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What you would like to see.

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I know this topic has probably been doing the runs for a wee while now but i havent been apart of them lol.

What would you guys like to see from a csm codex or even legion codex.


Individuality is the key word for me. In every aspect of the book. I want to see more love to the legions so they are different to each other in more than name and paint scheme.


More specialised units. I know we have zerkers, plauge marines blah blah. But with the loyalists have units such as the thunderwolf cavelry, sanguinery guard, death wing, sword bretheren and death company. It would be good to see a space marine blood crusher cavelry unit, night lord assault squad, alpha legion infiltration unit and druged up crazy slanesh suicide squads. I know thats vague but i hope you get the idea.


An armory something akin to the WFB armory. Relics, amulets, vials and hell bound scrolls. Cursed items collected from acorss the 40k uiverse.

I think an eye of the gods chart form the wfb book would also be really cool, maybe with some differences.


Just acouple silly ideas.

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