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Angels Sanguine vs Flesh Tearers


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I'm debating starting a Blood Angels Army - I thought about using "count as" but.. i like fluff to match the army.. so.. i hate the idea of having Salamander Rage Angels (or some such.)


So which has more interesting fluff? opinions or thoughts?


(Thanks DarkChild for suggesting FT's a while back as well..really made me think about it.... and i'm close..and also know what his vote is!)



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Flesh Tearers scoff at your joint force, they will tell you what they are doing and advise you to stay out of the way! ;)

tbh I don't know much about the Angel Sanguine, but will research them and get back to you.

Based on names alone though:


Flesh Tearers.


Angel Sanguine.


No contest really is there...



EDIT 11:30: Trying not to be biased, lets break it down to the bare bones.


Angels Sanguine:

Very similar to Blood Angels (successful heroic types with dark secret)

Don't show their faces (linked to something darker? Interesting fluff potential)

very little established fluff (could be good or bad thing depending on your pov)

won't comment on colour scheme as it's a personal thing


Flesh Tearers:

Not like Blood angels (good if you like the rules but not their fluff, like me)

Rag-tag appearence, openly excessively savage and brutal in combat (needs no extrapolation)

slightly more established fluff (sense of doom, psycho cannibals etc, may narrow your interpretation of them)


Not taking colour schemes into account, it boils down to this. Do you prefer the idea of dark heroes, possibly hiding a terrible secret, their proud history hiding something more?

Or barely controllable (though they do have control, remember these are not berserkers), blood thirsty cannibal savages who are determined to drag as many enemies with them on their descent into hell?


the choice is yours.



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Flesh Tearers all the way. They live on a savage planet full of dinosaurs.


Dinosaurs > everything else.

Stop. No. Bad.

Whoever or whatever gave you this idea, disavow them and call the police and claim they touched your no no spots or stop smoking/snorting it.


Angels Sanguine are the cool, I plan on nicking nearly all of OMGs style for mine.


A mixed force will keep it interesting.

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Flesh Tearers all the way. They live on a savage planet full of dinosaurs.


Dinosaurs > everything else.

Stop. No. Bad.

Whoever or whatever gave you this idea, disavow them and call the police and claim they touched your no no spots or stop smoking/snorting it.


Why? You do realise the FT home world makes Catachan look like a 5 star summer camp for rich sissy's.

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I don't really get how Catachan and Cretacia being death worlds translates into Dino Calvary. Baal has giant scorpions, why doesn't Dante ride a giant mutant scorpion into battle: because it's stupid. I don't blame Atlantic for having the idea, I blame him for not immediately discarding it. And now I blame you too! ( ok fine I don't blame anyone, it's still silly)
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It is true you dont see many Angels Sanguine out on the table.. (funny they're included in the space marine game though.) Its one reason i'm still considering the. I've done test models for both, going to paint them up and give them a long hard look since its an ongoing project. They both have red and black which is a good thing..


The Tearer's fluff is pretty good. I do have to say.. I personally think the idea of Space Marine's riding anything.. is kinda silly..dinosaures or big metalish wolves..


I like predetermined fluff - and frankly i'm not creative enough in my old age to come up with my own Army.. I've looked at that and felt like i'm the guy that would make a marine army riding dinosaures and then hate myself in every way.. because someitmes awesome... isn't...


It sounds like a pretty even race, please continue voicing your arguments..regardless of which i choose its pretty interseting..


.. the one thing that might make Tearer's over Angles is their emo mask thing..


.. I do like the idea of the FT's home world being nothing more than an armory and recruitment center..

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I don't really get how Catachan and Cretacia being death worlds translates into Dino Calvary. Baal has giant scorpions, why doesn't Dante ride a giant mutant scorpion into battle: because it's stupid. I don't blame Atlantic for having the idea, I blame him for not immediately discarding it. And now I blame you too! ( ok fine I don't blame anyone, it's still silly)


... i'd say Dante only gets to ride a giant scorpion if it has jetpacks on it...








Darkchild - I did read it, and its why i actually painted one up as an FT.. your influence has been felt!


(edit for added content)

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I'm seriously thinking on building a small BAs force myself and I'm facing the same dilema. BAs themselves are just too straight forward color-wise. I'm sort of leaning towards Angels Sanguine mainly because of their relative rarity especially compared to the Flesh Tearers that are probably more frequent than BAs themselves. Plus the halved paint scheme is something I have not tried before on an army-wide scale...


Background wise I always thought Flesh Tearers were a bit meh, being too overtly on the borderline phycho profile. The same reason I'm not sold on the World Eaters too (they are firmly on the phycho territory). Angels Sanguine though are a bit more subtle. They retain the BAs signature style of an "assaulty" army but they are more restraint and a bit more introvert. Frankly I like my loyalist marines to be kind of "proffesional" about their job. What they do, they do because they must not because they enjoy it. If they enjoy it they are too "Chaosy" for my liking... I would like their actions to be a result of a consious choice rather than genetic impulse (as much as this is possible with BAs in general). And the fact that they cover their faces can only mean some horrible mutuaton - Vampires anyone? Just to bring a WHFB analogy ***ducks for cover*** I'd rather be a Carstein than a Strigoi...


So yeah, do Angels Sanguine!

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Flesh Tearers are proffesional, exceedingly so in fact. Due to their lack of numbers every marine is trained in all battlefield roles and can operate all of the chapters vehicles and routinely change battlefield role on the fly during campains in order to meet a new threat.


the psycho tag comes from the fact that they are ruthless in their persecution of the enemy and, you know, occasionally eat people...



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I hear you. What I meant to say is that Flesh Tearers are not detached enough from their "work". They are efficient all right. But they are too much into it for my liking. By the term "proffesional" I meant a certain degree of lack of emotion (as much as you can get from BAs & successors anyway). Angels Sanguine score better in this field. Hence I like them more.
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I'm seriously thinking on building a small BAs force myself and I'm facing the same dilema. BAs themselves are just too straight forward color-wise. I'm sort of leaning towards Angels Sanguine mainly because of their relative rarity especially compared to the Flesh Tearers that are probably more frequent than BAs themselves. Plus the halved paint scheme is something I have not tried before on an army-wide scale...


Background wise I always thought Flesh Tearers were a bit meh, being too overtly on the borderline phycho profile. The same reason I'm not sold on the World Eaters too (they are firmly on the phycho territory). Angels Sanguine though are a bit more subtle. They retain the BAs signature style of an "assaulty" army but they are more restraint and a bit more introvert. Frankly I like my loyalist marines to be kind of "proffesional" about their job. What they do, they do because they must not because they enjoy it. If they enjoy it they are too "Chaosy" for my liking... I would like their actions to be a result of a consious choice rather than genetic impulse (as much as this is possible with BAs in general). And the fact that they cover their faces can only mean some horrible mutuaton - Vampires anyone? Just to bring a WHFB analogy ***ducks for cover*** I'd rather be a Carstein than a Strigoi...


So yeah, do Angels Sanguine!


I like to think if i did Angels Sanguine .. I'd like to think they're totally unmutated under their helmets and masks. Its just shame that makes them hide their faces at being so drawn into the Flaw like the other chapters.. Don't know why but that appeals to me more.


..yeah they're all vampires.. i'm not totally into that but i've accepted it anyways.. whereas the Flesh Tearer's don't really embody the vampire aesthetic so much..

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