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Can Techmarines repair allied vehicles in Apocalypse?


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Afternoon guys


I have a quick question as the search was unable to answer it for me. At the end of the month I will be having an Apocalypse battle whereby I (Blood Angels) will be allied with some Vanilla Marines and our side gets to use a Baneblade.


If I were to include a Techmarine, would he be able to repair my Allies at all? From a fluff point of view seeing as he has studied on Mars he should know how to fix any Imperial vehicle but I don't know what the rules would suggest.


Thanks in advance.

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Just be aware - if you approach your opponents wanting your models to be able to affect your allies models, they may want the same in return. Be sure you are OK with the idea of some of his HQs giving buffs to allies, for example.
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The generally accepted answer to this is that your models only affect your models, period. It wouldn't be "fair" (definition of "fair" in this game not withstanding ;) ) for marine models to be able to help allied marine models when your allies may be Eldar and Dark Eldar and thus completely unable to cooperate on any level. Doubles tournaments that I've seen have this as a standard rule, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's true in your area as well.


That said, it really comes down to your area. If it's a friendly game and your opponent(s) are cool with it, then it flies. It may also fly for local tournaments, depending on the whims of your TOs. :lol: YMMV. You just gotta ask.


Just be aware - if you approach your opponents wanting your models to be able to affect your allies models, they may want the same in return. Be sure you are OK with the idea of some of his HQs giving buffs to allies, for example.

Oh man. When I first started playing, I found out first hand WHY this is never allowed.




Wraithlords need a "friendly psyker" nearby so they never drool.


When Ahriman is the friendly psyker, it both defies belief and really sucks to try and get near those Wraithlords. :)

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Wraithlords need a "friendly psyker" nearby so they never drool.


When Ahriman is the friendly psyker, it both defies belief and really sucks to try and get near those Wraithlords. ;)

Oh man, imagine the friendly psyker being a zoanthrope! <_<

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Wraithlords need a "friendly psyker" nearby so they never drool.


When Ahriman is the friendly psyker, it both defies belief and really sucks to try and get near those Wraithlords. :blink:

Oh man, imagine the friendly psyker being a zoanthrope! :wacko:


If you want to double the lore beat, make it the Doom of Malintia, whos origins consits of sucking the souls out of a large portion of an eldar craftworld just by hanging out.

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Having spoken with the other players we decided to go for the KISS option for this game and just have stuff affect our own models.


My opponents will be Orks and Eldar so you can imagine how messy it could get with Farseer buffs on Stompas, etc...


Thanks again

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For what its worth I think the right decision was made there Jolemai.



And I legit lol'd at the Doom of Malen'tai teaming up with Eldar Wraithlords. Shows what a fluff nerd I've become.

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