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an interesting challenge


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howdy pardners...


ok heres the background, ive been running choas (reasonably successfully) for a while and as always my army had a theme.. anyway my theme changed to pure nurgle, so now my khorne army needs a new theme.. i have one in mind BUT, i need to make a viable khorne army that has no deamonic elements to it..

so heres the challenge 'elements'

-1750 points

-no daemons, no DPs, greater or lesser summoned chaps, defilers or oblits (some big restrictions)

-Khârn must be in the army.

-berserkers only infantry choice.


i realise thats a pretty narrowed list, but is it doable?..

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I say go with a "Red Tide" type of list.


Khârn - 165


16 Berzerkers w/ Champion, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol (not on Champ) - 381 (Khârn goes here)

16 Berzerkers w/ Champion, Power Fist, 2 Plasma Pistols - 406

16 Berzerkers w/ Champion, Power Fist, 2 Plasma Pistols - 406


"Auto-Las" Predator - 130

"Auto-Las" Predator - 130

"Auto-Las" Predator - 130


Total - 1748


The Preds could also be changed into naked Vindicators and use the 15pts to give a second Pistol to Khârn's squad.


It's kind of spammy and un-conventional (no rhinos..the horror! ;) ) but I'm into hordes right now and I've never been a huge fan of rhino rush anyway.


That's my initial thoughts anyway.

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Hi hiro thanks for posting, i didnt leave a whole lot left to work with, the red tide is a nice idea but im more of a vindicator person so would probably swap two out for those.. but leave a pred in for variety.

im not sure whether to run big hordes or include rhinos tbh, im almost tempted to try a few horde games first, get the feel for them.


as a quick note, what are the feelings on dreads, i figured a couple of cheap dual DCCW dreads would fit nicely into a khorne list, but in terms of fitting more anti-tank weapons are they worth inclusion?


thanks again, the red tide idea is definately interesting

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Personal opinion...if you use one Vindi, use two. If you use two and have the points, use three. The Vindicator truly shines when it buddies-up with a friend, and is utterly insane as a gang. Other than that, yeah, I think a tide list would be fun as hell, go for it!
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heres the red tide idea with dreadies


Khârn 165


14 berserkers 294


14 berserkers 334



14 berserkers 334



chaos dread 120


-extra armour

-heavy flamer


chaos dread 120


-extra armour

-heavy flamer


vindicator 125


vindicator 125


predator 130


-lascannon sponsons




hows that look? i might have to name that pred Hiro :)

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cool thanks for the help chaps, btw i was serious about naming the pred Hiro :D, my son would love that being a huge thomas fan.


ive got a theme in mind and should get the conversion pieces i need to start work soon, in the mean time ive plenty of zerks hanging about for playtesting, just need to dip into the piggy bank to buy some tanks.

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Personally I love my Dreads. I run them quite often. Granted, I don't run the -This is the chaos list- and usually do other things to catch people off guard. Nothing better than telling someone that you are gonna use chaos marines and have them whip out a list tailored to the 2 DP list only to find you are using raptors and dreads. Hilarious, really. If I'm gonna run dreads then I run three all kitted out with Missle Launchers and DCCW, doesn't matter the weapon on that arm. Keep them bunched up and send them at the enemy.


Yes, this is not a great strategy, and yes it is a waste of points, and no it is not competitive. I don't care, because it is fun, thats why I play. I always encourage people to do more things that they think are fun, like take our dreads! :D

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Yes, this is not a great strategy, and yes it is a waste of points, and no it is not competitive. I don't care, because it is fun, thats why I play. I always encourage people to do more things that they think are fun, like take our dreads! :teehee:


amen brother :yes:

thats the best attitude to have with gaming, far too often people are pre-occupied with the 'meta' and winning games that they overlook the more interesting options in our dex.. a dread is still a dread after all and its not like the crazed rule is completely nerfing anyway

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I ran a tournie list with 3 missile launcher dreds, 2 defilers an a auto-laz pred filled out with zerkers in Rhinos...

I did surprisingly well, I just chose models I thought would be sorta fun, but the list caught some real veteran players

completly off guard.

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Thats awesome Kevlar! I haven't done any serious tourneys, and the ones I have done have been pretty good thus far. I too have caught players off guard, the most recent one being a bike heavy list supported by bare bone Noise marines and a lone khorne lord with wings melta bombs and a Deamon weapon. Caught two players off in one day, one a Guard and the second an Ork. Got trounced by the Sister though.


And I completely agree Crusade, at least with the missle/DCCW load out. In this fashion the crazed rule can be made to work for you, although either way I don't mind, nothing like a dakka dread rolling fire frenzy closer to the enemy!

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at least with the missle/DCCW load out.


youve got my interest piqued, if you have to fire at your own tanks use the frag settings.. awesome!


Take 2 to 3 Dreds rumble up a flank keeping them together if they fire frenzy (too close to you) shoot another dred (with Frag) if they

get lucky pound an enemy unit with krak.


I quite enjoy the look on an opponents face when your dred finally gets into charge range,

rolls fire frenzy and then hammers him with 2 heavy flamer shots and 2 krak missiles!

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Yup, its an awesome thing when it works for you. I find that if you keep a rhino next to them as well then you are pretty much assured of a frag going into armor. and then if you get lucky you get to fleet into an enemy who thought they had an extra turn of shooting.
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This seems to work for me in tournaments...


Khârn - 165


9 Berzerkers (champ with power fist, melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 264

10 Berzerkers (champ with power fist and melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 285

10 Berzerkers (champ with power fist and melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 285


Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250

Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250

Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250


Total - 1749


Very elite but scary.

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This seems to work for me in tournaments...


Khârn - 165


9 Berzerkers (champ with power fist, melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 264

10 Berzerkers (champ with power fist and melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 285

10 Berzerkers (champ with power fist and melta bombs, 2 with plasma pistols) - 285


Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250

Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250

Landraider (extra armour, dozerblades, combi-weapon) - 250


Total - 1749


Very elite but scary.


Simple, yet lethal. I like that set up. Might have to try that one out,lol.

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The look on your opponents face when you put 3 Landraiders on the table in a 1750pt game is priceless.


It's all about 12", smoke, 12", charge!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the list you've come up with, although I'm not sure you need 14 bezerkers in a squad. The two dreads is cool. Just as alternative (and close to something I've always thought about running),






2 x dread ( 2x close combat weapons)

1 x termie squad



Bezerkers (at least 2 squads obviously)



3 x vindicator.


I'm not sure how many points this would be as I don't have the codex on me, but add bezerkers to suit. It would be a slow army but when it hits, it hits hard (my version would have 3 x cc defilers in heavy but you said you didn't want those.)


Will there be a log of your work on this army as you Ultramarine army is impressive, would love to see your chaos.

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hows this list for my berserker theme?


land raider 235

-extra armour


vindicator 125


vindicator 125


Khârn 165

9 berserkers 189


10 berserkers 285

-fist champ



10 berserkers 285

-fist champ



dreadnought 105

-DCCW with heavy flamer



dreadnought 105

-DCCW with heavy flamer



dreadnought 130

-DCCW with heavy flamer

-twin lascannon



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You might get better results re-posting your army in the Chaos army list section.


That said, I'd much rather see Defilers over Vindicators for WE. Defilers bring longer range firepower mixed with additional CC support whereas Vindicators are only effective at the same approximate range that you'll be wanting to assault things.

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