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Chaplain Dreadnought


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To make sure I understand correctly, even if i get an opponent who would let me use something from the Imperial Armor books, I cant use a Chapalin Dreadnought because it is only for IA marines, Black templars and Dark Angels. CRAP CRAP CRAP. I really liked the idea of converting a Dread into Chaplain. But I am not going to bother if i cant use it as a Chaplin. I mean yeah, I guess I COULD make it and paint it as a Chaplain and use it either as a Venerable or a DC Dread. But I was going to go all out with Green Stuff and really trick it out. Like sculpt a really big crozius arcanum for a DCCW, do up some special shin guards, all kinds of good stuff. But Noooo we cant have one.


Ok I am done having my little tantrum.


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Yeah I highly doubt your opponent would let you use IA and then be a stickler on what army you use it with. That's like letting someone sleep with your wife then getting mad that he didn't make the bed afterwards...


Say what??!


The IA are official rules, so no reason not to use them, but no reason to break those rules either.




On the 'Noughty Chappie thingy, then why don't you build it, as you say, you can always use it as a venerable, no reason to hold back on the cool stuff, just because you won't get spezhul rulz :)

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IA rules are often looked at askance because not everyone has access to them and because they are "nonstandard." Technically they are legal to use in games, since FW is a subdivision of parent company, but in friendly games whether or not something is "technically" legal is less important than whether or not your opponent will agree to play with it.


Given that the Chaplain Dread not being available to the most Chaplain-heavy of the official chapters is sort of an odd thing, I don't think most people will have any problem with allowing you to use it. If they do, there's a good chance they're kinda a tool anyways, since it's not actually very good.

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