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Hellkite mkII: Finished

Espada Azul

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A slight update on an old project... Actually I finished this a LONG time ago, though I never got around to taking a picture of it. Well, no more! Here are the pictures, as well as a comparison with the previous conversion I made.





And the comparison with the new plastic Venerable dread, my old Hellkite, and the new conversion:


And there you have it. Done, and done. Despite their look, I don't run these as stormravens, but as VDRs, and only during the rare Apocalypse matches.

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I disagree on the rivets, that always makes me think more IG. Current SM vehicles have very few bolts/rivets on them honestly & the ones they do have seem strategically placed for access panels for the most part such as the covers for the exhausts on rhinos for example.


But maybe more armor plates/segments would help break up the flat surfaces, or even detailing like icons & grates/vents?

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