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Questions for tie-in project.


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So I've been working on my latest fluff project and I have run into a few questions that I'm not sure about. So I look to the collective wisdom of the forums on these since I can find no fluff that confirms or denies these ideas.


First of the VERY short version of the piece is a tie-in to my three DIY chapters (two paper only, 1 tabletop represented). The idea is that they formed a "Triumvirate" that has taken 27 worlds under their protection on the fringes of the Imperium. (no i am not saying they have 27 Chapter planets or its the new Ultramar or anything like that).


so here are a few of the questions I have:


1. Is this whole idea just too inquisition unfriendly?


2. How involved can Chapters be in the training of PDF's (where is the line between being helpful expert advisors/trainers and just having a private army)? can Chapters even do this?


3. Not PA related but hopefully you can shed light; I know that it is described that Ultramar has plenty of Regiments that are ready to serve in the IG, so I was wondering if a Chapter Planet with a Tithe Grade of "non" is still donating even though they dont have to do you think they still fall under the jurisdiction of the IG or would they ultimately answer to the Planet's Government?



Any opinions/help would be appreciated.

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  happe said:
First of the VERY short version of the piece is a tie-in to my three DIY chapters (two paper only, 1 tabletop represented). The idea is that they formed a "Triumvirate" that has taken 27 worlds under their protection on the fringes of the Imperium. (no i am not saying they have 27 Chapter planets or its the new Ultramar or anything like that).


so here are a few of the questions I have:


1. Is this whole idea just too inquisition unfriendly?

The Adeptus are the ones you have to worry about. As long as they pay tithes and follow the Lex Imperialis, the planets are fine.


2. How involved can Chapters be in the training of PDF's (where is the line between being helpful expert advisors/trainers and just having a private army)? can Chapters even do this?

Do you mean over several centuries? You need to think hard about why they would bother. The line is whether the chapter carts regiments around with them to actually fight wars. They probably shouldn't directly appoint the leadership either, but it's not like anyone would find out if they did.


3. Not PA related but hopefully you can shed light; I know that it is described that Ultramar has plenty of Regiments that are ready to serve in the IG, so I was wondering if a Chapter Planet with a Tithe Grade of "non" is still donating even though they dont have to do you think they still fall under the jurisdiction of the IG or would they ultimately answer to the Planet's Government?


If the regiments aren't turned over to the Munitorum, they will have a hard time getting out of the system. A local government might own some interstellar ships, but ship owners aren't allowed to use them outside the specific routes they have charters for, and they aren't combat ships.

  happe said:
So I've been working on my latest fluff project and I have run into a few questions that I'm not sure about. So I look to the collective wisdom of the forums on these since I can find no fluff that confirms or denies these ideas.


First of the VERY short version of the piece is a tie-in to my three DIY chapters (two paper only, 1 tabletop represented). The idea is that they formed a "Triumvirate" that has taken 27 worlds under their protection on the fringes of the Imperium. (no i am not saying they have 27 Chapter planets or its the new Ultramar or anything like that).


so here are a few of the questions I have:


1. Is this whole idea just too inquisition unfriendly?

If we are going strictly alongside the lines of official lore, then "governance" of a several systems is forbidden by the Codex Astartes, but you can "protect" them without problems, after all Astartes usually defend entire sector.


2. How involved can Chapters be in the training of PDF's (where is the line between being helpful expert advisors/trainers and just having a private army)? can Chapters even do this?

Are you talking about PDF of the Chapter Homeworld, if the Chapter has a one, or the training of PDF of unrelated world?

- If the former, then yes you can.

- If the later, no. It will be viewed with suspicion.


3. Not PA related but hopefully you can shed light; I know that it is described that Ultramar has plenty of Regiments that are ready to serve in the IG, so I was wondering if a Chapter Planet with a Tithe Grade of "non" is still donating even though they dont have to do you think they still fall under the jurisdiction of the IG or would they ultimately answer to the Planet's Government?

PDF are under jurisdiction of planetary governor, but when is the regiment turned over to IG, then it's put under command&control of Departmento Munitorum, a special section of Adeptus Administratum dealing with military matters.



Cheers, NightrawenII.

  happe said:
So I've been working on my latest fluff project and I have run into a few questions that I'm not sure about. So I look to the collective wisdom of the forums on these since I can find no fluff that confirms or denies these ideas.


First of the VERY short version of the piece is a tie-in to my three DIY chapters (two paper only, 1 tabletop represented). The idea is that they formed a "Triumvirate" that has taken 27 worlds under their protection on the fringes of the Imperium. (no i am not saying they have 27 Chapter planets or its the new Ultramar or anything like that).


so here are a few of the questions I have:


1. Is this whole idea just too inquisition unfriendly?


Not at all, IMO - for starters, there's this little tidbit:


Ever more systems are turned over to direct governance by Space Marine Chapters to preserve stability.

That's from the timeline in the 5th edition rulebook, page 125. It was also part of the description of an era that starts in early M38 and continues into the setting's present.


That alone should be all the fluff justification you'll need here.


But if you wanna go for something a little more complex, then there's loads of possebilities. For example, your Chapters could have struck a deal with a bunch of Recongregationist Inquisitors - that way, your Astartes won't have to bother with administering these planets, while the Inquisitors can carry out their bureaucratic and political experiments under Astartes protection. Oh, and the Inquisitors should have the authority to shoo off any nosy Arbites or meddlesome Administratum bureaucrats.


Or if you could just go down a slightly darker road, and have your Chapters exploit the immense corruption that exists within the Administratum. I mean, dozens of planets are routinely lost because of stuff like clerks making spelling errors, and corrupt governors typically get away with filling their pockets even if they consign billions to anarchy and starvation as a result - how hard can it be to exploit that all that corruption and inefficiency?


A little fraud here, a little creative bookkeeping there, maybe the occasional bribe to keep local Admistratum higher-ups from getting too nosy, maybe keep a contact or two within the Inquisition just in case, and you're all set!


A third alternative is to have your Chapters cooperate with one or a few Rogue Trader dynasties. Rogue Traders are about as independent as Astartes Chapters, but they have a lot more freedom when it comes to intervening on planets, engaging in trade, and travelling across the Imperium. The more well-off Traders also tend to have a good deal of political connections - some of them even used to be High Lords of Terra, after all. And your scenario is set in a frontier zone, so Rogue Traders wouldn't be out of place at all.


Or alternatively, you could just go crazy and combine all of these suggestions. :(


  happe said:
2. How involved can Chapters be in the training of PDF's (where is the line between being helpful expert advisors/trainers and just having a private army)? can Chapters even do this?


That depends - in the case of planets that are directly and officially under the Chapters' administration, the Chapters would have a lot of leeway in this. Canon materials occasionally mention Chapters that maintain serf militia, and it would make sense for Chapters that actually rule their homeworld to maintain a paramilitary force (I mean, you can't send in the Astartes for every little riot, right?).


And such serf militia don't need to be bound to a single planet, either - you could indeed keep them around as auxillary forces for doing all sorts of minor military chores that you can't really waste Astartes on. (of course, these auxillary units would have to remain sufficiently small - the Inquisition indeed will get leery once they see Chapters commanding and maintaining large non-Astartes armies)


But if you're talking about worlds that are nominally still part of the Administratum, then it's propably a good idea to stick with the occasional trainer or advisor.


And in the case of worlds administered by Recongregationists or Rogue Traders, things get interesting. The Recongregationists will propably still try to set up a PDF of some sort, but odds are that they'll try to make it a much more efficient and far less conventional force. In that case, it'd be pretty likely if they'd invite Astartes advisors and trainers.


The same goes for the Rogue Trader option - Traders are pretty much free to set up their own private armies, and there's virtually no Imperial authority telling them how they should organize a military (except the Inquisition, which will typically only intervene if the Traders get REALLY out of line). So in your scenario, you could use a Trader to set up just about any kind of army you want - mercenaries, hapless conscripts, surgically enhanced cybernetic elite soldiers; it's all possible.

2. How involved can Chapters be in the training of PDF's (where is the line between being helpful expert advisors/trainers and just having a private army)? can Chapters even do this?

According to 'Battle of Fenris' the Space Wolves have a force of PDF at their disposal. They use them as crewmen on their ships and aid in the defence of their homeworld.

  Ferrus Manus said:
According to 'Battle of Fenris' the Space Wolves have a force of PDF at their disposal. They use them as crewmen on their ships and aid in the defence of their homeworld.

The Ultramarines have that too (if it hasn't already been mentioned).



  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  Ferrus Manus said:
According to 'Battle of Fenris' the Space Wolves have a force of PDF at their disposal. They use them as crewmen on their ships and aid in the defence of their homeworld.

The Ultramarines have that too (if it hasn't already been mentioned).




Every world in Ultramar has a Planetary Defence Auxillia. These soldiers are held in high regard by the regular guard, which is unusual for a PDF. Furthermore, although the worlds of Ultramar (as SM homeworlds) do not have to raise Guard regiments de jure, they are so well run and organised that they do so anyway, with Ultramar regiments being some of the best trained and equipped in the galaxy, ranking with the Imperial Storm Troopers or Cadian Shock.



You could have Chapter recruiting Keeps on these planets, even with only one or two brethren present. Ostensibly they're there to look for potential Marines, but that's not going to take up all their time; who's going to argue if they do some training with the local PDF? Keeps the Marine's hand in and it's got to be good for the regular soldiers to learn from his combat experience.


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