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Confrontational Idea?

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A lot of evidence, and not proof. You did, make mention of changes to DNA, by using it with the statement that Astartes offspring would bear those children more acceptable of Implants. Astartes traditions of weeding out people is not only to determine if they are genetically capable of accepting the Implants, but also to see if they can survive being sculpted into an Astartes. Even if they can accept implants they have to undergo years of Chemical and Hypnotherapy. Just being able to have a slightly higher chance because of being sired by an Astartes doesn't mean they won't survive any of the phases.


Not to mention the genetic instability in the Geneseeds and implants, and how a fraction of the Human race has evolved into Psykers, or mutants, would make it unstable to do such.


The genetics from the Astartes WOULD be more likely to have a child that succeeds in the changing process. However, one also has to take into the account that the mother's genetics also get to be in play, which could actually reduce the chances of success. Then there are all the recessive genes that both parents possess that may come into the fore. That may have a higher chance of combining than the Astartes' genes from becoming the dominant, is also a possibility.


But that still doesn't mean that the Implants would be included in the child's DNA. They would no longer be Implants at that point, and the child a Mutant. For that to even happen, the Astartes genes would have to be remapped in the first place, and that tech was lost long ago.

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back in the days ultramarines did have breeding harems of gene changed females and were using their brothers to get aspirants with a higher acceptens to implants.


nowadays a chaos sm player can always say its magic . The IW are already implanting females with demon spiced up geen seed both loyalist and not and most of the aspirants work just fine[for csm standards that is] even if they do come out without any form of skin .

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the whole sporting heritage amongst families can be argued to be nurture more than nature, how many of us adult gamers get our children involved?


basically ill echo what has already been said, the processes involved in turning a human into an astartes does not affect thier genetic make-up, it involves lots of hormones during the time of puberty, implanted organs and hypnotherapy.. if you were to map the DNA of a space marine it would be no different than a basic humans.


its possible to argue that since that human (who is now an astartes) was strong, mentally resilient and all the things required to make a good candidate that any offspring he might have would be just as resilient.. but thats a matter for the nature vs nurture arguments.

the ultramarines and blood angels omnibus' shows some precedence the former having Uriel and Lucius from the same family line (some 200 years apart), the latter rafen and arkius being brothers.. can throw some suggestion that the pre-required pyshical and mental attributes can be a genetic trait.


to make your idea workable, id suggest some form of DNA cloning and artificial insemmination as a way of creating offspring from the genetic material of exisiting space marines, the offspring would still be human and would still need to undergo the implantation/recruitment processes, but you would probably get a higher percentage of potential neopyhtes than your average human population


space marine creation link

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