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Noise weapons use


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Just a thought or two here on the issue of Slaaneshi sonic weapons...why isn't it more widely used?


I recently came across a model of a predator that had sonic weapons built into the turret and sponsons instead of autocannon or heavy bolters.


So, has anyone else seen some models or ideas on wider use of noise marine tech by the followers of the Lord of Excess?


Noise Terminators? Sonic Predators? Etc.

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Just a thought or two here on the issue of Slaaneshi sonic weapons...why isn't it more widely used?
Overcosted and we dont really lack in the anti-infantry department. xx points for a krak-blast shot, while unique, it is also quite meh'ish.
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Just a thought or two here on the issue of Slaaneshi sonic weapons...why isn't it more widely used?
Overcosted and we dont really lack in the anti-infantry department. xx points for a krak-blast shot, while unique, it is also quite meh'ish.


Thats true, and really explains a lot. I was just also leaning a little more towards fluff or unique models.

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Well, they previously used to be able to have Noise-bikers, Noise-Terminators, Noise-dreadnoughts, Noise-tanks, etc, but under the current codex such a thing would be illegal. After all, people converted, say, the Blastmasters on their Predator from actual Blastmaster models, usually, so now they're forced to count them as either autocannon or lascannon, so if they also have actual blastmasters on a Noise Marine squad, the same model is being used to represent two entirely different weapons, which is illegal under WYSIWYG.

To put it another way, blame the current codex, with its "Everybody but actual Noise Marines aren't as dedicated to Slaanesh as their Cult unit, not even the Daemon Princes" thinking. It was really common before this. Now, people have had to scrap entire armies because they got made illegal.

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Well, they previously used to be able to have Noise-bikers, Noise-Terminators, Noise-dreadnoughts, Noise-tanks, etc, but under the current codex such a thing would be illegal. After all, people converted, say, the Blastmasters on their Predator from actual Blastmaster models, usually, so now they're forced to count them as either autocannon or lascannon, so if they also have actual blastmasters on a Noise Marine squad, the same model is being used to represent two entirely different weapons, which is illegal under WYSIWYG.

To put it another way, blame the current codex, with its "Everybody but actual Noise Marines aren't as dedicated to Slaanesh as their Cult unit, not even the Daemon Princes" thinking. It was really common before this. Now, people have had to scrap entire armies because they got made illegal.


That is just freakin' awful.


Don't suppose you know of any pics or links to models?

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Well, they previously used to be able to have Noise-bikers, Noise-Terminators, Noise-dreadnoughts, Noise-tanks, etc, but under the current codex such a thing would be illegal. After all, people converted, say, the Blastmasters on their Predator from actual Blastmaster models, usually, so now they're forced to count them as either autocannon or lascannon, so if they also have actual blastmasters on a Noise Marine squad, the same model is being used to represent two entirely different weapons, which is illegal under WYSIWYG.

To put it another way, blame the current codex, with its "Everybody but actual Noise Marines aren't as dedicated to Slaanesh as their Cult unit, not even the Daemon Princes" thinking. It was really common before this. Now, people have had to scrap entire armies because they got made illegal.


That is just freakin' awful.


Don't suppose you know of any pics or links to models?


A quick search for Emperors Children armies should turn up loads of them. Failing that, for specific units, just search Noise Terminators, or what-have-you. For a particularly well-made army that got sadly invalidated in the latest Codex, just look for the army of a mod here called Refuse. Sadly, he hasn't been around too much after the last codex, from what I'd last seen it left him a little demoralised about what happened to his army.


To go back to answering your original question though, sonic weaponry is much more widely used in the background than the codex suggests. In the previous codex, basically any model with a bolter/combi-bolter, melta-gun, or autocannon could swap it for a sonic blaster/doom-siren/blastmaster if you took an Emperors Children army. Then they made this codex, and only Cult Marines were truly dedicated to the Gods now, so no non-Troop Noise Marines/Berzerkers/Plague Marines/Rubrics. Essentially, in the previous codex, taking the Mark (not this "icon" rubbish) made you into a Cult Marine, rather than them being a specific unit. Want Noise Marines? You took Chaos Marines, and gave them the Mark of Slaanesh, and bought them sonic weaponry. Similarly, you could also get Plague/Rubric/Sorceror/Berzerker/Noise Terminators, or Bikers (except for Plague Bikers and Rubric Bikers), Noise/Plague Havocs, Berzerker/Noise Dreadnoughts, and so on. Yeah, it was a little more confusing, and the Legion lists restricted some of those options slightly (no Rubric Terminators unless you took a Thousand Sons army, for example, although you could still take Sorceror Terminators), but damn it gave you all the options you could ever want.

I mean, seriously, did you expect that the Terminators, some of the most powerful and dedicated/favoured Marines in the warbands, would just suddenly become less favoured once they wore Terminator armour? Once they became a Lord? Once they became a friggin Daemon Prince?? Yes, the current codex opened up some options, but others just made no sense whatsoever.

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Well, they previously used to be able to have Noise-bikers, Noise-Terminators, Noise-dreadnoughts, Noise-tanks, etc, but under the current codex such a thing would be illegal. After all, people converted, say, the Blastmasters on their Predator from actual Blastmaster models, usually, so now they're forced to count them as either autocannon or lascannon, so if they also have actual blastmasters on a Noise Marine squad, the same model is being used to represent two entirely different weapons, which is illegal under WYSIWYG.

To put it another way, blame the current codex, with its "Everybody but actual Noise Marines aren't as dedicated to Slaanesh as their Cult unit, not even the Daemon Princes" thinking. It was really common before this. Now, people have had to scrap entire armies because they got made illegal.


That is just freakin' awful.


Don't suppose you know of any pics or links to models?


A quick search for Emperors Children armies should turn up loads of them. Failing that, for specific units, just search Noise Terminators, or what-have-you. For a particularly well-made army that got sadly invalidated in the latest Codex, just look for the army of a mod here called Refuse. Sadly, he hasn't been around too much after the last codex, from what I'd last seen it left him a little demoralised about what happened to his army.


To go back to answering your original question though, sonic weaponry is much more widely used in the background than the codex suggests. In the previous codex, basically any model with a bolter/combi-bolter, melta-gun, or autocannon could swap it for a sonic blaster/doom-siren/blastmaster if you took an Emperors Children army. Then they made this codex, and only Cult Marines were truly dedicated to the Gods now, so no non-Troop Noise Marines/Berzerkers/Plague Marines/Rubrics. Essentially, in the previous codex, taking the Mark (not this "icon" rubbish) made you into a Cult Marine, rather than them being a specific unit. Want Noise Marines? You took Chaos Marines, and gave them the Mark of Slaanesh, and bought them sonic weaponry. Similarly, you could also get Plague/Rubric/Sorceror/Berzerker/Noise Terminators, or Bikers (except for Plague Bikers and Rubric Bikers), Noise/Plague Havocs, Berzerker/Noise Dreadnoughts, and so on. Yeah, it was a little more confusing, and the Legion lists restricted some of those options slightly (no Rubric Terminators unless you took a Thousand Sons army, for example, although you could still take Sorceror Terminators), but damn it gave you all the options you could ever want.

I mean, seriously, did you expect that the Terminators, some of the most powerful and dedicated/favoured Marines in the warbands, would just suddenly become less favoured once they wore Terminator armour? Once they became a Lord? Once they became a friggin Daemon Prince?? Yes, the current codex opened up some options, but others just made no sense whatsoever.


Wow. Just wow.


I didn't know that - I only got into the hobby seriously in this last year, got the SM, C:SM, BA, SW, GK 'dexs and rulebook on a good deal.


I still plan on putting together a Slaaneshi army - I'll just have to talk the guys in the local club into accepting it -_-

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makes for some interesting options but best for non troops options.


Such as the 5 chosen with champ, 2 power weapons, 2 meltaguns, and 2 doomsirens in a rhino. Or a some such similar havoc squad with a character and blastmasters instead of melta. Abuse of the fire points?

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makes for some interesting options but best for non troops options.


Such as the 5 chosen with champ, 2 power weapons, 2 meltaguns, and 2 doomsirens in a rhino. Or a some such similar havoc squad with a character and blastmasters instead of melta. Abuse of the fire points?


Whats that? You lost me.

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there's always the datasheet left lying around@ http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...ren_Warband.pdf


Kind of a stopgap for friendly games until the legions come out (and play? Sing? Dance?)

That's great. Is there any other goodies for the other legions ?

There is a dreadnought for most of the legions.

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there's always the datasheet left lying around@ http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...ren_Warband.pdf


Kind of a stopgap for friendly games until the legions come out (and play? Sing? Dance?)

That's great. Is there any other goodies for the other legions ?

There is a dreadnought for most of the legions.


Though the rest of the dreads from FW don't feature the sort of unique cult weaponry like the Emperor's Children dread.

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in truth there are a couple more datasheets on gw's apoc section but they all have assets or massive apoc balance issues. The EC one above is pretty much the only one you could justifiably use non apoc - hence the 'friendly' tag i put in.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been trying to make a mono-god list for each of the big four lately. In my slaanseshi list I went for a mixture of fire support units (6 dudes with a blastmaster) and frontline units (6 dudes with a sire/powerwep champ) all in rhinos. Im happy to say that they are fun. Im sad to say that they just flatout dont work as well as normal csm with normal special weapons. (This last part goes for pretty much all the cult troops except maybe plague marines).


That datasheet some posts up is cool though, Ill have a look into that. Shame its not 'official' :P I miss fluffy chaos lists that work instead of suck biscuits.

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