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Turbo Boost Question


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Basically if a vehicle (Stormraven) has turbo boosted 24inches to get its 3+ cover save and is then hit, penetrated and an exploded result is rolled and the cover save failed what happens to the contents (Death Company!) inside the vehicle?


I seem to remember reading somewhere that whatever is inside is also destroyed but cannot now find this anywhere in the rulebook!


Is this something I have imagined (wishful thinking!) or just read wrong?

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They get out just like normal.


A vehicle moving fast only kills the guys inside if it is destroyed on the same turn (and turn always means player turn) that it moved fast. So its only a risk if the raven crashes due to entering terrain or a bad scatter from a Vindicator or something similar strikes the Raven.

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Vehicles do not turbo boost...they move flat out


as to what happens in your example the squad disembarks into the the crater as normal

it is only when you move flat out in your turn immobilize yourself and crash that everyone dies

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