank you again!



I have always loved the word bearers. Very cool minis you have. Will we see a lorgar conversion!!!



Hmm...now that'd be an interesting way to do a Daemon Prince...hehe


But I suppose I should know better than to commit to something like that at 3 in the morning, hehe (at least that's the time where I am)...


I have also been mulling around ideas on how to do Kor Phaeron and Erebus, so adding a Lorgar to the mix should be fun....Just don't think I'll be able to get rolling on that one til early next spring I'd bet, as after I finish a bit more of my Word Bearers I promised my son I'd finish getting his Black Templars finished up for him...



Yup, I have found that bits from the FB Chaos kits work quite nicely when kit bashing. Same with some of the Vampire Counts bits from what I have seen. Going to take a page from CavPathfinder when I do my LR's and Rhino's and have a few crucified Ultra-smurfs on my vehicles I'm thinking...


Thanks Grim. I basecoat them black, then do a second coat of watered down fortress grey, followed by a couple of coats of watered down red gore. Then I use boltgun metal for the metal bits.a dn then I wash the red with baal red, the metal with badab black, the horn bits and cloth get gryphonne sepia, then I hit the whole model with a liberal coat of devlan mud, then lastly I go back and rehit the red areas with an final coat of the baal red wash. I have watered down my washes as well....


I am thinking of trying a test model with just using a grey primer as a basecoat instead of black to see if the colours look the same at the end stage. Anything that cuts down on the time is a good thing.


@Master of Fact: My son just turned nine recently, and I have let him paint the odd mini or two. Getting him to stay with the colour scheme is the hard part though. I had him paint a Cadian guardsman once, told him to paint it to match the ones I had already done which were Catachan green and black. What I got back was a guardsman that looked like it had been hit with either a bio-plasma blast from a Carnifex, or a ball of warp fire from a Tzeentchian sorc...I must say it was creative, hehe


@ RocknChaos: Nice conversions there, I have been only buying bits from the chaos warriors and chaos marauders up to this point...think I might actually just order a box or two as I can probably use the torsos and capes when I decide to start my SW 13th Company...plus there are several great heads in there that I would love to use on my next set of WB termies.....



As promised, a couple fo the WiP pics of my version of "Warmonger" aka Sol Tagron, first Dark Apostle and dreadnought of the 34th Host....

I had planned on putting up more than 2 pics, but the camera had other ideas...so now it's battery is recharging. I'll try to take a few more in an hour or two to upload..

Not very happy with my attempt to do the Latros Sacrum with greenstuff on his chest plate...will probably scrap it and come up with something else. he still needs some cleanup particularly where I pieced the head together...


and the left side view of "Warmonger". I am happy with how the greenstuff banner/oath of moment came out as well as the tabard bit on his front...


As stated my camera battery died just as I was taking the right side pic, so as soon as it recharges a bit I'll get some more shots....


Camera batteries have recharged enough to take a few more pics

Right side of the "Warmonger"


backside of the "Warmonger"


Another (hopefully better) pic of Khalaxis..


Sabtec's icon bearer and second half of his squad...


not sure if I am gonna use these guys to sub out heavy and special weps...or use them as a core of my Havoc's...



Good stuff in here, brother - Marduk looks fantastic, particularly dig the crozius and the helmet. The Acolyte's coming along and the dreadnought looks great - I like what you've done with the gun arm, and I like the Latros Sacrum as it is, personally. Can't wait to see everything painted. I second Grimdarkness, you have struck upon a nice shade of red for them.

Update 9/17/11



Spent the week painting zerks as well as cleaning mold lines and putting together my Land Raider and my Rhino. I understand GW is trying to get the most out of their molds but the amount of Imperial iconography on the Land Raider parts is ridiculous, hehe...spent more of my time scraping off eagles and crux terminati than I did scraping off actual mold lines. Finally got them together the way I wanted, now I just gotta get a couple cans of the right colour spray to base coat them.


Spent today primer coating my DA, Coryphaeus, dreadnaught and the rest of the csm's. Got another 3 berzerkers painted and one half done (should be complete by tonight). Figured out (I think) how I am going to base them all. Gotta wait til the first part of October though before I can order the bases...


All in all it's been a good week and I will try to post some more pics soon. Next weekend I hope to have the DA and Coryphaeus painted and pics posted up as well.


Again thanks for the comments and compliments and, of course, the inspiration :tu:




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