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Land Raider Disembarking


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A situation arose last night that we couldnt find an answer for, a chaos raider had parked on dangerous terrain with marines inside on turn 1, turn 2 it attempted to move but immobilised itself on the terrain.

The question then arose to whether the raider classed itself as moving for when the passengers disembarked. It had to declare a move to immobilise itself but hadnt actually moved.

so the question is do the passengers get their 6" move or not? We said that as no actuall movement had taken place then the passenger could disembark and move as normal but less friendly players would argue that they could only disembark.


Many thanks in advance

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"Roll a D6 for every vehicle that has entered, left or moved through one or more areas of dangerous terrain during its movement." BRB page 57


Vehicles must move for a dangerous terrain test to be taken in the first place. A vehicle immobilized from dangerous terrain has moved, even if the model is stays in place.

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:mellow: well color me wrong. Thanks for the spot on answer, Dan! :)
Dan is correct, just like if you were going to move through difficult terrain with infantry, and rolled poorly, you may then decide to leave the models stationary, but the act of rolling that difficult terain means they count as having moved, regardless of how much movement the models actualy do.



As a Chaos Space Marine player who is none too cautious about charging my vehicles across the board, my Khorne Berzerkers are frequently at the mercy of this rule. :(

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If it helps any, picture it this way: the reason your guys count as moving when their transport moves isn't always just because it moved...but because that move takes time. When the LR starts to move and it's treads spin and lock, the marines sit there for a moment until they hear the pilot swear himself silly and declare the tank stuck. :P


So they get out, albeit later than they otherwise would and don't have time to brace with their heavy weapons or to advance that extra distance they otherwise could have.


Sometimes I find little fluff reasons help me make sense of otherwise wonky rules.

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