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Looking for Army theme advice. This may be long winded

Trevak Dal

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Hey folks, I know that the largest part of building an army is making one the way you like...and I just can't seem to narrow that down, because there's so much that I like-but also that I don't like.


The ultimate reason I've decided to stay with Chaos, is because I don't want to cop out and use a Loyalist Codex. Though I like some loyalist Space Marine armies...I sort of am drawn to the Freedom and "No, how about screw you pal," attitude of Chaos.


My first (real) army was Tau...and I always had sort of a disconnect with them. I'm really inspired by my Chaos Space Marines, but at the same time, with experience I've realized that I can take stuff a bit too far.


So...what I'm looking for, is an army of Soldiers. 'Corrupt' in the eyes of their loyalist counterparts sure, but not necessarily mutated, raging lunatics or rapaholics, murderers, or fallen/dark knights/Warriors. I have a small group of Beserkers to fill the "warrior" quota and intend to paint them differently (potentially the basis for a separater army...eventually).


My first thought was to do Alpha Legion, but my Tau are heavily blue and green, though I'm thinking of repainting them. My second thought was to go with a World Eater, or Black Legion warband dedicated to Khorne...and came up with good back story for all three possibilities...but I just can't seem to make a decision. It keeps going between those three (Black Legion, Alpha Legion and World Eater warbands).


The primary emphasis I want to go for, is professional, cold-hearted soldiers, minimization on Spikes and Horns, (only Heavy weapons guys have horns-no real purpose for that, just wanted a more 'regimented' chaos) so which legion would best suit that? I know that it can be anything that you want and all that, but I'm looking for mass of evidence in favor of one over the other two. I've read the old Chaos Codex, and I don't see myself utilizing cultist troops, even if GW brought them back in a new edition. Black Legion allows me to have all my bases covered for when they come out with a new edition...but leaves me feeling like I'm playing my Tau again...

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Alpha Legion seems to fit the most of what I want. They get in close, spring the trap and take the enemy down utilizing chaos as a weapon or implement rather than being over-zealously in love with the dark gods (unless that suits their purpose). But I really like the idea I have for the Black Legion colorscheme I've developed (charadon granite mixed with chaos black, washed with badab), but I don't really like the whole "We allowed ourselves to be possessed" bit of Black Legion fluff.


I see myself using mostly Lords, maybe a sorcerer, and 1 or 2 special characters (Khârn, Arkos the Faithless, and maybe Fabius Bile)

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From the sounds of it, the first thing that pops to mind is Iron Warriors or Night Lords.


They typically aren't the most daemonic legions nor are they known for being particularly faithful to the dark gods. What they are is trained, professional warriors who have spent lifetimes perfecting their craft.

I think staying away from cult troops is a good way to keep the professional feel of your army instead of the more stereotypical "kill maim burn" image of traitors.

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I'd have to agree with minigun.....


If your really into the painting and converting side of things then Night Lords might be a way to definitely consider...There are some awesome threads in the Halls of Honor and WIP sections of the forums for inspiration on them. There's one cat (can't recall his name atm) who has done some absolutely insane Night Lord conversions including some special "counts as" troops for oblits. Hopefully another one of our brothers here at B&C might be able to remem his name or post the link to his thread.


Any way you choose to go with your force, good luck with it and keep us posted on your progress!




Edit: found the link I was referring to as well as another....


Dan the Daemon's WIP - 44 pages long and worth it to go through every page to see his awesome work:




Nihm's awesome work in progress thread as well:





and there are many more in the afore mentioned forums that can be found using the search feature....Good luck!

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Both the Iron Warrios and Night Lords have been shown in Black Librey novels to be less faithful to the Chaos Gods. With the splintered nature of the traitor legions you can make your own fluff to represent how yor war band views the Gods. My Iron Warriors reject the Chaos gods, and replace mutations with bionics and only use Desmond to power thief experiments and machines (who uses who is of cause questionable).


There's no reason why you couldn't do an Alpha Legion Warband who reject the Chaos Gods, it has been suggested that they only sided with the traitor legions in order to save the impurium.


If you really want to pain Black Legion however, I would go for it. Not ever Warband within the BL will be the same, some may still fight for what Horus believed in (or at least what they think he believed in). The thing I like about CSM is that there is a lot of scope to get creative with the models and the fluff.

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Alpha Legion seems to fit the most of what I want. They get in close, spring the trap and take the enemy down utilizing chaos as a weapon or implement rather than being over-zealously in love with the dark gods (unless that suits their purpose). But I really like the idea I have for the Black Legion colorscheme I've developed (charadon granite mixed with chaos black, washed with badab), but I don't really like the whole "We allowed ourselves to be possessed" bit of Black Legion fluff.


I see myself using mostly Lords, maybe a sorcerer, and 1 or 2 special characters (Khârn, Arkos the Faithless, and maybe Fabius Bile)


So paint them that way. Nothing says you can't. You aren't even stuck with one of the Legions for your army, either.


Make a fallen chapter/company who got fed up with the Imperium's bureaucracy and struck out on their own to fulfill their views of the Emperor's desires.


Alternatively, nothing stopping you from using all 3 Legions in what you field. Use Alpha Legion for Chosen (due to Infiltrate), Black Legion for the regular Marines and Vehicles, and World Eaters for the Berzerkers and their Rhinos/Land Raiders. You can even use your desired paint scheme over most of the armor, just set up the shoulder pads that id the Legion their from appropriately.


In Loyalist talk, this is called a Crusader force. There are even a few pages in the codex that encourage this!

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Thank you guys for your insight. I think I will make a sort of 'crusade' force, and experiement with some p3 radiant platnium basecoat and washing it with badab black...I was wanting to kind of stay away from a "silver/metallic" army, because I'd like to do a small Non-Paladin, Grey Knight Terminator army eventually, but I'll see what's what. Thanks again!
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There's no reason why you couldn't do an Alpha Legion Warband who reject the Chaos Gods, it has been suggested that they only sided with the traitor legions in order to save the impurium.


I thought they sided with chaos so that chaos would wind and destroy humanity, destroying the chaos gods main source of food (aka emotions etc) and hence saving th galaxy from the chaos threat... not the imperium... maybe wrong though...

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The Alpha Legion never really believed in the big E:s plan anyway and considered the "utopia" he wanted to create a pipe dream. But saving the galaxy, sure, why not. Though they do not really end up doing that so one suspects that they had ulterior motives already from the start...I mean, a legion that hates being controlled and deceived, why would they trust some fishy xeno organization just from one meeting? Doesn't make any sense...they follow their own plan...
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That was 10k years ago. Now they're utterly dedicated to Chaos and destroying the False Emperor. So it doesn't matter what was long ago.


And according to the topic i'd suggest a renegade chapter who turned not so long and so it still uses what they have. So you can play with C: SM which is more variative and so without spikes and horns and mutation.

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