Chengar Qordath Posted September 12, 2011 Share Posted September 12, 2011 The Errant Falcons CHAPTER NAME: .............. The Errant FalconsFOUNDING: .................. 13th FoundingCHAPTER WORLD: ............. Fleet BasedHEADQUARTERS: .............. Battle Barge Indefatigable willCHAPTER MASTER.............. Roland ValiarMAIN COLOURS................ Black, Blue, and SilverSPECIALTY................... Rapid AssaultGENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... No Official Records, Presumed Blood AngelsKNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... NoneBATTLECRY................... For Honour and the Imperium!ESTIMATED STRENGTH ......... 900 (including neophytes) Chapter History Ganelon the Fallen It was some years after the massacre at Thraxis Secundus Ganelon first appeared fighting alongside the traitors of the World Eaters legion, wearing a battered, blood-soaked suit of Errant Falcons armour with Fourth Company markings, and claiming to be the sole survivor of the doomed Company. While chapter records do indicate that there was a Marine named Ganelon in the 4th Company, the Chapter's records also indicate that he was confirmed as killed in action along with all other Marines of that fallen company, and his body was recovered by the chapter's Apothecaries. In all likelihood, this Ganelon is simply a traitor wearing the armour and name of one of the fallen in order to taunt the Falcons, though some have noted that he does possess an unusual insight into the chapter and it's methods. Ganelon the Fallen (cont.) In an encounter with Captain Ogier of the Falcon's sixth company in M38.342, Ganelon claimed that the fourth company had not gone mad from bloodlust, but had actually turned to Chaos, and that Ganelon himself was the principle architect of the company's corruption. Ganelon also made a number of similarly outlandish claims about the history of the Falcons, the event surrounding the destruction of the Fourth Company, and the gene-seed progenitors of the Errant Falcons. Captain Ogier dismissed these obvious lies as the babbling of a delusional heretic, and after a vicious battle slew Ganelon. However, despite his confirmed death Ganelon, or someone claiming his name, continues to remain active in the service of the Ruinous Powers. Due to the general loss of records concerning chapters from the 13th Founding, much of the early history of the Errant Falcons remains unclear. While the chapter's Librarians have painstakingly pieced together a fragmentary account of the chapters early days, what little they have been able to determine raises more questions than it answers. Curiously, there are indications that some of this destruction of records was a deliberate act on the part of the Falcons at some point in their past.What is known is that at some point shortly after the end of the Age of Apostasy, the Falcons became embroiled in an extended conflict with a World Eaters warband on the world of Thraxis Secundus. Ever since the the birth of the chapter during the 13th Founding, the Errant Falcons have struggled to contain a tendency towards excessive bloodlust and berserker rage. In the heat of battle against blood-drunk World Eaters, the Falcons' self-control finally shattered entirely. The chapter's 4th company fell to collective insanity, and when destroying the traitors was not enough to sate their bloodlust, they turned their weapons on their own Imperial Guard allies and a nearby refugee camp. In the end, the Falcons were forced to turn their weapons on their own maddened brothers to halt the massacre.In the aftermath of this tragedy, the Falcons undertook a radical reorganization of the chapter, in an effort to prevent such an event from ever occurring again. Over the course of a one hundred year penance crusade, the entire ethos of the chapter was rebuilt around the idea of absolute discipline, and a firm belief that protecting the lives of their fellow servants of the Imperium was the highest calling of any Errant Falcon.The Errant Falcons have a complicated relationship with the Blood Angels and their successors. The fact that the chapter appears to suffer from the Red Thirst and Black Rage would indicate that they are Blood Angel successors, but the lack of official records confirming this has always left a small kernel of uncertainty that has at times tainted the relationship between the Falcons and presumptive parent chapter. Over the millennia, relations have varied substantially depending upon the personalities of the individual Chapters Masters, with the Falcons at times being all but unofficially accepted as Sons of Sanguinius, while at other times relations between the Falcons and the descendants of the Ninth Legion are cold and distant, with the Blood Angels denying any genetic relationship between the two chapters. Currently, relations have settled into a neutral middle ground where the Blood Angels neither accept nor reject the Falcons as a successor chapter, and generally attempt to ignore the issue entirely. However, when Chapter Master Dante put out the call to all Blood Angel successors to aid in repelling a massive daemonic assault on Baal, he included the Falcons in his call, and the Falcons sent three companies in response.Combat Doctrine The Combat Doctrine of the Errant Falcons centres around launching a rapid, overwhelming assault intended to crush the enemy utterly before they even realize they are under attack. While the chapter does field an above average number of assault squads, their tactics do not particularly emphasize close combat over firepower; rather, the emphasis is upon bringing maximum force to bear against enemy to strike a crushing, decisive blow.This doctrine has led to a number of changes in the traditional armoury of the Adeptus Astartes. In keeping with the doctrine of rapid assault, usage of jump packs is near-universal among the chapter's infantry squads, although some squads prefer to use the NT-3 pattern jump pack, which sacrifices speed and acceleration for improved stability and manoeuvrability, making them an ideal choice for Marines who prefer to use the bolter as their primary weaponThe Errant Falcons heavily use the Mark VI "Corvus" pattern power armour, as they prefer the Mark VI's somewhat lighter, more manoeuvrable design. While the bulk of the Falcons prefer to use power armour and jump packs, the chapter does maintain a supply of Terminator Armour, which is often used to launch a teleport attack at the decisive point of a battle. On rare occasions, the Falcons will even discard their jump packs in favor of insertion by drop pod.Chain weapons and lightning claws are comparatively rare among the the Errant Falcons, as many Battle Brothers are extremely wary of using close combat weapons with a tendency to shed excessive amounts of enemy blood for fear of triggering the bloodlust their chapter constantly struggles to suppress.The doctrine of rapid assault and heavy use of jump packs have resulted in a near total absence of any heavy armoured vehicles in the battle companies of the Errant Falcons. This is somewhat compensated for by heavy use of the Land Speeder, including uparmoured and upgunned variants like the Land Speeder Fulminata, and bike-mounted squads. Deathstorm Drop Pods, Stormravens, and Dreadnoughts (delivered via drop-pod or Stormraven) all provide the chapter with a modicum of armoured firepower, but the general lack of heavy armour leaves the Falcons lacking in durability when facing extended attrition-based slugging matches. Ultimately, the Falcons rely on the maxim that the from of best defense is to destroy your opponent before he has the chance to attack.The Errant Falcons have few Librarians, and those which the Chapter does possess are of relatively weak strength. Because of their rarity and weakness, Errant Falcon Librarians will never participate in combat operations, save in extreme circumstances. Instead, the Librarians are charged with non-combat duties such as sensing taint of the Warp, warding the souls of their Battle Brothers from harm, and assisting with battlefield command and control.Also of note is the Chapter's extreme aversion to inflicting collateral damage, a legacy of the tragedy of Thraxis Secundus. While the chapter accepts that some level of collateral damage is an inevitability in warfare, it is standing policy to keep minimize civilian and friendly casualties as much as possible without seriously jeopardizing the success of their operations.Organization Rather than follow the traditional ten company format presented in the Codex Astartes, the Errant Falcons only field nine companies. The 4th Company was never constituted after it's destruction on Thraxis Secundus, and now remains absent from the Falcons' Order of Battle as an ever-present reminder of the tragedies that can result from even a brief lapse in discipline. The marines would normally constitute a 4th company have instead been dispersed among the chapter's remaining nine companies, producing nine slightly overstrength companies (though battlefield casualties will often reduce the theoretically overstrength companies to ordinary levels).Like many fleet-based chapters, it is not unusual to see the Falcons spread over a large stretch of Imperial space, though the Chapter's relative lack of Librarians can make this problematic at times. To offset the command issues caused by the removal of their Librarians from combat roles, the Errant Falcons give their Company Champions an unusually prominent role within the chapter, and it is not unusual to see them serving as secondary commanders when the company's captain and chaplain are unavailable.Because of the Falcons' combat doctrine assault squads are present in larger numbers than most Codex-adherent chapters; most companies possess a relatively equal number of assault and tactical squads. To compensate for the loss of one of its battle companies and account for the fact that the chapter is often spread across several different battlezones, the 6th, 7th, and 8th companies retain a more balanced distribution of forces than the reserve formations dictated by the Codex Astartes. However, the 9th company, while also somewhat more balanced than one would find in a strictly codex-adherent chapter, still fields Devastators as a majority of it's squads. 10th Company is, of course, the Scout Company.In addition to its large stock of jump packs and the prominence of the Land Speeder in its armoury, the Falcons maintain a small force of Marines mounted on Rocs; massive birds of prey named for a creature out of ancient Terran legend. While the Rocs are not suited to every environment the Errant Falcons must fight in, when the Rocs can be brought to bear they add yet another deadly weapon to the chapter's arsenal. Even the toughest of enemies will fall before the swooping aerial charge of a massive Roc and its Astartes rider.Beliefs The Errant Falcons instil a strong sense of honour in all their recruits, supplemented by iron discipline and strict self-control. An Astartes of the Errant Falcons is expected to be eternally self-sacrificing; the roles of honour for the chapter or replete with tales of Errant Falcons who gave their lives to protect their battle brothers or other soldiers of the Imperium. To give up your own life to preserve another is considered the highest honour that any Errant Falcon can hope to achieve. Should any other servant of the Imperium sacrifice their lives to protect an Errant Falcon, they are posthumously recognized as an honorary member of the Chapter, and their surviving family members often find a place among the chapter serfs, or might even receive the chance to attempt the trials and join the ranks of the Falcons themselves.At times, the self-sacrificing tendencies of the Errant Falcons have proven to be extremely irksome to Imperial Commanders. Incidents such as occurred during the battle of Cobage II, where half a squad of Falcons died in the process of rescuing a single Guardsman trapped behind enemy lines, inevitably lead to complaints that the Falcons take their creed of self-sacrifice too far at times. While such extreme examples of self-sacrifice are relatively rare, many Errant Falcons have willingly given their lives so that others might live in their place.Because of the priority placed by the Falcons on preserving Imperial lives, they also have an extremely low tolerance for any form of collateral damage. This inevitably leads to clashes with Imperial forces who possess a more sanguine outlook, and the Falcons have had several tense confrontations with Imperial forces whom they believed had gone too far.The Errant Falcons appear to suffer from a gene-seed defect which can make Battle Brothers prone to uncontrollable battle rage. It is because of this flaw that the Chapter places such heavy emphasis on iron discipline and the importance of preserving Imperial lives, as some within the chapter's ranks fear that without a strong belief in self control, many of the Battle Brothers could succumb to these fits of rage and become berserk monsters little better than the horrors they are supposed to defend the Imperium against. Inevitably, not all of the Errant Falcons will live up to the extremely high standards of their chapter. If a Battle Brother should dishonour himself too greatly, he will be shunned by his Battle Brothers until he casts aside his power armour and initiates a redemption quest. The Marine must continue to serve as a Redemptor until he has appropriately atoned for his sin, or has died in glorious battle (the latter outcome being, unfortunately, far more common).Because the chapter has no official records of it primarch, the chapter cult largely focuses its reverence upon the Emperor and service to the Imperium and its people instead. However, due to the widespread belief that the Falcons derive from Blood Angel gene-seed, it is not unheard of for Battle Brothers to privately invoke of the name of Sanguinius with reverence. However, when Chapter Master Thierry attempted to formalize this practice in M38, it led to a noticeable cooling of relations with the Blood Angels.Gene-seed As with all chapters of the Dark Founding, the Imperium has no official records of the source of the Errant Falcons' gene-seed. However, to all appearance the Errant Falcons suffer from the Red Thirst and the Black Rage, leading most to conclude that the Falcons derive from Blood Angel genetic stock. However, some observers have claimed that, while similar, the nature of the berserker tendencies among the Errant Falcons are not exactly the same as the troubles which afflict the Blood Angels and their confirmed descendants. Because of this and the fact that no official records confirm their heritage, the Falcons genetic heritage will always remain under a shadow of doubt. The Errant Falcons have gone to extreme pains to mitigate the tendency to battle rage within their gene-seed by maintaining a code of iron discipline, supplemented with heavy hypno-indoctrinition during the initiation of new recruits. Despite these efforts, Battle Brothers will occasionally succumb to bloodlust. Should the Battle Brother go too far in his bloodlust, the Oath of Redemption and, in all likelihood followed by a death in battle, await him.Aside from their possible Blood Angel flaws, the Errant Falcons gene-seed does appear to have two relatively minor quirks. The first is a tendency to produce weak psykers in below-average numbers, leading to the absence of Librarians from most frontline combat roles. While the Librarians still have an important role in protecting their battle brothers from the touch of the warp and monitoring them for any signs of corruption, the chapter simply cannot afford to risk any of it's few Librarians in combat unless the situation is critical. The second unusual aspect of the Falcons gene-seed is a higher than average tolerance for cold temperatures, which might be responsible in part for the Falcon's fondness for cryo-weapons.Recruitment As a fleet based chapter, the Errant Falcons do not draw recruits from any single homeworld, but instead hold trial at the nearest inhabited world whenever they have a particular need to replenish their numbers.In outward appearance, the trials of the Errant Falcons are virtually indistinguishable from those of many other chapters, intended to test the physical and mental capacity of the aspirants and pick out the best amongst them for elevation. However, the true purpose of these trials is not to learn which aspirants are the strongest or best trained; elevation to the ranks of the Astartes will address any physical deficiencies, and even the best aspirants face years of training before they are full battle brothers. Instead, the purpose of these trials in to gain insight into the inner nature of the aspirants. Those who demonstrate strength of character and discipline will advance to the final test, even if their physical qualities are lacking, while the strongest fighter might be rejected if his demeanour seems unsuitable for an Errant Falcon.The final test of every aspirant varies considerably in the exact form it takes, but ultimately always serves the same purpose. One commonly used test involves a full battle brother to provide the aspirant with an unloaded bolt pistol and inform him that he must execute one of the failed aspirants in cold blood to demonstrate his commitment to joining the ranks of the Astartes. Those who attempt to fire on their fellow aspirants fail the test, while those who refuse to do so are accepted. Other common tests include throwing "live" grenades into the testing area and seeing which aspirants focus on protecting their fellows over themselves, or taking the aspirants on a mock mission, only to have them ordered to withdraw and leave an Imperial settlement undefended in the face of an enemy attack. In all cases, the test requires that the aspirant place loyalty to the ideals of the Imperium above their own ambition to become Space Marines, an even above their own lives. It is a test most fail, but the Falcons believe that it is far simpler to teach a self-sacrificing man to fight than it is to teach a fighter to be self-sacrificing.Despite regular recruitment efforts the chapter's dogmatic belief in self-sacrifice, which inevitably results in a higher than average casualty rate, means that the Errant Falcons are almost perpetually beneath their nominal strength of 1000 Marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiny sam Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 Good start! some thing are so so however Quote SPECIALTY................... Jump Packs and Rapid Assault not quite sure it has its place their Quote This doctrine has led to a number of changes in the traditional armoury of the Adeptus Astartes. In keeping with the doctrine of rapid assault, usage of jump packs is universal among the chapter's infantry squads, although some squads prefer to use the NT-3 pattern jump pack, which sacrifices speed and acceleration for improved stability and maneuverability, making them an ideal choice for Marines who prefer to use the bolter as their primary weapon it make little sense that all of the marines have jump pack (flying heavy bolter look cool, but they are Space marines and not Tau) What is an NT-3 pattern jump Pack.? Quote Most of the Errant Falcons use the Mark VI "Corvus" pattern power armour, as the slightly lighter and more maneuverable armour is ideally suited to use with jump packs. i'm not sure about that! Quote Naturally, the Errant Falcons do not field any units equipped with heavy, cumbersome Terminator armor, which is not suited to their overall combat doctrine. no terminator armour! even the Raven guard have some! what if they are assign to ship to ship mission? they use jump pack in the narrow corridor? Quote Chain weapons and lightning claws are also noticeably absent from the Errant Falcon's armoury, replaced by a variety of different swords. I once tried to go down that path but I turned from it, I would not take modelism trip to the fluff. Quote At times, the self-sacrificing tendencies of the Errant Falcons have proven to be extremely irksome to Imperial Commanders. Incidents such as occurred during the battle of Cobage II, where half a squad of Falcons died in the process of rescuing a single Guardsman trapped behind enemy lines, inevitably lead to complaints that the Falcons take their creed of self-sacrifice too far at times. Most would consider five Astartes a poor trade for a single guardsman, but Errant Falcons are not among their number. how is it that they are still alive? a marine take almost twenty years to train, it's not a poor trade it litterally collective suicide :) I like the almost control black rage and the lack of heavy vehicules but I would lessen the self imposed restriction as it does not suite an Astartes. they are desing to bring the fight to any ennemy in any situation and win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeoilSage Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 I like the setup, but you should address two issues. 1. Don't make it vague about their past. Come right out and say the Chapter almost brought itself to exctinction through its berserker rages, and it was only after a brutal redemption crusade that the remaining Chapter came to realize it had to clamp down on its ferocity. This penance also inspires their self-sacrifice: they die so that their brothers can overcome. 2. Make the Errant Falcons a clear Blood Angels successor. The vagueness only works if there's enough credible evidence to aruge for or against, and really you can only argue that they are. There's nothing wrong with saying so proudly, so do so. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 13, 2011 Author Share Posted September 13, 2011 tiny sam said: Quote This doctrine has led to a number of changes in the traditional armoury of the Adeptus Astartes. In keeping with the doctrine of rapid assault, usage of jump packs is universal among the chapter's infantry squads, although some squads prefer to use the NT-3 pattern jump pack, which sacrifices speed and acceleration for improved stability and maneuverability, making them an ideal choice for Marines who prefer to use the bolter as their primary weapon it make little sense that all of the marines have jump pack (flying heavy bolter look cool, but they are Space marines and not Tau) What is an NT-3 pattern jump Pack.? The basic idea behind the NT-3 pattern jump pack is a modified jump pack that incorporates retro thrusters to provide more stability for shooting, (at the price of speed). Heavy Bolters would probably have to get the axe on infantry models; something like a Missile Launcher or Plasma Cannon could probably be made to work with a jump pack, but I can't see something like a heavy bolter that has a lot of recoil. tiny sam said: Quote Most of the Errant Falcons use the Mark VI "Corvus" pattern power armour, as the slightly lighter and more maneuverable armour is ideally suited to use with jump packs. i'm not sure about that! Some of the background/fluff mentions that the Mark VI armour is a bit lighter/more flexible than the current Mark VII. tiny sam said: Quote Naturally, the Errant Falcons do not field any units equipped with heavy, cumbersome Terminator armor, which is not suited to their overall combat doctrine. no terminator armour! even the Raven guard have some! what if they are assign to ship to ship mission? they use jump pack in the narrow corridor? Hmm; I suppose Terminators could fit the whole Alpha Strike theme if they teleport in or ride a Stormraven. tiny sam said: Quote Chain weapons and lightning claws are also noticeably absent from the Errant Falcon's armoury, replaced by a variety of different swords. I once tried to go down that path but I turned from it, I would not take modelism trip to the fluff. I might want to go back and mention the reason the Falcons don't like those weapons; they generally have an aversion to weapons that produce a whole lot of blood from their enemies. Getting covered in fountains of blood has something of a tendency to make their general policy of keeping any bloodlust under tight reign problematic. tiny sam said: Quote At times, the self-sacrificing tendencies of the Errant Falcons have proven to be extremely irksome to Imperial Commanders. Incidents such as occurred during the battle of Cobage II, where half a squad of Falcons died in the process of rescuing a single Guardsman trapped behind enemy lines, inevitably lead to complaints that the Falcons take their creed of self-sacrifice too far at times. Most would consider five Astartes a poor trade for a single guardsman, but Errant Falcons are not among their number. how is it that they are still alive? a marine take almost twenty years to train, it's not a poor trade it litterally collective suicide ;) Well, the whole "losing half a squad to save a single Guardsman" thing was one of the most extreme cases (which I should mention in the article). Being excessively self-sacrificing is meant to be a pretty big flaw though; it's the main reason that the Chapter is chronically understrength, after all. SnakeoilSage said: 1. Don't make it vague about their past. Come right out and say the Chapter almost brought itself to exctinction through its berserker rages, and it was only after a brutal redemption crusade that the remaining Chapter came to realize it had to clamp down on its ferocity. This penance also inspires their self-sacrifice: they die so that their brothers can overcome. Yeah, I think I can make that work. SnakeoilSage said: 2. Make the Errant Falcons a clear Blood Angels successor. The vagueness only works if there's enough credible evidence to aruge for or against, and really you can only argue that they are. There's nothing wrong with saying so proudly, so do so. :lol: I think that tiny little hint of doubt is an important part of the Chapter's identity, though. It might be better to add in one or two more bits of information to reinforce that shadow of doubt over their heritage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 A quick note on the name - Falcons Errant would create the whole "knight errant" impression. Errant Falcons makes me think of the modern meaning of errant - mistaken/lost/in error. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 Hello, since it doesn't look like you tried DIY before, I will go easy on you. :tu: GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... No Official Records, Presumed Blood Angels - Really? If they are BA gene-seed, then the Red Thirst and Black rage will manifest sooner or later. A relatively easy clue of genetic heritage. Like most chapters of the Thirteenth Founding, the Errant Falcons have at times been the subject of occasional Inquisitorial attention, but to date the Inquisition has found no evidence of systematic taint or heresy within the Chapter's ranks. In an effort to maintain amicable relations with the inquisition, the Falcons regularly contribute marines to the Deathwatch, and generally seek to remain cooperative with agents of the Inquisition. - Either unnecessary or meek. If you want to create tension, then you have failed. Otherwise it's rather useless information. Among the other Astartes Chapters, the Falcons generally enjoy good relations with chapters like the Salamanders, who broadly share the same humanitarian views, and troubled relations with chapters like the Iron Hands which have a harsher outlook. The same is true for much of the rest of the Imperium, although their noble, self-sacrificing nature generally endears them to the common soldiers and citizens of the Imperium whom they protect. - What I said above. The Errant Falcons have a complicated relationship with the Blood Angels and their successors, due to the fact that the Falcons are suspected of being Blood Angel successors, but no proof of this exists. - All BA successors suffer from the Red Thirst and Black Rage. Period. Combat Doctrine Chain weapons and lightning claws are also noticeably absent from the Errant Falcon's armoury, replaced by a variety of different swords. - Why? The Errant Falcons have few Librarians, and those which the Chapter does possess are of relatively weak strength. - Why? Also of note is the Chapter's near-absolute refusal to countenance any level of collateral damage. - ... and Errant Falcons also avoid fighting in the gardens, because it could cause harm to innocent and beutiful flowers. After battle they visit a local hospital and help with taking care of wounded or sick. Oh, I almost forget, if the planet was very damaged by the vile invaders, then the EF will organize a charitative concerts in order to restore the lifes of Imperial citizen to normal. Oh, c'mon man! Space marines are Angels of Death, not Red Cross. ++++ Btw, what about bikes and Dreads? Beliefs To give up your own life to preserve another is considered the highest honor that any Errant Falcon can hope to achieve. Should any other servant of the Imperium sacrifice their lives to protect an Errant Falcon, they are posthumously recognized as an hnourary member of the Chapter, and a generous stipend is provided to their next of kin. - Hmm, and I thought the charitative concert was over the top. B) Most would consider five Astartes a poor trade for a single guardsman, but Errant Falcons are not among their number. - One must wonder, how did they survived for longer than century, if they are practicing such idiocy. Recruitment One commonly used test involves a full battle brother to provide the aspirant with an unloaded bolt pistol and inform him that he must execute one of the failed aspirants in cold blood to demonstrate his commitment to joining the ranks of the Astartes. Those who attempt to fire on their fellow aspirants fail the test, while those who refuse to do so are accepted. - Lol. You know, some time ago I have read about "very funny" test. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of order on the human psyche. The result? I don't remember the exact number, but around 80% of people were following the order regardless of its immorality. Why? Because if you are told to do something, it frees you of the moral responsibility for the act. Nice, huh? :o Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 13, 2011 Author Share Posted September 13, 2011 NightrawenII said: Hello, since it doesn't look like you tried DIY before, I will go easy on you. :P Well, I haven't done Space Marine DIY before; Sisters of Battle are just a little bit different. ;) NightrawenII said: GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... No Official Records, Presumed Blood Angels- Really? If they are BA gene-seed, then the Red Thirst and Black rage will manifest sooner or later. A relatively easy clue of genetic heritage. The main reason the Errant Falcons are presumed to be from BA gene-stock is that they're prone to fits of bloodlust and berserker rage. NightrawenII said: Combat DoctrineChain weapons and lightning claws are also noticeably absent from the Errant Falcon's armoury, replaced by a variety of different swords. - Why? Like I said in my response to tiny sam, chainswords and lightning claws tend to produce huge amounts of blood. For a chapter that's obsessive about controlling bloodlust, that's a bad thing. NightrawenII said: The Errant Falcons have few Librarians, and those which the Chapter does possess are of relatively weak strength.- Why? Gene-seed flaw. There are plenty of examples of gene-seed producing more/better psykers than average, so the opposite seems possible. NightrawenII said: Also of note is the Chapter's near-absolute refusal to countenance any level of collateral damage.- ... and Errant Falcons also avoid fighting in the gardens, because it could cause harm to innocent and beutiful flowers. After battle they visit a local hospital and help with taking care of wounded or sick. Oh, I almost forget, if the planet was very damaged by the vile invaders, then the EF will organize a charitative concerts in order to restore the lifes of Imperial citizen to normal. Oh, c'mon man! Space marines are Angels of Death, not Red Cross. The Falcon's policy on collateral damage probably needs to get toned down from "none at all" to "no more than absolutely necessary to accomplish their objectives." NightrawenII said: ++++Btw, what about bikes and Dreads? I hadn't planned on them using bikes, since they can't deep strike. Dreads can be drop-podded/Stormravened in. NightrawenII said: BeliefsTo give up your own life to preserve another is considered the highest honor that any Errant Falcon can hope to achieve. Should any other servant of the Imperium sacrifice their lives to protect an Errant Falcon, they are posthumously recognized as an hnourary member of the Chapter, and a generous stipend is provided to their next of kin. - Hmm, and I thought the charitative concert was over the top. :huh: To me, it seems like logical outgrowth of their obsession with self-sacrifice. I would think that a chapter obsessed with self-sacrifice would have to make a pretty big deal over anyone who sacrificed their own lives to protect one of them. The details might need tweaking, though. NightrawenII said: Most would consider five Astartes a poor trade for a single guardsman, but Errant Falcons are not among their number.- One must wonder, how did they survived for longer than century, if they are practicing such idiocy. When I get around to making changes, I'll note that the whole "lose half a squad to save one person" thing was a very extreme case. NightrawenII said: RecruitmentOne commonly used test involves a full battle brother to provide the aspirant with an unloaded bolt pistol and inform him that he must execute one of the failed aspirants in cold blood to demonstrate his commitment to joining the ranks of the Astartes. Those who attempt to fire on their fellow aspirants fail the test, while those who refuse to do so are accepted. - Lol. You know, some time ago I have read about "very funny" test. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of order on the human psyche. The result? I don't remember the exact number, but around 80% of people were following the order regardless of its immorality. Why? Because if you are told to do something, it frees you of the moral responsibility for the act. Nice, huh? :o I believe you're referring to the Milgram Experiment. Considering the fact that 90+% of aspirants are supposed to fail the trials to become a Space Marine, a final test that most people fail seems pretty reasonable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: Combat DoctrineChain weapons and lightning claws are also noticeably absent from the Errant Falcon's armoury, replaced by a variety of different swords. - Why? Like I said in my response to tiny sam, chainswords and lightning claws tend to produce huge amounts of blood. For a chapter that's obsessive about controlling bloodlust, that's a bad thing. Well, one could say that bolter rounds too produce a lot of blood. :) Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: The Errant Falcons have few Librarians, and those which the Chapter does possess are of relatively weak strength.- Why? Gene-seed flaw. There are plenty of examples of gene-seed producing more/better psykers than average, so the opposite seems possible. I did read that in gene-seed section. I was asking for out-universe reason. Sorry, I should do it in clearer way. Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: ++++Btw, what about bikes and Dreads? I hadn't planned on them using bikes, since they can't deep strike. Bikes can be delivered by T-hawk. Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: RecruitmentOne commonly used test involves a full battle brother to provide the aspirant with an unloaded bolt pistol and inform him that he must execute one of the failed aspirants in cold blood to demonstrate his commitment to joining the ranks of the Astartes. Those who attempt to fire on their fellow aspirants fail the test, while those who refuse to do so are accepted. - Lol. You know, some time ago I have read about "very funny" test. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of order on the human psyche. The result? I don't remember the exact number, but around 80% of people were following the order regardless of its immorality. Why? Because if you are told to do something, it frees you of the moral responsibility for the act. Nice, huh? :o I believe you're referring to the Milgram Experiment. Considering the fact that 90+% of aspirants are supposed to fail the trials to become a Space Marine, a final test that most people fail seems pretty reasonable. Yes, that's the one. Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 14, 2011 Author Share Posted September 14, 2011 Stop. Revision Time. The Errant Falcons CHAPTER NAME: .............. The Errant FalconsFOUNDING: .................. 13th Founding CHAPTER WORLD: ............. Fleet Based HEADQUARTERS: .............. Battle Barge Indefatigable will CHAPTER MASTER.............. Lothaire Valiar MAIN COLOURS................ Black, Blue, and Silver SPECIALTY................... Rapid Assault GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... No Official Records, Presumed Blood Angels KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... None BATTLECRY................... For Honour and the Imperium! ESTIMATED STRENGTH ......... 900 Battle Brothers Chapter History Due to the general loss of records concerning chapters from the 13th Founding, much of the early history of the Errant Falcons remains unclear. While the chapter's Librarians have painstakingly pieced together a fragmentary account of the chapters early days, what little they have been able to determine raises more questions than it answers. Curiously, there are indications that some of this destruction of records was a deliberate act on the part of the Falcons at some point in their past. What is known is that at some point shortly after the end of the Age of Apostasy, the Falcons became embroiled in an extended conflict with a World Eaters warband on the world of Thraxis Secundus. Ever since the creation of the Falcons early in M36, the Chapter had struggled to contain a tendency towards excessive bloodlust and berserker rage, but in the battles against the World Eaters the self control of the Falcons finally shattered entirely. The chapter's entire 4th company fell to collective insanity, and when destroying the traitors was not enough to sate their bloodlust, they turned their weapons on their own Imperial Guard allies and a nearby refugee camp. In the end, the Falcons were forced to turn their weapons on their own maddened brothers to halt the massacre. In the aftermath of this tragedy, the Falcons undertook a radical reorganization of the chapter, in an effort to prevent such an event from ever occurring again. Over the course of a one hundred year penance crusade, the entire ethos of the chapter was rebuilt around the idea of absolute discipline, and a firm belief that protecting the lives of their fellow servants of the Imperium was the highest calling of any Errant Falcon. The 4th Company remains notably absent from the Falcons' Order of Battle (replaced by a 0th company), as an ever-present reminder of the tragedies that can result from even a brief lapse in discipline. The Errant Falcons have a complicated relationship with the Blood Angels and their successors. The fact that the chapter appears to suffer from the Red Thirst and Black Rage would indicate that they are Blood Angel successors, but the lack of official records confirming this has always left a small kernel of uncertainty that has at times tainted the relationship between the Falcons and presumptive parent chapter. Over the millenia, relations have varied substantially depending upon the personalities of the individual Chapters Masters, with the Falcons at times being accepted as Sons of Sanguinius, while at other times relations between the Falcons and the descendents of the Ninth Legion are cold and distant. Currently, relations have settled into a neutral middle ground where the Blood Angels unofficially accept the Falcons as a successor chapter, and when Chapter Master Dante put out the call to all Blood Angel successors to aid in repelling a massive daemonic assault on Baal, he included the Falcons in his call, and the Falcons sent three companies in response. Combat Doctrine The Combat Doctrine of the Errant Falcons centers around launching a rapid, overwhelming assault intended to crush the enemy utterly before they even realize they are under attack. While the chapter does field an above average number of assault squads, their tactics do not particularly emphasize close combat over firepower; rather, the emphasis is upon bringing maximum force to bear against enemy to strike a crushing, decisive blow. This doctrine has led to a number of changes in the traditional armoury of the Adeptus Astartes. In keeping with the doctrine of rapid assault, usage of jump packs is near-universal among the chapter's infantry squads, although some squads prefer to use the NT-3 pattern jump pack, which sacrifices speed and acceleration for improved stability and maneuverability, making them an ideal choice for Marines who prefer to use the bolter as their primary weapon The Errant Falcons heavily use the Mark VI "Corvus" pattern power armour, as they prefer the Mark IV's somewhat lighter, more maneuverable design. While the bulk of the Falcons prefer to use power armour and jump packs, the chapter does maintain a supply of Terminator Armour, which is often used to launch a teleport attack at the decisive point of a battle. On rare occasions, the Falcons will even discard their jump packs in favor of insertion by drop pod. Chain weapons and lightning claws are comparatively rare among the the Errant Falcons, as many Battle Brothers are extremely wary of using close combat weapons with a tendency to shed excessive amounts of enemy blood for fear of triggering the bloodlust their chapter constantly struggles to suppress. The doctrine of rapid assault and heavy use of jump packs have resulted in a near total absence of any heavy armoured vehicles in the battle companies of the Errant Falcons. This is somewhat compensated for by heavy use of the Land Speeder, including uparmoured and upgunned variants like the Land Speeder Fulminata, and bike-mounted squads. Deathstorm Drop Pods, Stormravens, and Dreadnoughts (delivered via drop-pod or Stormraven) all provide the chapter with a modicum of armoured firepower, but the general lack of heavy armour leaves the Falcons lacking in durability when facing extended attritional slugging matches. Ultimately, the Falcons rely on the maxim that the from of best defense is to destroy your opponent before he has the chance to attack. The Errant Falcons have few Librarians, and those which the Chapter does possess are of relatively weak strength. Because of their rarity and weakness, Errant Falcon Librarians will never participate in combat operations, save in extreme circumstances. Instead, the Librarians are charged with non-combat duties such as sensing taint of the Warp, warding the souls of their Battle Brothers from harm, and assisting with battlefield command and control. Also of note is the Chapter's extreme aversion to inflicting collateral damage, a legacy of the tragedy of Thraxis Secundus. While the chapter accepts that some level of collateral damage is an inevitability in warfare, it is standing policy to keep minimize civilian and friendly casualties as much as possible without seriously jeopardizing the success of their operations. Beliefs The Errant Falcons instill a strong sense of honour in all their recruits, supplemented by iron discipline and strict self-control. An Astartes of the Errant Falcons is expected to be eternally self-sacrificing; the roles of honour for the chapter or replete with tales of Errant Falcons who gave their lives to protect their battle brothers or other soldiers of the Imperium. To give up your own life to preserve another is considered the highest honor that any Errant Falcon can hope to achieve. Should any other servant of the Imperium sacrifice their lives to protect an Errant Falcon, they are posthumously recognized as an hnourary member of the Chapter, and their surviving family members often find a place among the chapter serfs, or might even receive the chance to attempt the trials and join the ranks of the Falcons themselves. At times, the self-sacrificing tendencies of the Errant Falcons have proven to be extremely irksome to Imperial Commanders. Incidents such as occurred during the battle of Cobage II, where half a squad of Falcons died in the process of rescuing a single Guardsman trapped behind enemy lines, inevitably lead to complaints that the Falcons take their creed of self-sacrifice too far at times. While such extreme examples of self-sacrifice are relatively rare, many Errant Falcons have willingly given their lives so that others might live in their place. Because of the priority placed by the Falcons on preserving Imperial lives, they also have an extremely low tolerance for any form of collateral damage. This inevitably leads to clashes with Imperial forces who possess a more sanguine outlook, and the Falcons have had several tense confrontations with Imperial forces whom they believed had gone too far. The Errant Falcons appear to suffer from a gene-seed defect which can make Battle Brothers prone to uncontrollable battle rage. It is because of this flaw that the Chapter places such heavy emphasis on iron discipline and the importance of preserving Imperial lives, as some within the chapter's ranks fear that without a strong belief in self control, many of the Battle Brothers could succumb to these fits of rage and become berserk monsters little better than the horrors they are supposed to defend the Imperium against. Inevitably, not all of the Errant Falcons will live up to the extremely high standards of their chapter. If a Battle Brother should dishonor himself too greatly, he will be shunned by his Battle Brothers until he casts aside his power armour and initiates a redemption quest. The Marine must continue to serve as a Redemptor until he has appropriately atoned for his sin, or has died in glorious battle (the latter outcome being, unfortunately, far more common). Because the chapter has no official records of it primarch, the chapter cult largely focuses its reverence upon the Emperor instead. However, due to the widespread belief that the Falcons derive from Blood Angel gene-seed, it is not unheard of for Battle Brothers to privately invoke of the name of Sanguinius with reverence. Gene-seed As with all chapters of the Dark Founding, the Imperium has no official records of the source of the Errant Falcons' gene-seed. However, to all appearance the Errant Falcons suffer from the Red Thirst and the Black Rage, leading most to conclude that the Falcons derive from Blood Angel genetic stock. However, because no official records confirm their heritage, the Falcons genetic heritage will always remain under a shadow of doubt. The Errant Falcons have gone to extreme pains to mitigate this flaw with a code of iron discipline and heavy hypno-indoctrinition during the initiation of new recruits, but despite these efforts Battle Brothers will occasionally succumb to bloodlust. Should the Battle Brother go too far in his bloodlust, the Oath of Redemption and, in all likelihood shortly followed by a death in battle, await him. The second unusual aspect of the Errant Falcons gene-seed is a tendency to produce weak psykers in below-average numbers, leading to the absence of Librarians from combat roles. Recruitment As a fleet based chapter, the Errant Falcons do not draw recruits from any single homeworld, but instead hold trial at the nearest inhabited world whenever they have a particular need to replenish their numbers. In outward appearance, the trials of the Errant Falcons are virtually indistinguishable from those of many other chapters, intended to test the physical and mental capacity of the aspirants and pick out the best amongst them for elevation. However, the true purpose of these trials is not to learn which aspirants are the strongest or best trained; elevation to the ranks of the Astartes will address any physical deficiencies, and even the best aspirants face years of training before they are full battle brothers. Instead, the purpose of these trials in to gain insight into the inner nature of the aspirants. Those who demonstrate strength of character and discipline will advance to the final test, even if their physical qualities are lacking, while the strongest fighter might be rejected if his demeanour seems unsuitable for an Errant Falcon. The final test of every aspirant varies considerably in the exact form it takes, but ultimately always serves the same purpose. One commonly used test involves a full battle brother to provide the aspirant with an unloaded bolt pistol and inform him that he must execute one of the failed aspirants in cold blood to demonstrate his commitment to joining the ranks of the Astartes. Those who attempt to fire on their fellow aspirants fail the test, while those who refuse to do so are accepted. Other common tests include throwing "live" grenades into the testing area and seeing which aspirants focus on protecting their fellows over themselves, or taking the aspirants on a mock mission, only to have them ordered to withdraw and leave an Imperial settlement undefended in the face of an enemy attack. In all cases, the test requires that the aspirant place loyalty to the ideals of the Imperium above their own ambition to become Space Marines, an even above their own lives. It is a test most fail, but the Falcons believe that it is far simpler to teach a self-sacrificing man to fight than it is to teach a fighter to be self-sacrificing. Despite regular recruitment efforts the chapter's dogmatic belief in self-sacrifice, which inevitably results in a higher than average casualty rate, means that the Errant Falcons are almost perpetually beneath their nominal strength of 1000 Marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 14, 2011 Author Share Posted September 14, 2011 Octavulg said: A quick note on the name - Falcons Errant would create the whole "knight errant" impression. Errant Falcons makes me think of the modern meaning of errant - mistaken/lost/in error. Considering their background as atoning for the terrible crimes in their past, I kind of like the double-meaning of their current name. I wish I could say I'd done that on purpose, instead of not even realizing it was there until you pointed it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 Quick question: How can they not know they are BA successors? The rage is VERY clear in what it is, as those who fall to the Rage begin thinking they are Sanguinius, and shouting things like, "I WILL KILL YOU HORUS! FACE ME YOU COWARD!" I mean, that shouts out, "I AM A FREAKIN SON OF SANGUINIUS" quite loud. Almost all chapters can pull off a "unknown" geneseed, except for those of the BA decent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 Hello, some minor points.. Chapter History Ever since the creation of the Falcons early in M36 - 21st Founding has taken place early in M36. The Lexicanum entry is simply wrong. The 4th Company remains notably absent from the Falcons' Order of Battle (replaced by a 0th company), as an ever-present reminder of the tragedies that can result from even a brief lapse in discipline. - ??? Combat Doctrine The Errant Falcons heavily use the Mark VI "Corvus" pattern power armour, as they prefer the Mark IV's somewhat lighter, more maneuverable design. - Discrepancy in marks of armour. Beliefs Should any other servant of the Imperium sacrifice their lives to protect an Errant Falcon, they are posthumously recognized as an honorary member of the Chapter, and their surviving family members often find a place among the chapter serfs, or might even receive the chance to attempt the trials and join the ranks of the Falcons themselves. - Typo. Recruitment Despite regular recruitment efforts the chapter's dogmatic belief in self-sacrifice, which inevitably results in a higher than average casualty rate, means that the Errant Falcons are almost perpetually beneath their nominal strength of 1000 Marines. - This should be reflected in the Estimated Strength in opening table, 900 Battle Brothers is in no way bellow nominal strength, don't forget the 10th Co. is made from neophytes. Edit: Also, it's good to edit the first post, instead of posting the new version. This way people don't need to look for the newest version. Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 14, 2011 Author Share Posted September 14, 2011 NightrawenII said: Chapter HistoryEver since the creation of the Falcons early in M36 - 21st Founding has taken place early in M36. The Lexicanum entry is simply wrong. Ah, well that's inconvenient. Where can I get more accurate information? NightrawenII said: The 4th Company remains notably absent from the Falcons' Order of Battle (replaced by a 0th company), as an ever-present reminder of the tragedies that can result from even a brief lapse in discipline.- ??? Yeah, I'm not entirely happy with that. Not having a company called the 4th company as a permanent reminder of what happens when they lose control makes sense, but I couldn't quite come up with a name for what replaced the 4th company that completely satisfied me (and as big as remembrance is for the Falcons, I can't quite see any chapter voluntarily shorting itself by an entire company). NightrawenII said: RecruitmentDespite regular recruitment efforts the chapter's dogmatic belief in self-sacrifice, which inevitably results in a higher than average casualty rate, means that the Errant Falcons are almost perpetually beneath their nominal strength of 1000 Marines. - This should be reflected in the Estimated Strength in opening table, 900 Battle Brothers is in no way bellow nominal strength, don't forget the 10th Co. is made from neophytes. The 900 figure is supposed to include the neophytes in the 10th company. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 15, 2011 Share Posted September 15, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: Chapter HistoryEver since the creation of the Falcons early in M36 - 21st Founding has taken place early in M36. The Lexicanum entry is simply wrong. Ah, well that's inconvenient. Where can I get more accurate information? We have estimated Founding dates here (scroll down). Chengar Qordath said: The 900 figure is supposed to include the neophytes in the 10th company. Neophytes aren't Battle-Brothers, BB is guy with full set of organs and wearing Power Armour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 15, 2011 Author Share Posted September 15, 2011 NightrawenII said: Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: Chapter HistoryEver since the creation of the Falcons early in M36 - 21st Founding has taken place early in M36. The Lexicanum entry is simply wrong. Ah, well that's inconvenient. Where can I get more accurate information? We have estimated Founding dates here (scroll down). Interestingness; going off some of the later discussion in that thread, it appears that the dating of the 13th founding on Lexicanum was based on info from IA books, but the official dates produce a very wonky timeline (8 founding in s the course of a few hundred years). Well, that's a nice little tangle. Think I'll play it safe, and just edit out any reference to a specific date in regards to the founding. NightrawenII said: Chengar Qordath said: The 900 figure is supposed to include the neophytes in the 10th company. Neophytes aren't Battle-Brothers, BB is guy with full set of organs and wearing Power Armour. Gotcha. Easily fixed, then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 19, 2011 Author Share Posted September 19, 2011 New version posted; biggest changes are an added section on chapter organization, and some changes to the gene-seed section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiny sam Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 didn't read it all but it's a lot better in my opinion! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 24, 2011 Author Share Posted September 24, 2011 Planning to add this as a sidebar in the Chapter History section. Ganelon of 4th Company It was some years after the massacre at Thraxis Secundus Ganelon first appeared fighting alongside the traitors of the World Eaters legion, wearing a battered, blood-soaked suit of Errant Falcons armour with Fourth Company markings, and claiming to be the sole survivor of the doomed Company. While chapter records do indicate that there was a Marine named Ganelon in the 4th Company, the Chapter's records also indicate that he was confirmed as killed in action along with all other Marines of that fallen company, and his body was recovered by the chapter's Apothecaries. In all likelihood, this Ganelon is simply a traitor wearing the armour and name of one of the fallen in order to taunt the Falcons, though some have noted that he does possess an unusual insight into the chapter and it's methods. In an encounter with Captain Ogier of the Falcon's sixth company in M38.342, Ganelon claimed that the fourth company had not gone mad from bloodlust, but had actually turned to Chaos, and that Ganelon himself was the principle architect of the company's corruption. Ganelon also made a number of similarly outlandish claims about the history of the Falcons, the event surrounding the destruction of the Fourth Company, and the gene-seed progenitors of the Errant Falcons. Captain Ogier dismissed these obvious lies as the babbling of a delusional heretic, and after a vicious battle slew Ganelon. However, despite his confirmed death Ganelon, or someone claiming his name, continues to remain active in the service of the Ruinous Powers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 30, 2011 Author Share Posted September 30, 2011 More changes to organization, and the gene-seed section received a couple little tweaks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 1, 2011 Share Posted October 1, 2011 Hmm... To be honest, I don't buy the whole "They are successors of Blood Angels, but none is sure." angle. Indeed, your Chapter will be labeled as Khan's descendant rather than Sanguinius' one, because the Black Rage has very specific symptoms to tell the *normal* bloodlust apart. In fact, the Black Rage is not bloodlust at all, it's insanity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted October 3, 2011 Author Share Posted October 3, 2011 And the fact that they bloodlust issues they suffer from aren't exactly like most cases of the Black Rage is the other reason, aside from lack of records, that there is serious doubt about whether or not they're BA successors. It probably doesn't help that the chapter's culture encourages Astartes to go die heroically in battle as soon as they start showing any signs of mental instability, so there's no real opportunity to make any sort of serious study/comparison of the Falcons' insanity/bloodlust issues and the BA insanity/bloodlust issues. I don't really see them as White Scars successors; their combat doctrine is closer to the BA than the Scars, not to mention the lack of any tribal traditions you see in other Scars successors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 4, 2011 Share Posted October 4, 2011 Which poses a question; Why would Blood Angels accept them as their descendant? Just because they are bloodthirsty? Don't be silly, the BAs would tell them to go and cry somewhere else, because just simple mutation of Omophagea does have the same effect. It probably doesn't help that the chapter's culture encourages Astartes to go die heroically in battle as soon as they start showing any signs of mental instability, so there's no real opportunity to make any sort of serious study/comparison of the Falcons' insanity/bloodlust issues and the BA insanity/bloodlust issues. ... except the gene-seed tithe to Admech, who will be very curious, whether the EF are or not BA's successor. ;) I don't really see them as White Scars successors; their combat doctrine is closer to the BA than the Scars, not to mention the lack of any tribal traditions you see in other Scars successors. Errant Falcons are 13th Founding Chapter, who deliberately destroyed its own records and at one point of time changed its creed/combat doctrine/belief altogether. :geek: The successor Chapters are not always mirror of their parent, just look at Mortifactors, Black Templars, MANTIS WARRIORS or Red Lords ;) . //// What I'm trying to say is this, the connection between Errant Falcons and Scions of Sanguinius is so weak, that it's almost nonexistant and all this talk about being accepted looks superficial and artificial. In other words, unbelievable. Edit: Link for Red Lords added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted October 4, 2011 Author Share Posted October 4, 2011 I looked the IA over, and it did seem like it was a bit more positive on the acceptance issue than I remembered it being. That's been fixed. About the closest the Blood Angels have come to completely accepting the Falcons was when Dante included them in his call for aid, and that probably has more to do with the fact that there's a giant daemon army heading towards Baal and he needs all the help he can get. If it really, really can't be made to work, I'll just switch them over to unknown gene-seed and lop out the possible BA relationship. NightrawenII said: ... except the gene-seed tithe to Admech, who will be very curious, whether the EF are or not BA's successor. ;) Why should the Adeptus Mechanicus care one way or the other? And that's assuming that the Admech actually can do that kind of thing; you'd think that if the Admech could easily find out where gene-seed originate from there wouldn't be so many unknown gene-seed chapters out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 4, 2011 Share Posted October 4, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: ... except the gene-seed tithe to Admech, who will be very curious, whether the EF are or not BA's successor. :huh: Why should the Adeptus Mechanicus care one way or the other? And that's assuming that the Admech actually can do that kind of thing; you'd think that if the Admech could easily find out where gene-seed originate from there wouldn't be so many unknown gene-seed chapters out there. Eh. Look at the contex of my counter-point. The Admech has the means to conduct a serious research, if they wanted. And I'm sure there will be some nosy Techpriest, willing to do such thing, especially since the EF claims something without having clear proof. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted October 4, 2011 Author Share Posted October 4, 2011 NightrawenII said: Chengar Qordath said: NightrawenII said: ... except the gene-seed tithe to Admech, who will be very curious, whether the EF are or not BA's successor. ;) Why should the Adeptus Mechanicus care one way or the other? And that's assuming that the Admech actually can do that kind of thing; you'd think that if the Admech could easily find out where gene-seed originate from there wouldn't be so many unknown gene-seed chapters out there. Eh. Look at the contex of my counter-point. The Admech has the means to conduct a serious research, if they wanted. And I'm sure there will be some nosy Techpriest, willing to do such thing, especially since the EF claims something without having clear proof. Even if the Admech wanted to find out and could, would they necessarily share their findings with others? Or be completely believed if they did? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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