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Abaddon and his Retinue (WiP)

Lord Bearer

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I have recently been given a Nook e-reader and I obtained the Horus Heresy series. (Yeah I know... I'm a little behind)


As I was reading it, I started thinking about the Chaos minis and the one that I always had issue with is Abaddon. The only model for him is the first one they brought out. The model is barely bigger than a standard marine. I was eagerly awaiting a new mini based on the new Terminator scale... but alas... nothing yet.


I took the opportunity to convert my own model.


I started with a standard boxset of Chaos Terminators... I used one of them to convert into Abaddon (with a bunch of bitz) The four remaining minis were converted into his retinue. Each of the members is dedicated to each of the Chaos gods.


Here is a WiP of Abaddon. His power claw was rebuilt to have longer fingers that make it look even more wicked/vicious. His daemon sword is from another model. The head is custom built also. I realize that I have more painting work to do.






Here is Abaddon's retinue. From left to right.... NURGLE, TZEENTCH, SLAANESH, KHORNE.





I figured that since Abaddon is favored by all the four chaos gods, then his retinue should represent this. I triple checked and found that the terminators are "looks only" since units as a whole take the same Mark of Chaos. The unit is designated as Chaos Undivided but in all honesty... I was going for looks anyway.


Any thoughts?

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The idea of a new Chaos codex fills me with a mix of emotions. On one side, it could fix problems and make it better.. On the other side, it could castrate the army. Also... it seems that each time they change the codexes, I have to reformat my army and change troops around.


I have to finish painting the figures and I hope to get finished pictures posted soon.

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The idea of a new Chaos codex fills me with a mix of emotions. On one side, it could fix problems and make it better.. On the other side, it could castrate the army. Also... it seems that each time they change the codexes, I have to reformat my army and change troops around.


How do you castrate something that has already had its genitals removed, burned, and cast to the wind?


I suppose we could become Tau...

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The idea of a new Chaos codex fills me with a mix of emotions. On one side, it could fix problems and make it better.. On the other side, it could castrate the army. Also... it seems that each time they change the codexes, I have to reformat my army and change troops around.


How do you castrate something that has already had its genitals removed, burned, and cast to the wind?


I suppose we could become Tau...


LOL... actually the last time I played against the Tau, I lost... Then again.. I was playing Necrons. :-(


We shall see...

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How do you castrate something that has already had its genitals removed, burned, and cast to the wind?


I suppose we could become Tau...

Don't tempt me. My Tau color scheme is identical to my Tyranid one, if only I can get a source for glossy yellow ink.
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