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Inspirational Friday 09/08/2011

Brother Nihm

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Here's mine:


Though the gates that stand between the mortal world and the immortal Realm of Chaos are now closed to me, still I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the cold furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I embraced life without fear.

- Kargos Bloodsplitter, Champion of Khorne


That quote, underneath that picture of Kargos standing on a field of skulls, with a clenched powerfist, mist coming from the vox-grille, is beyond badass.

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I don't think it's the sort of quote you are looking for, but my favorite chaos quote is from the Word Bearer Index Astartes article.


"Only united behind the teachings of a god and offering the obeisance that such a god requires can the masses of Humanity be saved from the perils of alien menace and internal schism. There is only one power in the galaxy worthy of such submission, and that is the dark majesty of Chaos."


I think that sums up what I love about w40k.

"I'm the bad guy! No wait, the good guy?! No wait... hmmm..."

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We fight the Long War, not through vain notions of duty and honour, but through a far purer purpose: hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed and cast out by our kin. Guilliman, Dorn, Sanguinius - these are names I curse. Horus, Perturabo, Angron - these are names I revere, names I would follow to the very end. It is this hatred that has sustained me through the long millennia. I tend it with bitterness. I nurture it with the deaths of my former brothers. For I know that when the end is upon us and Horus is returned, then the false Emperor shall be cast down from his sepulchral Golden Throne, and we shall take our rightful place at the side of Horus, the true Emperor of Mankind.


- Ferrous Ironclaw, Warsmith of the Iron Warriors Second Grand Company

To me, this is the quintessential Traitor Legion quote. It makes Chaos Marines stand apart from other antagonistic forces such as Necrons or Tyranids. Not only do they have a central part in the history of the setting, they let it fuel their current actions, giving them a strong emotive aspect other armies lack.

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I was there when the Emperor betrayed Horus.


However without the book in hands (this quote lies into my memories), I can't guarantee this. But if right, that would be one of my favorite quote. I'll come back later for more favorties.

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"If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy."


~Fabius Bile

(aka Fabulous Billy)

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"I saw your Emperor. A handful of times, back in the age before he betrayed us all. And he was no god. Perhaps not a man, but never a god.

Never a god. Know that truth, as you die."

-Talos, the Soul Hunter


^ This. Totally and utterly.


This is why I play chaos. This is why I grin maniacally as I crush loyalists with my inferior codex.


Your Emperor was not a God. Everything you know is a lie. *grin*



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Here's mine:


Though the gates that stand between the mortal world and the immortal Realm of Chaos are now closed to me, still I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the cold furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I embraced life without fear.

- Kargos Bloodsplitter, Champion of Khorne


That quote, underneath that picture of Kargos standing on a field of skulls, with a clenched powerfist, mist coming from the vox-grille, is beyond badass.


Wow, when I saw this thread I was gonna post that.... that was my inspiration for starting world eaters from the codex imperialius or however you spell it.

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Not sure if you can class this as fluff, but As I don't have the book at hand that I want to quote from...


"Beyond the circle of light, there are countless slaves to darkness who know nothing but hate and madness. They look on the Imperium and see only the possibility of fire and death - and they find that good."


-Inquisitor Glavius Wroth (Deathwatch book)



This just made me smile.

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"Bring fire and bring shell and heap all upon the pyre. With flame and gun we shall make an end to the withered husk that is human life. And in the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of a yet stronger race." - anon



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We fight the Long War, not through vain notions of duty and honour, but through a far purer purpose: hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed and cast out by our kin. Guilliman, Dorn, Sanguinius - these are names I curse. Horus, Perturabo, Angron - these are names I revere, names I would follow to the very end. It is this hatred that has sustained me through the long millennia. I tend it with bitterness. I nurture it with the deaths of my former brothers. For I know that when the end is upon us and Horus is returned, then the false Emperor shall be cast down from his sepulchral Golden Throne, and we shall take our rightful place at the side of Horus, the true Emperor of Mankind.


- Ferrous Ironclaw, Warsmith of the Iron Warriors Second Grand Company

To me, this is the quintessential Traitor Legion quote. It makes Chaos Marines stand apart from other antagonistic forces such as Necrons or Tyranids. Not only do they have a central part in the history of the setting, they let it fuel their current actions, giving them a strong emotive aspect other armies lack.

That's my favourite quote too.



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