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Getting Kharn from A to B

Son of Rawl

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Hey all


I got bored at work and thought back to a discussion on how Khârn gets from one world to another and wrote up this for the hell of it...Yeah I am that bored at work...


“KILL, MAIM, BURN!” The words echoed throughout the vast ship as Khârn the Betrayer stalked its depths, for three days now the Betrayer had been unleashed, seemingly escaping the large hanger he had been penned into with ease after he had slaughtered all the prisoners locked away with him. These were intended to keep him distracted for the journey through the Warp.


They barely lasted a day.


No one knew how he had managed to escape his cage, a power failure of mysterious circumstances had ended the ships containment procedures , allowing Khârn his freedom to slaughter in his gods name, Khorne provides mused Horel, a Sorcerer of the Black Legion as he watched the Betrayer hack apart another of his Lords Chosen with relative ease.


He held his breath slightly as Khârn swung round and regarded him with his blood caked helm, the Betrayer shook with rage as he instantly knew what Horel was, and let out a roar of pure hatred that almost overloaded the receptors in Horel’s helm. The Betrayer charged and was before Horel far quicker then the Sorcerer would have liked and swung Gorechild in a murderous arc for his neck, Horel grinned as the projection of himself winked out of existence as Gorechild was moments from taking its head. The Betrayer’s roars of frustration were cut short by the sudden closing of the drop pod hatch he was led into, Horel pressed the launch button firing Khârn to the planets war torn surface before he had a chance to carve his way free again.


Reaching through the warp Horel touched the mind of his Lord already on the world “The Betrayer is en-route” he reported “Minimal sacrifices this time”

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