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Blood Angels with Bolters ?


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New player possibly intrested in Blood Angels - specifically Lamenters ( big fan of the FW Badab War books ) .


I have a lot of bolter armed marine figures and wonder - is it worth taking Tactical Squads in a BA army ? or is it more geared toward close combat ?



Also a specific question about the Lamenters chapter - do they actually still exist ( fluff wise ) post Badab and post Hive Fleet Kraken or has the chapter been destroyed completely ?

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They are as good as destroyed, but I guess they still exist :mellow:


You can play your tactical squads with the BAs, no problem.

I am redoing my army myself and convert my former SM force to BAs. Lots and lots of bolters..

ASM are a better choice in my eyes than tactical squads, but I plan to convert my bolter guys to sternguard and death company with bolters, some may find themselves reassigned to the dev squads :o

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On the other hand - they are not yet destroyed, and there's plenty of room for you to have whatever force you want to have (so please ignore anyone who tries to say you cant have termies, LR's or whatever).


Bolters/tac squads are a good unit for BA's, as long as your army is set up to use them well. Though the same should be said about any other troop choice in the codex. Consider this - a normal tac squad will beat 7 bells out of any unit not a CC specialist in CC, whle a BA squad with a priest about will do even better. A normal tac squad will hold an objective from just about anything bar a concerted focussed attack, a BA squad with a priest about (with FNP) will last that much longer and be harder to shift, (it need not be a mission-winning objective - it might just be a wood that you want to keep your enemy out of so he cant flank your vehicles for example).


If you think 50 pts is to much to pay for that bonus, ask yourself - how much better is 2 squads and a priest then (sharing the 50pt cost between 2 units). 25pts for FNP and FC on a tactical squad? If it was in C:SM everyone would take it.


If you could use tac squads well as C:SM, they'll be better for you as BA's.

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Tac Squads are actually not very good in the BA dex if you consider them within the context of the book and not in and of themselves. There's very little that they do that you couldn't do better by taking assault squads or a combination of assault squads and (sniper) scout squads.


They're not utterly awful though - just not an optimal choice.

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When the best thing you can say about a tricked out unit is "it is surprisingly decent for the points", you know it is pretty flawed.



Tactical Squads are the biggest reason why I switched from SM to BA. I kept making lists that attempted to avoid or minimized them which is pretty flawed to start with.

(with the caveat that there are times when massed bolter fire is a bigger deal than people think)


Why does GW keep making example armies or taking pictures of bad armies? A ten man tactical squad in a Rhino is just not that good and that is what you get with all of the battleforces (ours included) and what you see repeatedly in most of their images.

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A tactical squad with Meltagun, Missile launcher and Sergeant with P Fist/Combi-Melta and a TLPlasma/Lascannon Razorback is actually surprisingly decent for the points.


I see your Tac Squad + Razor (300 pts) and raise you a 5 man RAS with melta, infernus and fist riding in a las/plas Razor combined with a 5-man Scout squad with sniper rifles, missile and camo cloaks (305 pts all included).

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Sorry, I am new to Blood Angels and this part of the forum. When you refer to putting 5/6 man ASM squads in razorbacks, you are essentially talking about standard assault troops without the jumppacks? If so why put them into the razorbacks over giving them jumppacks, wouldn't they offer greater mobility?
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Razorbacks add extra firepower to support the assault squads, also our transports are fast allowing for 18". Transports also offer extra protection against small arms fire till you're close enough to charge. Also its important to note that RAS/ASM squads get 35 points deduction on their transport for trading in their jump pack which is pretty much a free weapon upgrade for your razorback.
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Aaah, I see. Thats pretty darn good. 5/6 man assault squads with a meltagun, and the rest with cqc weapons (incl. infernus pistols etc) could do some serious damage. I was planning a mech army, but lets face it, that doesnt really bring out the best the BA's have to offer. Whilst I am not too keen on throwing points away on Death Company I do like the rapid transport assault capabilities. Having a few of these squads in razorbacks alongside a Baal Predator or three could dish out some serious damage. I think it is always good to have a tactical squad though, maybe split into two comabat unit to hold positions and provide a secondary fire line.
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To the OP:




Tactical squads always have a place in a Blood Angels list - no matter what others say. They are good infantry-killers of other races' units(preferably not SM, but Assault Marines struggle with those as well) and have a greater range of special weapons available.

They support our close combat elements very well before the initial charge, and can afterwards embark on their ride again to claim an objective.


I use Tactical Marines in a Rhino, special weapons mostly Flamer/Missile launcher but also plasmacannon and plasmagun. Their Rhino offers additional cover for advancing jumpers while being able of moving 18" or firing out of 2 firing points when stationary.

They have always been very important in my battles, just for that extra bit of bolterness if there's anything I'd like to weaken before I assault(think of very fast or heavily armoured troops).


Give them a try. :)



aah, I see. Thats pretty darn good. 5/6 man assault squads with a meltagun, and the rest with cqc weapons (incl. infernus pistols etc) could do some serious damage. I was planning a mech army, but lets face it, that doesnt really bring out the best the BA's have to offer. Whilst I am not too keen on throwing points away on Death Company I do like the rapid transport assault capabilities. Having a few of these squads in razorbacks alongside a Baal Predator or three could dish out some serious damage. I think it is always good to have a tactical squad though, maybe split into two comabat unit to hold positions and provide a secondary fire line.


Jumpers however have greater flexibility than Razor-mounted ASM in almost every phase in my opinion. They ignore terrain while moving, are able to assault after movement and have more special weapons available. Also, their ability to deepstrike should not be overlooked(especially not with DoA).


Oh, and you never throw out points for DC - they will most likely make them back, even before any other unit in your army. :)




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Thanks fellas. I am still in the early stage of my army, so a lot of things are up in the air. One recommendation I see very rarely is Terminators, is it that they soak up so many points and can be easily replaced with more versatile, and flexible troops. I have always been partial to drop podding a load of assault termies with a chaplain or librarian right onto the enemy!
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Thanks fellas. I am still in the early stage of my army, so a lot of things are up in the air. One recommendation I see very rarely is Terminators, is it that they soak up so many points and can be easily replaced with more versatile, and flexible troops. I have always been partial to drop podding a load of assault termies with a chaplain or librarian right onto the enemy!


Unfortunately the drop pod is no longer an option for terminators. Makes it a bit more expensive (or risky) to get them where you want to.


I like tactical terminators better than tactical squads though. Use them a lot.

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