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Rules on Conversions

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Just as the descriptor says, I was wondering what percentage of your models have to be GW, and what constitutes said percentage. Say I wanted to use Sibor models as Indi characters, or various conversion bits from them, or maxmini, etc. How much can you use and still be "legal"?
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There is no hard and fast rule that can be applied everywhere, as the venue dictates the rule.


If you are:


At your home, or a friends place, it's not really an issue. Whoever you are playing though might have something to say about it, but generally if someone is playing and it's at a home, you are friends and so it shouldn't be any problem 99.8 percent of the time.


At your local game store (non GW), it's only as big an issue as either the ownership of said store, or your opponent (whom you may or may not be friends with) makes it. Some are strict about it, others are lax.


At your local GW, it's an issue and from what I understand it's this silly "at least 50% of the model has to be GW product" nonsense. Horribly easy to get wrong and is susceptible to opinion, which is usually one sided, and in the case of GW, dictated by company rules.


This is for just pick and play games however. In a Tournament setting, it will be up to the organizer as well as venue to determine how this will be implemented, but usually the same points I listed above will be in effect.


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