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Rising Warbands


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I have been reading though topics recently, the main point is that Chaos players are hanging up their spikes or worse...playing counts-as. Now let me start by saying my primary army are the Angels of Shadow (a Dark Angel DIY successor). After reading Dead Sky, Black sun, and then Storm of Iron, I was hooked on Iron Warriors. I had a copy of the 3rd Edition Chaos Codex, and had been on the receiving end of a 4th Edition Chaos army for many months. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I knew I would be playing Chaos soon.

I started my own warband, the Angels of Light. They are a mix of traitors from my DA-DIY chapter as well as some new Steel Brethren allies. They have been growing slowly, just passing 1500pts with the induction of my Defiler. The only complaint I have with the army is that my MoT-Daemon Prince is a 205 point-sink (dead by turn 2 in all but one games I have played with them).


So my point is...who else has started a Chaos Legion/warband/Noise Marine rock concert since the 4th edition 'dex and intends to keep playing, broken rules and all? I hope that this thread shows my fellow Chaos players that there is indeed a tiny point of darkness in the growing light.

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I disbanded my Putrefactors startup idea after a few squads and all. Personally it's more about monetary restraints, but also a growing LACK of interest in the Chaos Forces.


I was going to start a Genestealer Cult, but after the hassle of acquiring the Patriarch, I decided to put it on hold.


I was thinking of just adding my small detachment of Plague Marines to an Iron Warriors Army, or just starting a Noise Marine Army. Both of which I'm not in the mood.


However, Space Marine (game) is letting me paint my ideas out finally, so I can atleast give myself a glimpse of what I want to start. Also I have some mood to just say **** it and wait for the new codex or book, or whatever, whenever that happens.

I'll be starting up a small 600 point (that's the point limit we use in my small club) Word Bearer force, which I will grow over time to become a massive horde of Chaos Astartes, cultists, daemons, etc... :mellow:





Started playing chaos about a year and a half ago after being fed up with my Tau. Although I still like the look of the models, the whole flee, shoot, flee thing just wasn't my playing style. So instead of the instrument of finesse that is the Tau army, I decided to sell everything (including my soul) and go for the blunt instrument I hoped would be the chaos space marines. So far I've had highs and lows with the force. I've been among the top players in tournaments as well as at the bottom. I'm hoping that with practice and higher points for soft scores, I will be able to score high with a bit more consistency.


Even though I hate to raise the point, I do feel like the codex is holding me back. I've been tinkering around with my list for a while now and the more time I spend thinking about it, the more sympathy I get for the players that eventually give up on all the 'cool' choices and go for the daemon princes, bezerkers, plague marines, oblits, etc. instead.


Going to the Dutch Grand Tournament in a couple of months and have so far settled on a list with 4x 10 chaos space marines in rhino's (powerfist + melta), 2 defilers, 2 oblits, 2 lash sorcerers and 6 lesser daemons. I really hope I can improve upon my excellent result last year when I ended up 25th (out of about 120 players).


If you wanna see some pics of the warband: Check my blog.


The thing I love the most about my chaos marines though is that they're so incredibly bad-ass. Even if they never get a new codex, I'll keep playing these guys simply out of respect for their awesomeness. Making it a counts-as army just seems wrong to me... people doing this need to grow a pair and suck it up like the rest of us if you ask me.

I started my Chaos army after the release of the new Codex.


My original design was to do an army based around a splinter of the Emperor's Children and Nurgle troops. I had devised a background story that included an homage to the story "Masque of the Red Death". I even converted a Necron Nightbringer model to be a Nurgle Daemon Prince.




Each squad was to have a brazier burning on the Sgt's backpack. Each flame would be a different color.... as in the story. The Lessor Summoned Daemons were going to be Dryads.


I started to paint it up, but I sadly shelved the idea. I then later revised the army and made it Word Bearers. I still use the Daemon Prince, but now I have three (3) DP's and he only really comes out if I play Apocalypse.


Depending on what happens with a new codex / update... maybe I will revisit the idea.

I've thought up some warband concepts (the Blood Jackals, I think they were called, and another Slaaneshi Lord has been given a backstory in my head, not much of an idea on the scheme/name though...), but can't really get into it, due to a general lack of interest in the Chaos codex. To be perfectly fair, the lack of "No! Bad Slaaneshi player! No other gods for you!" has gotten me thinking of alternate Cults dedicated to the one God, so I do actually hope they continue that, rather than resume the previous pidgeon-holing, but the wider codex needs a big re-vamp to make it interesting again.
I res-started my chaos army after the current codex came out. Originally I was saddened with the loss of my Lost and the Damned rules set, but I've grown attached to the lack of restrictions in the chaos codex. Mixed results, but I'm having fun with it. I mostly just like to convert and paint though.

My hatred for the false emperor and his lackeys has not dimmed in the slightest, it remains a roaring inferno.


Really though I still love chaos but instead of the gaming aspect of 40k, I'm now more into painting and modeling. I still love to play it's just every list I face has a far superior codex really that it gets annoying after awhile. I've just been writing backstory fluff for my warband, focusing on the Lord, sorceror and their chosen. This past year my painting skills have vastly improved from where they were just a year ago. I'm just worried that when we do get a new codex that I'll have to change my fluff. :D

I've started rebuilding and repainting my Alpha Legion thanks to an escalation league we started at my LGS. They were my first army when I started playing, the closest to my heart fluff-wise, and while I'm happy to be playing them again, the experience has not lessened my distaste for the codex.

I started playing about 2 years ago (time really does fly :HQ: ) and I love the Chaos Space Marines for who they are and what they stand for. I have never had much difficulty in annihilating my foes and flinging their souls to the Dark Gods, but then i don't play in a heavily competitive environment. I originally started off as Word Bearers, but as the codex required too much count as and conversion I eventually figured it just didn't represent word bearers to my taste. However, all was not lost, and as I read background on all the other Legions and renegades I immediately fell for the allure of the Black Legion. When I first started playing I ignored them because I thought being the "poster boys" everyone would play them, but just by judging from the B&C it seems that the Black Legion is not as popular as they would seem. After reading up on them I loved their fall from being the greatest, to being hunted and hated by even their traitor bretheren, and now the hatred and rage they feel for all who once betrayed them, and I love their climb to power and their need to prove themselves as still being the greatest fighting force in the galaxy.


So to sum it up: yes, i still play chaos, and I love them :devil:

Well, I've been a pretty hardcore Loyalist for years, but lately I've been hearing the call of Chaos.


I've always loved the Night Lords and the outstanding series made me like 'em even more. Currently I don't really have the time nor money to embark on building a new army, but the decision

has definitely been made: I will own a NL army in the future. I'll prolly get my first squad soon and build slowly from there. I have already taken up a new hobby of hunting prey as a NL Raptor in Space Marine multiplayer though. ;)


Ave Dominus Nox!

It's good to see all is not lost :) and so am i - i've started to collect my Crusaders two years ago despite the codex (though it seemed and seems quite pretty to me). And i enjoy it and my army, and fluff and painting and converting - everything is good to me :) and i have big plans for a future and i think we will have our past glory again, so i collect and wait.


My hatred for the false emperor and his lackeys has not dimmed in the slightest, it remains a roaring inferno.

+ many! :P i hate them all as much as more codexes they receive. But also wait as it was that we were feared - so it will be again! So rise up, brothers - darkness is coming and we will its vanguard once more! DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! :sweat:

My first army was Movie Space Marines...the closest comparison to them would be Driago-wing...and they'd still probably beat him and them (I'd like to see that matchup actually). They never lost-they killed everything. They were awesome. My Tau were picked as part of a foolish attempt to create my own army using lizardmen, but we gave up on that when we couldn't make molds of the weapons, and I sort of was like..."Well I got a box of firewarriors, I may as well make a Tau army", so Tau were my first "real" 40k army. Transitioning from Awesome-O Movie Marines to Tau was...painful. The hellaciously limiting fluff sucked ass too.


I like the suits...and the railguns, and since my Low Point where I was thinking about just "Blank Slating" the whole thing and cutting my losses, throwing everything-paint, models, brushes, containers-into a bonfire (came real close, came down to a coin toss) The fact that everything I tried to come up with fluffwise for them was either crazy, or implausible just made me hate them more, and more. It wasn't until I stopped playing for the objectives and just went for killing stuff that it got better. I'd redesigned them to the point that I could unleash all my army's hate at a single unit or two and remove it. I'd lose-but the enemy would only have a few guys left on the table. I fought for "Screw your Emprah, Puppy Russkin and your fur-*** fratboy army, I'm going to kill as many of your guys as I can-starting with your dreadnought, then those guys in the rhino, and the punk with the hammer after that."


It was during that time that my friend-one of the one's who got me into it, said I was so bitter and angry that Chaos would be a perfect fit. They were space Marines, so that was a step in the right direction, and if worse came to worse, and GW released an inferior book to the current one (which is alright-though I never played in "the golden age of chaos" and I feel a little underpowered against Space Wolves) I'd drop flags and go with Blood Angels for an assault oriented army with great rules and model support.


My problem besides my initial negative attitude (since has cleared up tremendously), is that I can't really focus on one thing I like. I like many different aspects of various legions and chapters, probably the Alpha Legion and Dark Angels being my two favorites (Soldiers/spies vs High Fantasy Knights) being at the top. I know I want to call them "Nightblades" after the class from the Elder Scrolls. I definitely like the views of the Alpha Legion in that Chaos is a tool-a means to an end, though even if you could have cultists I don't think I'd take them. I like Bile's rules...but don't like that he takes up a FOC spot, hate his model, and hate his character. I really, really hate Nurgle, never a plauge marine will I field. I want to like the Thousand Sons...I really really LOVE the idea of Malal, a god that sort of sits back and gives everybody the finger, and I like Chaos Undivided. Black Legion is cool for it being "roughly" the most organized-and Big A is a beast.


Khârn is everything I wanted Farsight to be. I think I'm going to paint my Count-As Khârn, and my bunny-ear beserkers...one of the red color schemes that are vaguely associated with the World Eaters.

I refuse to bow before the Counts-As throne. My current Codex is just a minor irritant, much like Cadia, and Creed, and the Ultramarines.

Seriously though, Just scrubbing my Chaos army, and repainting 'em. The old paintjob was looking awfully dated, lol. I will never, ever, ever abandon my Chaos army.



Goodbye ugly bronze army, hello Sons of Malice / Night Lords / Iron Warriors Warband. Heh.

I started my Chaos army after the release of the new Codex.


My original design was to do an army based around a splinter of the Emperor's Children and Nurgle troops. I had devised a background story that included an homage to the story "Masque of the Red Death". I even converted a Necron Nightbringer model to be a Nurgle Daemon Prince.




Each squad was to have a brazier burning on the Sgt's backpack. Each flame would be a different color.... as in the story. The Lessor Summoned Daemons were going to be Dryads.


I started to paint it up, but I sadly shelved the idea. I then later revised the army and made it Word Bearers. I still use the Daemon Prince, but now I have three (3) DP's and he only really comes out if I play Apocalypse.


Depending on what happens with a new codex / update... maybe I will revisit the idea.


Awesome daemon prince conversion!


Way more in tune with what I think a csm should look like when they have ascended

I have to admit it was the BL books and fluff that drew me to my Word Bearers. After coming back to the hobby after a 10 year or so hiatus, thanks in no small part to both of the SW omnibus' and an interest shown by my son. We began collecting a couple of dif armies, but I always had been feeling a bit of a pull towards Chaos. After reading the trilogy by Anthony Reynolds, that pull became stronger, and as soon as I finished reading ADB's First Heretic, 5 hours after I bought it no less, I was on the net ordering what would be the start of my 34th Host.


I had seen all the frustrations people have with the current dex, and even tracked down one of the 3.5 dex's to compare the two, and knew that for the time being (hopefully) whatever I did build would end up being much more of a "fluffy" army than a "competitive" one. I suppose that what I enjoy most is the convertng and the painting, since where I live the players are few and far between with the closest FLGS being over and hour away and the closest GW store being somewhere around 4 hours or so distant. Anyhow I am rambling and my daughter just came home early form cheer practice wiht a tooth knockedout and her eyes and nose swelling up (and they don't call it a sport here in the states, lol)....




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