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40k help!


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Hey, I was wondering about a step by step guide on painting the space marines from assault on black reach? I also was wondering about the assembling of them, can you make mistakes like putting the wrong gun on the wrong figure or if it fits is it ok? Also, with space marines what makes the faction different? Colours? (I mean like blood angels or ultramarines) and how do I choose? Do they play differently?

Thanks! :P

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The models are straight froward to assemble as for chapter colours just have a look around the forum and you'll find loads of chapters I recommed hall of honour because you will find people who make E'avy metal look bad also there's no real right or wrong colour scheme feel free to paint what colours take you fancy.


Welcome to the B+C the one stop shop for anything in power armour :tu:

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Things that don't belong in the tutorials area:




Questions that aren't a tutorial for starters.


"What color do I highlight Scorpion Green with?" Isn't a tutorial or even a tutorial question. That is for General PCA Questions.


"Does anyone want a tutorial on X?" If you have a tutorial then just post it. You can find tutorials that people are looking for in the Tutorial Requests Thread.


"Where can I find/buy model/paint/tool X?" Again this is something for General PCA Questions.


Basically if it isn't something that isn't a step by step instruction it shouldn't be in here!

Topic moved.
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Also, with space marines what makes the faction different? Colours? (I mean like blood angels or ultramarines) and how do I choose? Do they play differently?

Thanks! :tu:


The codex they use is what makes them different.

BA (and successors) use the BA codex, not the SM codex.

Space wolves (and frequently 'pre-heresy' chaotics) us the SW codex and not the SM one (or CSM one).

You might get one or two anal-retentives who hold that colour determines what codex you use - but you can always tell them to go back to 2nd ed in that case.



I've seen (physical) BA model armies using the Space wolf codex because of the way certain units are handled differently in it, and it was a better fit for the "theme".

I've seen black armoured and robed SM on bikes, using codex: Space marines (because they work out cheaper) - could also be Dark Angels Ravenwing.

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You might get one or two anal-retentives who hold that colour determines what codex you use - but you can always tell them to go back to 2nd ed in that case.
I thought we already were there what with the whole thing about needing blue power weapons again, and the gradual death of Counts As ?
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Perhaps they are in the tourney scene where you are.


We don't even have mandates on what percentage of a model has to be GW (for their games) anymore.

We used to, when they would assist with providing prize support ( a kind-of 'not crapping where one eats' thing. ).

They stopped helping out and became freeloading parasites (THEY use US for FREE promotions and WE PAY for everything we get off them), so we dropped any such restrictions.


I don't play in the 40k tourney scene, and I'm only in the WM scene for the beers.

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