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IA - Death Guard Necrosius - any good?


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i´m currently planing a Death Guard army, and deciding what HQ choices i will buy/play. i thought about a Demon Prince, summoned greater demon, and a sorcerer. after taking a look into the Siege of Vraks books, i saw Necrosius as a HQ choice, costing the same point value as my currently planned Nurgle Sorcerer.


Is Necrosius a good HQ choice?

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In many regards Necrosius is identical to a normal Sorcerer, though he has one thing going for him, that is his true T5, which makes im immune to S8 instant death. He also has FNP and Blightgranades like every true Plaguemarine. In turn he hasn't the 5+ inv. save a normal Sorcerer posses.


He also has Plaguebolts for his Boltpistol which are poisoned (4+) and a special rule Master of the Dead which is only usable in the IA7: Servants of Decay list.


Unfortunately he comes with two rather lackluster powers Gift of Chaos and Nurgles' Rot which can't be exchanged.


Bottom line: The pros and cons even out, imho. It'd take Necrosis solely because he is a closer representation of a Plaguemarine Psyker than a Sorcerer with mark of nurgle is.

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