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an interesting challenge


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You might get better results re-posting your army in the Chaos army list section.


That said, I'd much rather see Defilers over Vindicators for WE. Defilers bring longer range firepower mixed with additional CC support whereas Vindicators are only effective at the same approximate range that you'll be wanting to assault things.


yeah the army list forum would only give me responses based on the army list itself, judged in a vacuum, when i build an army according to a theme i prefer to keep it within the realms of the specific forum (if thats ok with you good sir?)


the reason im going with vindies is two fold, the most important is theme, i want to ignore all daemonic elements of the dex and go 'pure', think pre-heresy WE.

secondly i prefer vindies to defilers becuase they have AV13 on the front and thier weapons are stronger and have better AP.. much better for killing paladins and better vs vehicles :D

if it werent for my fluff restrictions, id run posessed vindies, as they cant be stunlocked

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So this has me thinking of the eventual goal I have for my chaos, a minimum of 2000 points for each god and the other legions. I have been toying around with the WE for a while and just have not come to an idea I really liked. But you have given me an inspiration good sir.


I speak of blasphemy of the highest sorts: convert a Dreadknight to the Blood gods cause.


I need to think on this as to how I can do it, but my initial thought is to cut it down to and add legs to make it seem like a berzerker powered defiler. Sorta avoids the daemonic theme, but could be awesome....

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I need to think on this as to how I can do it, but my initial thought is to cut it down to and add legs to make it seem like a berzerker powered defiler. Sorta avoids the daemonic theme, but could be awesome....


i think this is a great idea, theres no rule that says the chaos boys have to obey the mechanicus rules on constructing dreadnoughts to spec..

aslong as it runs by sarchopagus and not imprisoned daemon then its a dread ;)

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