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The last days of the Emperor...

Lord Bearer

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I'm not 100% sure if this is the appropriate place for this, but I wanted to discuss a "rumor" that I head at Games Day....


The Death of the Emperor


The person I was speaking with put forth this story line that deals with the end of the Imperium and some MAJOR changes in the world of 40K. It starts like this.....



Abaddon starts another Black Crusade. This time he times it with surge in an Ork Waarrgggh. The forces of the Imperium rush to fight the Green Tide and Abaddon uses this opportunity to strike. This time, the Black Crusade has but one target... Terra!! Abaddon's forces bypass other worlds and moves straight to Terra. The story goes that Abaddon is actually able to bring the battle to the Emperor. He is able to penetrate the palace and in an epic battle that would make Horus happy, Abaddon would slay the Emperor. Abaddon is beaten and battered and on the verge of death. He is surrounded by the forces of the Imperium and in that moment he calls upon the Chaos gods for help.... and they say "No". Their response is basically.... "Thanks, you did what we wanted... Nice knowing you." Abaddon is suddenly without power and is slaughtered. MEANWHILE.... Huron is in his command ship when he is contacted by the Chaos gods and told that Abaddon is dead and that he is now the "Chosen son of Chaos". Huron now gets all the powers of the gods, like Abaddon had, and now commands the forces of Chaos. Chaos is eventually driven back but at an incredible cost, but Terra is saved.


In the aftermath of this battle, the galaxy changes.... a lot!


* The Forces of Chaos now move out of the Eye of Terror and start taking worlds more freely.

* The Orks move forward and claim more planets

* The Tyranids expand their claim and infest more worlds.

* The Space Marine chapters start to splinter without the guiding light of the Emperor to guide them. Petty differences fracture the Astartes, chapters break away and the Imperium starts to crumble.

* Imperial Guard troops and Space Marines flood back to Terra, but some are lost, as there is no beacon to use to travel through Warp Space with anymore. Eventually a weaker beacon is established by linking a myriad of psychers' minds together.



Now before you start blasting this..... I did not create it and I am not sure if there is ANY validity to it.


My question is this..... Do you think you would continue to play and be involved in the game if this came to be??

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Honestly, I'm not sure I would like that kind of background. While having fluff that evolves, it's too big a leap forward for me and I'm guessing other players too. The whole point of 40k for me is to take control of a certain race/faction who are all fighting each other for dominion over the galaxy, while Humanity is on the brink of destruction, fighting their last fight and going out with a blast. If it were to change, I think I would probably stop playing. Ward's fluff changes are enough, we don't need many more :D



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I suspect I'd burst a vein raging if Huron became the new Warmaster. He has his place. He's the pirate figurehead of the 'renegade' legions.


I have enough issues with Abaddon leading the traitor legions as he's not a Primarch, let alone some jumped up Cptn Jack Sparrow wannabe.


Would I quit Chaos? No, they've been my favourite for nearly 20 years. Would I start the Ultramarines army I've been toying with? Hell yeah, I'd need a distraction from this travesty lol :D



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.....let alone some jumped up Cptn Jack Sparrow wannabe.


This made me laugh... because I suddenly got this mental image of a conversion with Huron with a jacket and floppy hat. Now that would be a fun mini...




I think if I ever buy the huron finecast model I'm going to do this.....

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I just think Capt Jack Sparrow and associate 2 dimensional actor playing the same role he does everywhere else but with eyeliner. I think Huron is a little more colourful than that... isn't he?


Personally, I think it's ok as a fluff move but it's got more holes in it than the Arsenal back 4... I thought if the Emperor died, he is supposed to become reborn either in the material universe or in the Warp and became a "good" warp entity? Or is this just conjecture?

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I just think Capt Jack Sparrow and associate 2 dimensional actor playing the same role he does everywhere else but with eyeliner. I think Huron is a little more colourful than that... isn't he?


Personally, I think it's ok as a fluff move but it's got more holes in it than the Arsenal back 4... I thought if the Emperor died, he is supposed to become reborn either in the material universe or in the Warp and became a "good" warp entity? Or is this just conjecture?


He may or may not. That is based on some old and obscure fluff. A possible replacement might be the Terminus Decree described in C:GK. This document is kept in a sealed box on Titan. The box bears a seal found only on the Golden Throne, and is only to be opened if the fall of the Imperium is imminent. Depending on what it says, there may be hope, or it may contain only a trollface and a note from the Emperor saying "Problem?"

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It sounds like an interesting idea. I can't imagine them dramatically leaping the fluff that far forward, though certain elements (Abbadon's death) sound chock-full of the typical WH40K drama. It might also nicely lead up to the Emperor's return, and a fun new age of complex models and rules. That being said, I doubt GW would ever take this sort of turn: it spells the end of the WH40K universe, even if they draw it out over a decade.


Also, while I don't really understand the hatred of Huron here (he's not great, but he's all right. It's not as though he's the public face of Chaos anyway. It's much more varied than that), I can't see the need for a new favored son of chaos after the death of the Emperor. The universe thenceforth would simply fall into the kind of mass, disorganized slaughter that the Four relish in - it seems as though all the hard work's been done, so why would you need a foreman?

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I would love to see some progress in the universe, especially where Chaos actually does something, but this all seems a bit rushed and is too big of a jump for me, and i'm not a fan of just jumping to Terra and skipping everything, sounds desperate and boring.


But to the question, yeah I'd still play, especially after such a victory. Imagine shovin that in all those loyalists faces. "Oh yeah? Well I killed the Emperor!" Although, being a Black Legion player I'd be somewhat devastated if Abaddon died, especially by being betrayed by the Gods we all love and serve :devil:

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Depending on what it says, there may be hope, or it may contain only a trollface and a note from the Emperor saying "Problem?"

My joyous mirth filled my classroom and the rest of class, including the teacher, just can't understand why :lol:



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I think thats a lot of codswollop.


The only thing i could see them doing in terms of the Emperor's story, is having the Golden Throne fail. There are hints on the fluff alread that its on its way out, and no-one knows how to fix it......


Thats when they'll ring the Squats, and they'll send an engineer!! :(

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Personally, I think it's ok as a fluff move but it's got more holes in it than the Arsenal back 4...


This gave me a good chuckle... still could be worse could be Wigan...


Anyway... I remember reading, I think in the rulebook that 'the age of the Imperium was coming to an end' or something along those line it's late and I'm tired so I'm probably completely wrong. Can't see the Emperor dying (again?) and certainly can't see Huron becoming chosen of Chaos. I think a few of the daemon Primarchs, and more than a few of their followers would have something to say about that.

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Anyway... I remember reading, I think in the rulebook that 'the age of the Imperium was coming to an end' or something along those line it's late and I'm tired so I'm probably completely wrong. Can't see the Emperor dying (again?) and certainly can't see Huron becoming chosen of Chaos. I think a few of the daemon Primarchs, and more than a few of their followers would have something to say about that.

Agreed. And yes, in the current rulebook, in the timeline, it says that the light of the Astronomican is fading and that there is irreparable damage in the Golden Throne.



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I cry 'TROLL!' on this one.


Speaking as someone who worked for g-Dubya for quite some time, back after 1st Edition turning into 2nd Edition the scuttlebut amongst staff (internet was only for porn and emails back in those day!) was that the Emperor dies and Leman Russ comes back for the 'Wolf Time' he prophecised on his sodding off into the warp and that the Primarchs would all be coming back to save the Imperium. Blah, blah, blah!


What actually happened was that the Space Wolves got the first 'proper' Codex release...


Moral of the story, wait till release.

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Please belive me that this thread was not created with Trolling in mind. This was a legitimate question. I play and enjoy WH40K and do not want to see it destroy itself.

I too feel that this thread has come to an end. Lets lock it away and move onto other topics. Thanks to everybody that posted.

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I'd have to say after missing this post first time round that this certainly sounds like an activity board that some 'Huron-loving' store manager has come up with as a participation game for Games Day.


I'm sure they are given free reign to do as they please as long as they attract people to the boards to play the game.


Would it affect my love of the hobby if it all came to pass? Not at all, the back-story of the Heresy is all slowly being filled in, let the 1st-5th Editions of the game cover the past and then move forward with the 6th. Would certainly make more sense to any non-Astartes players as it would level the playing field and give better opportunities for reasons why two armies might collide.


Would I be interested in taking part in this if it was a participation event at Games Day? Hell yeah! I'd certainly hang around to see how it works out if I couldn't get in on the action. :)

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What actually happened was that the Space Wolves got the first 'proper' Codex release...


The first one I got. Oh sweet memories <_<


Moral of the story, wait till release.


Always always always wait for release before believeing something about this hobby.

PDFs can be tampered, rumours can be 'I would like lists' but when you have bought the book and have it in your hands, you know it's for really really reals...

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Always always always wait for release before believeing something about this hobby.

PDFs can be tampered, rumours can be 'I would like lists' but when you have bought the book and have it in your hands, you know it's for really really reals...


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