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Traitoris Maximus


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Good day all.


So, I've got a whole load of Chaos Marine stuff that I clipped from the sprues a few years back that I thought I'd start cobbling together (one can never have too many projects on the go at any one time after all) but I hit a wall when it came to deciding which legion to align with.


I'm a huge fan of the Iron Warriors, but I've seen so many IW armies over the last couple of years that I thought I'd go for something a little different.


I loved the short story about Little Horus and wondered if it would be good to have him leading a Black Legion warband in the void of 40k, he'd have a wealth of experience and I could use him as a proxied character (Abaddon/Khârn/Huron) if the normal Chaos Lord entry isn't strong enough to represent him.


I'm at that fork in the road and need a gentle push in one direction or another...

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As long as you are prepared, like any DIY aspect of your chapter/legion, to change it should BL or GW decide they want to change something relevant to your chapter, then it's all good.


Or, do what you want and ignore whatever BL or GW do. Your money, your models, your rules. Depends how much of a fluff monkey you are.

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Alpha Legion, need I say more?


Play them as pure chaos or mix some imperial parts in and play them with codex space marines instead, that's the beauty of the twentieth legion - are they chaos? are they imperial? are they a bit of both? You should have a look at Doghouse's Alpha thread, they look great, or check out Kaleb Daarks painting tutorial (in the Librarium if I remember correctly) it's simple(ish) yet looks stunning.

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I think it would be really cool to have a Little Horus let warband. Even if they end up saying that he died, you can claim that it is a Chaos Lord just claiming his name or that he was brought back by chaos like Khârn etc... so many choices!


Edit: I just read the rest of the posts... I kinda copied Doghouse. My bad.

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Good day all.


So, I've got a whole load of Chaos Marine stuff that I clipped from the sprues a few years back that I thought I'd start cobbling together (one can never have too many projects on the go at any one time after all) but I hit a wall when it came to deciding which legion to align with.


I'm a huge fan of the Iron Warriors, but I've seen so many IW armies over the last couple of years that I thought I'd go for something a little different.


I loved the short story about Little Horus and wondered if it would be good to have him leading a Black Legion warband in the void of 40k, he'd have a wealth of experience and I could use him as a proxied character (Abaddon/Khârn/Huron) if the normal Chaos Lord entry isn't strong enough to represent him.


I'm at that fork in the road and need a gentle push in one direction or another...

Hey, you can always go the Iron Warriors are not Iron Warriors are not Iron Warriors route. ;)


I do remember Vincent Hudson's most excellent Khorne Berserker themed Iron Warriors based on the old 3'rd edition IA articles which talked of the Iron Warriors breach parties who would not unusually succumb to the lure of Khorne.


Makes for quite a fresh view compared to the good ol' gunline with heavy artillery now doesn't it? :P



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I dunno, in the IA days you were only allowed 0-1 choice of Zerkers; they where your breaching party, and the rest of your force was expected to be a gunline. Course these are the days when the Word Bearers tend to follow Tzeentch because he best reflects the old rules and all Legions are the Black Legion... /sigh
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So, an Iron Warriors force only ever has 20 Berzerkers max? Those rules were to represent a standard force, as an abstraction of the usual force composition. Obviously however, a task-force dedicated entirely as a breaching force is going to be comprised differently. For starters, they aren't going to have much artillery, if at all, as it isn't their job to form the breach, only to take it, and hence why they have a greater than usual amount of assault troops, in this case Berzerkers.
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I re-read Little Horus, or at least the parts where he was active in combat and figured that he is armed with a Power Sword, Bolter and assuming a Bolt Pistol.


If I'm representing him in 40k, instead of Heresy-era, I could theoretically use the rules for Abaddon with him (Power Weapon counting as a Daemon Weapon and the Bolter being super-duper like the Talon of Horus). I guess 10,000 years is long enough for Little Horus to have been granted the same attributes as Abaddon.


Thoughts? Would anyone else go for that option, or would you advise building Little Horus up from the standard Chaos Lord profile?

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would you advise building Little Horus up from the standard Chaos Lord profile?


Yes, I would. Abaddon it supposed to be a pinnacle of mortal power in the realms of Chaos and so it doesn't make sense that every warlord, even significant ones, would be at his same level.

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