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engraving plastic?


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Greetings Brothers

I am trying to figure out how to get an idea of mine from my head and onto the minis. I want the armor to look like it is old and battle worn with cracks all through it. Not huge gouges but hairline cracks.


So to accomplish this I was wondering if an engraver would work to accomplish it without ruining the mini.

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I would do it by hand, using tools like this: http://www.lindsayengraving.com/


I have no affiliation with any company, this was just the first thing that came up when I googled 'hand tools engraving'. I use a small hand tool with detachable engraving tips. It was originally used for stamp making I think. You can get whatever gouge you need for variety. If you are looking at just cracks I would use an xacto knife, scratch out light lines where you want the cracks.


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