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Forgeworld Chaos Dread...


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So here is a World Eaters dread that I am working on. I got the unassembled dread as part of a trade. I dont play chaos so this guy will be auctioned off when finished...in the meantime, very fun to build, the FW dreads actually seem pretty decent. There is a bit of detail work still to do on this guy, some filling here and there, but for the most part he is ready for paint. He is armed with 2 DCCW's and a flamer/stormbolter. The spikes on the shoulder come from a chaos vehicle sprue, and the wrack/banner is a converted privateer press mini on a aluminum/brass structure, I thought it fit nicely. The big pit at the feet of the dread is going to be filled with skulls, bones and blood! I will be going for a very dark red on this dread and I am hoping it turns out well!


Enjoy the pics!









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Covenant's part is a genius's idea but I'm far less convinced by all thoses spiky bits and roughly sculpted skulls everywhere.

I know its chaos and all the stuff but well, GW and Marilyn Manson could dig the idea a bit more than spiky bits and skulls and looking like gothic christmas trees... Hmmm no snakes either, Alice Cooper did it ^_^ , headless bats... nah, Fatty Osborne did it... Rah !

Covenant's stretching exercices idea is stolen (must have been quite a hell to file the chain and weight considering how tough PP metal is) ! Thanks !



Looks good so far.


It will be hell to transport though I should imagine...



Thanks for all the feedback guys. I am not going to glue the wrack in place, I set up a nice solid mounting bracket so that it can easily be removed for transport.




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