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The Carnival of Chaos - Emancipators


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"People of Cérces, you have been betrayed.

Your masters have been too greedy, they have taken for themselves what belongs to the Emperor.

And now that death is comming to your world, they cower behind palace walls, sending you to die in their place.

People of Cérces, rise!

Your Emperor is just and merciful.

Wash your hands in the blood of the wicked and you shall go free.

People of Cérces, rise!

Take up the tools that were thrust upon you and break the bonds of slavery.

People of Cérces, rise!

We are the Emperor's angels of retribution and you will know us by only two names.

Death or Salvation"

- Vox-storm unleashed during the 1st War of Cérces


"Slaves of the Corpse God rejoice!

This is the day of your liberation.

No more shall you suffer, no more shall you toil.

Today slaves shall reign and kings shall serve.

Today, we are here to set you free."

- Auto-broadcast recovered following the Hollian Holocaust


"Choose wisely, Captain, liberation or extermination?"

- Kurgath the Fool, Hound of Cérces, at the desertion of Imperial Navy Cruiser John's Hope



Try to say it out loud, taste it.

It's rich, heavy, a hint of sweetness.

Like ripe fruit.

It's more than a word, it's an idea; the pinacle of human imagination.

It's the promise that one day, there will be no more bonds.


- Anon.


"This isn't a battlefield, it's a bloody circus!"

- General Jemini Rikovfski of the Cadian 67th Battalion

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I'll bite, I think it's interesting. :rolleyes:


Two recordings showing the radical change in perspective? I like 'em.

I like the name too. Emancipators. It's short and sounds good. So many DIY's don't really have catchy names.

Needs much more tangible text though, which is why I take it you put it up in the first place. Feedback, right?


I think an inquisitor investigation "cliff notes" version of what happened would be nice.

(a thing to consider is whether you want to reveal the full reason for their change or merely show inquisitorial speculation

/their own propaganda.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys :)

Thank you for all the kind replies, and sorry about the delay in answering them.

I've been terribly busy the last week or so and haven't been able to dedicate time to my hobby.


First off;

Yeah, I did put up the quotes for feedback.

It's a new style of DIY that I'm trying out, working from quotes and then adding meat after I got a clear picture of what I want to do with this little project.


In that regard I have a question to ask you:

Should my warband be a Night Lords splinter fraction or a renegade chapter of Ultramarine gene-seed?


At this point I feel I can go either way.


What I have in mind is the following:


The Emancipators travel the void in an effort to make up for all the people they 'enslaved' while they were still Imperial Astartes.

They feel betrayed by the Emperor/Imperium, in that they thought of themselves as liberators, but during their turn to Chaos realized that they had actually been the opposite.


They rely (and always did) on propaganda and scare tactics, with very little collateral damage.

They go for the throat of the enemy command and, combining this with psychological warfare, break down the moral and logistics of the enemy.


As a Chaos warband they seek out the oppressed and seek to 'free' them from Imperial control by way of genocide and nasty daemon rituals driving people insane, resulting in a carnivalesque, surreal breakdown of everything sane and organized.


I'm imagining a dark blue colour scheme with metallic trims and dirty orange shoulder pads.



I'm really torn...

Night Lords splinters, or Ultramarine-decendant renegades?


Help me out guys :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Minigun, thanks for replying :)


I will work from the Night Lords angel, then. I was leaning that way myself.

Actually I had always envisioned the Emancipators as Ultramarine decendents, but after reading over my notes I realised how awfully similar to the Night Lords they were :lol:

Reminds me of a point Octavulg (I think) once made about the embaracement that recreating the Ultramarines would result in...


Oh, well, the Night Lords are cool :)


I'll knock up a summary of the warband and post it here shortly.

C&C, as well as ideas and stuff of inspiration always welcomed and appreciated!




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Definetly Night Lords if they're your two choices (though as I stated previously it screams Alpha Legion to me ;) )


Renegade Ultramarine always makes me cringe really hard.



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I see your point about the Alpha Legion, it's just that... I really dislike them :ph34r:

The whole are-we-loyal-or-are-we-traitors, who's-manipulating-who, etc, etc, just doesn't sit well with me... No in a 40K context at least.


But actually I have lately been wondering about using the Raven Guard as the parent legion (chapter).

They already have a slavery theme going on, and their modus operadi is fairly close to what I'm going for. Provided you add daemons of course :devil:

Don't think I've ever seen a renegade chapter of the Raven Guard, either.


Decisions, decisions...


Any thoughts on the matter, guys?


Cheers, all :)

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Raven Guard do can be a good choice. Esp. if it fits your thoughts and theme in. Then why not? Renegade chapters're also a good deal and of RG it's known to be only loyal ones. A renegade one from it would be definitely good :)
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I see your point about the Alpha Legion, it's just that... I really dislike them :D

The whole are-we-loyal-or-are-we-traitors, who's-manipulating-who, etc, etc, just doesn't sit well with me... No in a 40K context at least.

Well, the loyality issues are never really stated, just vaguely implied. Considering the various AL heresy actions and the outcome of the heresy, I'd say it's more likely they chose their own path instead of the cabal's path. And either way it's been 10k years with cultist recruitment, affiliations with daemons and the other traitor legions, black crusades, and so on and so on. I doubt even the purest of them would be spared from corruption now, if not in body, definitely in the mind... You can't be a master of intrigues and deception without being paranoid, and AL takes it to the extreme...thus they would have to be extremely paranoid as well...


That damn "I'm Alpha Legion, so is my wife...and so are you" thing is getting tiresome. Yes the AL has had a finger in many big things, they are spread out throughout the imperium after all, but they've also had their fair share of defeats! They aren't invulnerable, neither are their plots. Three times they have been declared wiped out by the imperium, an that would mean some serious setbacks and defeats...


I see the Alpha Legion like the wraks list, small squads supporting rebellions or uprisings. Corrupted to the core and using daemons, other traitor legions and the power of chaos to their advantage. But almost like the IW in their "faith", using it like a tool to add diversity and tactical benefits to the battlefield.


Now...oh how I would love to play a list like that...I really should start a wraks list... ;)

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Three times they have been declared wiped out by the imperium, an that would mean some serious setbacks and defeats...

Yet every time they have been declared "wiped out", they have always come back in force shortly afterwards.


Meaning perhaps it was all part of the plan all along to appear to be wiped out to get some breathing room to conduct some bigger operation in peace under the pretense of being "wiped out"? :)



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Still means a great loss in manpower and equipment though...


...but it's their style, so...

Now does it really?


Does it really mean that it actually HAS to be a "great" loss in manpower?


Since we know nothing of how widespread or big they actually are we can't actually tell! And that's the glory of the AL!





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Three times they have been declared wiped out by the imperium, an that would mean some serious setbacks and defeats...

Yet every time they have been declared "wiped out", they have always come back in force shortly afterwards.


Meaning perhaps it was all part of the plan all along to appear to be wiped out to get some breathing room to conduct some bigger operation in peace under the pretense of being "wiped out"? :)




So kind of like Cobra then? Would that make Ultramarines GI Joe? And by that, I mean the 80s cartoon, not the comic or the stories in the toy cards.

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