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Starting some renegades

Forgefather Vulkan

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Greetings fellow Heretics,


A while ago i posted in the Ultramarines section proposing renegade Ultramarines which got some interesting responses to say the least but i have decided to go forth with the idea and make these guys. I have chosen to use the Chaos codex, but my dilemma is i don't really have any experience with it so i was wondering if you guys here could give me some tactics.

I'm looking to go for a plasma heavy army as i we're seeing a lot of power armour forces at the moment. i've currently got a squad of 5 Ultra-renegade marines and 5 Terminators that will be Red corsairs allied with them plus a possible 5 chosen with plasma guns but other than that i'm not sure so all help appreciated.





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Hm... paint the Ultrasmurf logo red, or put the decal over a red field instead of blue? Sounds fine by me. Same with going plasma-heavy if you're facing a lot of Marines in your area; plasma may not have the tankbusting power of melta weapons, but if you can handle tankbusting elsewhere then go for it. Just don't forget meltabombs or power fists.
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Thanks TDA and darth_giles.


I like the white and blue scheme i think i may use that on my chosen when i get round to making them. If anyone's interested i'm going to acquire a camera off my girlfriend and i'm to document these guy's in the WiP forum starting tonight or tomorrow.

Now as for tactics for the CSM what works well as i'm kinda stuck with what to do!



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