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Crimson Justicars


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Thanks everyone for the kind words. Nice to see that my DIY chapter is B&C approved! :cuss



Can I please vote the Chapter Master as the best model though. I can just imagine him standing there, in that pose, as a massive greater daemon looms out of the fog of war, and roars at him. He is made of kickass :D


It's quite funny you should say that, because that was exactly the way I envisioned him while assembling/painting him! That is the reason why his head is slightly tilted upwards, while I originally planned him to look just straight forward.


It's amazing how the most subtle poses/details can give a model a more characterful look.



@ Porridgemeister:


That's actually a very good name.... 'Aureas Macto'. I like it! Hell, I might even use it from now on. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

I've recently finished my Command Razorback, in which the Chapter Master and his Honour Guard will ride to battle. Now, I assembled the Razorback before 6th Edition came out... so it's not as much the preferred method of transporting an assault oriented squad. But oh well, I'm sure I can make it work somehow on the battlefield. :blush:


Short description of the Razorback:

It is equipped with an additional comms array on its turret, in order to relay the orbital bombardment orders from the Chapter Master. The turret is custom kitbashed, from parts of the original Razorback turret, vindicator parts and the sponsons from a Predator. The turret is magnetized, so additional weapon systems can be mounted (Lascannons are on the painting table as I speak). The raised top of the vehicle comes from the Imperial Bastion kit. The dozer blade is magnetized as well.


The personal transport of Chapter Master Aureas Macto:








Inscribed on its hull are some of the most notable engagements in which Aureas Macto personally led his Crimson Justicars into battle:


The siege of Troyos and the great tank battle of Korsk II:



The purge of Valgoth and the participation in the Balur Crusade:



Hope you'll like it!

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awesome conversion on the razorback turret! one of the coolest i've seen! keep up the good work. do you use an airbrush on your tanks?


No, just multiple thin (ie. very watered down) layers of paint, applied with the GW Tank brush.

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Just took a look through the whole thread to date, a great array of amazing minis in a really simple and effective scheme. I only hope my chapter comes out looking like such a unified and consistent force when I finally start painting.


Good job!

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  • 2 months later...

Another addition to my army: a Stormtalon Gunship.


I am quite surprised I don't see more of these in the Hall of Honor, as it is a fun model to assemble and paint. There is a lot of hate on the model, but when I see it in real life, I'm actually getting fond of the model. Call me crazy, stupid of blind (or just simply Dutch... which I am... no offense taken!) but I like the flying Rhino on a stick.


I hope I can convince some of you to give this model a chance as well!


On with the pictures:











I have magnetized all weapons, so I can use it any way I want. As for now, I am mostly running it with the TML.







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I think I've got around 2500 pts worth of models for my chapter. My main (ie. competitive) army list is all complete, so now I can create some units which I think will be fun to use on the battlefield.


I've recently build a gaming table at home. Of course this requires quite some terrain as well, so I've been painting up some fortifications (Aegis Defense Line, Bastion), buildings and craters. Most of it is done now, so I can focus back on my chapter.


Right now I am putting together additional Sternguard veterans, which I plan to deploy in a Drop Pod. An Ironclad Dreadnought (+ Drop Pod) is also on the list. Then there are still some terminators which I will have to paint up some time... so, still more than enough to do!


Other than that, I am planning on adding a Death Korps of Krieg artillery detachment to use as allies. However, that's neither power armour nor something I'd be able to complete in the near future, so don't hold your breath for that. B)

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  • 9 months later...

Due to the recent data base crash, my last updates were removed.


So, for the sake of completion of this thread, I'm posting my recent Sternguard once again. Here they are:















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Now for my latest update: the Ironclad Dreadnought.


This one is a fairly straightforward kitbash of various dreadnought kits. I always thought the standard Ironclad Dreadnought is a bit too static, so I've tried to make this one a bit different.


The Seismic Hammer is made from the left arm from the Furioso/Librarian dreadnought kit, fitted with a Daemon Hammer from the GK Dreadknight kit. I've added some additional bits to the hammer to make it a bit more ornate.

I also added a Heavy Flamer to the body of the dreadnought (as seen on older mk's, like the ones from Forgeworld), instead of the arm.


And ofcourse, all the arm are magnetized to allow for different weapon options.


I hope you fellows like it!







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  • 4 weeks later...

Beautiful army! I love the landspeeder blue energy glow on the exhausts. The rest of the models are beautiful too. 


I notice... you don't highlight your vehicles, huh? I notice high lighting on the marines, but no highlighting on the vehicles, just metal paint scratches done with silver and black shading in the plates? Simple and looks great. Interesting style

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  • 4 months later...

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