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a few questions about plague marines


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I'm kind of new to chaos marines


1. Are blight and frag grenades the same thing rules wise? also, do they count a assault and defensive grenades?

2. If you fail an armor save on a plasma weapons "Gets Hot!" rules, can u also take a Feel No Pain roll?

3. Can a Nurgle/Plague Marine army be competitive?

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1) They are not the same thing as each other. Double check page 36 of the rulebook to get the other part of the answer.

2) Yep, part of the reason they're great for packing plasma. Its the equivalent of a 2+ save.

3) Absolutely. An emphasis on dual special weapon squads supported by heavy support and HQ(s) is the basic foundation for many competitive armies.

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  • 1 month later...
Plague Marines are probably the most versatile, if anything resilient Cult Marines, and can still use the Metla and Plasma Guns. Hence why you see Plague Marines being more useful, and otherwise more common in your standard abusive Lash Prince list, or a lot of competitive lists.
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