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Dreadnought lords.

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Still tinkering with the idea of starting a Dornian heresy imperial fists force I've been thinking and sorely tempted to buy a Conterptor pattern dreadknought.

(fluff wise) I didn't want him just being your bog standard dread but a champion and lord still as ruthless as ever and death doing nothing but to fule his



I don't see why this couldnt be the case. I don't think that all marines especially lords and champions confine themselves to an existence of insanity and slaughter. They shouldn't be pushed to the side and let the next in line take charge but dominate still as a 14 odd ft metal monstrosity.


My point is backed up in one of the ultramarines books where an iron warrior is still lord and commander of a great company even though he is a dread.

There's another god awefull book out there with a slannesh champion dread in charge if a warband.


Sorry I feel myself rambling.


I want to hear your thoughts on this. If you have a similar character in your army or maybe think they should introduce a dreadnought special character for a future codex.

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Ah yes that's them viper thank you.


As a fellow follower of the night lords and the 8th probably being my favourite legeion, well maybe barring pre heresy death guard, I remember reading about cruze's inner circle and koor mass but it felt like nothing more than a fleeting mention to show a dread as his chosen few.


What im talking about and what I'd like to see is a dread as a special character or a certain dread that can be taken as a hq/hero choice.


If the wolves can have byorn then why cant we have something?

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If the wolves can have byorn then why cant we have something?

I'd rather have a defiler lord...


Go for it. Nothing like having a Lord with BS 3. :D

Was more thinking a DP with AV14 and a demolisher cannon! :)

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Tremble puny mortals before my wrath! *fails to hit a tank the size of a small country with a gun the size of a small house*


Saying that I remember reading a battle report in wd chaos vs black Templars I think and the defiler managed to wipe out a termie squad with it's demolisher cannon.

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Saying that I remember reading a battle report in wd chaos vs black Templars I think and the defiler managed to wipe out a termie squad with it's demolisher cannon.

That doesn't seem to be according to the rules... :tu:

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Saying that I remember reading a battle report in wd chaos vs black Templars I think and the defiler managed to wipe out a termie squad with it's demolisher cannon.

That doesn't seem to be according to the rules... :devil:



Pretty sure it was round about the release of the black templar codex so that was a good what, 5 years ago? I defo happened cause I remember being brutally disappointed the termies didn't see combat because they got wiped out in one go.


I can even remember how the wd team set the board up to look like some sort of moon base. With slot of walk ways and landing Pads

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If you want to use a FW Dread Rules,why not use the Chaplain Dread rules?


Don't remember everything,but its a Close Ven Dread with the Ability to reroll failed to hit dices,and a AV 13 in front i think.


And if you don't buy the FW Contemptor dread,you can make one yourself with a Ven Dread and a Dreadknigth plastic kit.


Like this one:





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I'm doing the same with my Iron Hands at the moment and am also using a Contemptor but am using the Space Wolves rules so that I can have him lead my army as a Bjorn proxy. Dreadnoughts are normally seen as a form of punishment for traitors as they are trapped, no longer being entirely flesh and unable to ascend to daemonhood but to be honest I love the idea of a lord being placed in a dreadnought.
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Thanks doghouse. Im glad the topic is getting back on tack lol.

To me chaos dreads have a great deal more potential then loyalists. The dark mechanica using forbiden lore and dark pacts to seal the bond between man and machine. The massive bulk of the dreadknought being carved in unholy ruins or using it to house huge vats of combat stims.


I know what you mean about the lord no longer being able to assend to daemonhood but is that true? Nothing is exceptable to the touch of chaos. Everything can be tainted and twisted.


I think the modeling opertunites are huge with the contemptor dreadnought. I can already see a huge cloak and giant glaive mwhaha lol.


I had a similar idea to you doghouse. I was planing on using the astral claws as my count as dornian heresy Imperial fists but after going through the badab books again i see that ancient kleitor dosent have any rules :/


Is there a link anywhere on how to build that dread slayer? I appretiate you showing it to me and it does look pretty bad ass. Is it one of your own?


Also in a none related topic do you have a guide on true scale termies doghouse?

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To be honest as far as I'm personally concerned I think anything is possible with chaos. I think that the dreadnought being a punishment thing was to make them a little different to the Imperial version as far as the rules are concerned and give them the frenzied rules.


The Iron Warriors were hinted at to have toyed around with cyborg daemons at one point so it's entirely possible that some tyrannical Lord could do a deal with the Dark Mechanium after being mortally wounded before achieving daemon hood. Perhaps you could say that it's designed to keep him alive and channel the souls of his victims into the armour to speed up his ascension before his body finally fails on him.


I did make a truescale terminator a while back but not sure in which of my many, many online photo albums it is hidden away in. I've had quite a few PMs about this fabled picture of late so may have to use it as an excuse to add some terminators to my current Chaos warband and make the tutorial at the same time.

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I can remember seeing you Pre heresy world eater chaplain and crapping myself it was that amazing lol. You've got a gift man.

Defo think true scale is the way to go for The Arch Traitor Dorn.


Dreads are my fave thing about 40k. I love the whole mech thing and have since i was a wee boy. Any game film or book was baught lol. kinda sad i guess.

I love the image of dozens of these things marching to war or facing off against one other. Dreadnought battle!


I like the idea of the Space marines body being assimilated by the machine. Both becoming the same being instead of piolet and vehicle.

A dreadnought with the beating heart/hearts of a man, muscles and fiber bundles mixing to become the same thing and blood oozing from its giant adamantium shell when its struck.


Kinda like a huge general grievous from star wars lol.

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