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What would you build right now?


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Here's a question for anyone thinking about putting more work into their Chaos army. What army would you actually build right now and why?


If the rumors about 6th edition are to be believed (and I realize that is a big if), we can assume certain things are coming:


1) Chaos Warbands are about to be upgraded, which means made more powerful. They will probably still be able to use all units listed in the Codex.


2) We are getting legion-specific rules back. They will probably include options we have seen in previous versions of the game, like limit unit choices based on various marks and provide various upgrades to suit certain styles of play.


3) Certain game mechanics, like random movement and jump infantry, are going to be changed in a way that removes some of the biggest drawbacks to certain units. Like, raptors and dreads may suddenly become useful in more situations then they are now.


If these really are the facts, how hard has it got to be to start or upgrade an army right now? You could build an army around the warband codex we have now and there's little chance you are going to lose the ability to play any of your units in the next edition. But then again, there are legion specific army lists on the way, along with new models, which means there's a good chance you are going to want to play them at some point. Spending the time and money right now means there's a good chance you are going to miss out on something else down the road. Either way, you are taking a risk.


I hate it when GW puts people in situations like this, where upcoming changes to the game system can make units obsolete or useless, and information about these changes is treated like a state secret. It's not like it's trivial to afford the time or effort it takes to build an army in the first place, and I don't know why they would want to keep everyone in the dark about the possibilities.


Anyways, how would you deal with it?

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1) Chaos Warbands are about to be upgraded, which means made more powerful.
Were the Tyranids made more powerful in 5th?


2) We are getting legion-specific rules back. They will probably include options we have seen in previous versions of the game, like limit unit choices based on various marks and provide various upgrades to suit certain styles of play.
that conflicts a bit with
They will probably still be able to use all units listed in the Codex.
does it not? :P


3) Certain game mechanics, like random movement and jump infantry, are going to be changed in a way that removes some of the biggest drawbacks to certain units. Like, raptors and dreads may suddenly become useful in more situations then they are now.
Random movement is not a problem for either Raptors (they don't have random movement) or Dreadnoughts at the moment, however the price and special rules (e.g. Crazed) are.


That all came out a bit negative i admit, but my biggest fear is that they will turn us into the next 5th ed. Tyranids.



I'm with Dark Apostle Thirst though, if we see an early leak (and it turns out that they have actually rectified the abortion called C:CSM 4th ed.) then I will build myself a couple of Dreads to go with the two I already own - which are currently covered in several layers of dust.



My 2 Kraks

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That all came out a bit negative i admit, but my biggest fear is that they will turn us into the next 5th ed. Tyranids.


I'm with Dark Apostle Thirst though, if we see an early leak (and it turns out that they have actually rectified the abortion called C:CSM 4th ed.) then I will build myself a couple of Dreads to go with the two I already own - which are currently covered in several layers of dust.

The reaction is totally understood. I guess it's a possibility as well.


The recent trend, tho, appears to be to beef up the armies instead of nerf them. Blood Angels and Grey Knights are seriously powerful these days... so there's probably hope.


About the dreads: I have 2 dreads, one GW and one Forgeworld, and I am looking into ways to magnetize them both. While I think they are still going to have special rules that make them serious burdens, who knows.


I just wish I had some insight into what is coming.

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Things you can build with absolute certainty that they will not be made obsolete?


Standard Chaos Space Marines with bolters (in case we lose the ultimate combo i.e. bolter, bolt pistol and close combat weapon), and possibly a few champions with power fists / bolt pistols or whatever you fancy, myself I'm building a few stand-in champions with close combat weapons / powerfists and combi-weapons because they look awesome and I converted them myself.


We get a proper Mark system back? Well good, build an extra guy with an "Icon" to represent the unit being marked and you are good to go.



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Hehe, call me a masochist but I am building my chaos "warband" right now.....


After looking at the 3.5 'dex and the 4th ed 'dex I just built my Word Bearers host using the 4th ed 'dex, but as close to the 3.5 ed flavour. If it changes back to closer to the old dex, then I'm covered, and if not then I am still covered...


As for what additional kits I'd build, I'd have to say a second dred is at the top of the list, as well as some more daemons...probably some horrors and some furies....but then again I am planning on building them anyway. So I guess its not changing much for me atm. I hope we get an improved/fixed 'dex, but I'll be fine playing my fluffing host til then, and if I really get sick of losing I can always break out my wolves for a game or two and get that "win" fix....



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Not a damn clue, seeing as both my codexes are currently sitting at my mother's house in a box.


Probably Possessed, I had a brief skint as a desire to use Demonic Engines and Possessed. I won't go so far as a true Demon Summon Army, but I would like to try some Demonic Tamperence or mutation ideas. Dropped all of them and just stuck to the mono-aligned Nurgle Army I've been planning out before a series of events. So far left it in piles of dust because of College.


Or I'll attempt a mix at an Iron Warriors splinter group with Nurgle choices, but like Nihm said, heres to hoping it's not going to be like 5th edition Nids.


Speaking of which I'm still waiting on Genestealer Cult rules, even less likely.

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I am also fairly sure that you can't go wrong with building a few Rhinos. :P
I'm not building any Rhinos until I've seen whether or not we get VPs instead of KPs. Its also why I'm not building a Dark Eldar army on the side; I don't want to build an army that depends upon vehicles and is required to be worth more KPs than my opponent's.
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Simply, I'm building an Iron Warriors warband using standardly common C:SM units that have existed pretty much forever:

CSM squads of 10 men in rhinos w/ one special weapon & one heavy weapon

Berzerker squads of 10 men in rhinos





I may proxy some noise marines as experimental weaponry but I can run Iron Warriors under any dex using the above-listed units.


Later, I may add a defiler as those have always been fun since they were introduced.


I'd like to see the Iron Warriors come back as some kind of sub-dex w/ maybe some rules tweaks but I won't hold my breath as, ever since the 4th Ed dex came out & I lost plenty of my special stuff that made me more than Night Lords in steel colored armor.

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What bugs me the most is the colors of my figurines.


I'm still painting, and I don't want to restart it all over because the legion doesn't suits me.

I'm afraid to change my night lords into alpha legionaries.

This is what I was really wondering about. The most challenging part of building an army is the painting, it seems to take the most time for people who care about how the figures are going to look.


My army is Black Legion, but I have a lot of cult troops who could easily be the basis of another force. Like, I have more Berzerkers, Noise Marines and Plague Marines than I do CSMs, and it would not be too tough for me to settle on one and use that as my army. A lot of people aren't in that situation and it could be hard for them to deal with.

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Hehe, call me a masochist but I am building my chaos "warband" right now.....


I'm also creating my Crusaders, always assembling and painting new models to them and quite satisfied with the current codex though, of course, await a new one. But for my purposes (all-Tzeentch army) it pretty suits.


This is what I was really wondering about. The most challenging part of building an army is the painting, it seems to take the most time for people who care about how the figures are going to look.

+1. All is up to us, brothers. New radical changes can be and can not, but Legions as our past will always remain and so their colours and symbols too.

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If the next codex was truly a Renaissance of Chaotic Splendor, a Fearful Dawning of Shadows and Flame that Seduced and Consumed all who beheld it, then I would:

(dance a jig and then)

1. Assemble some (fearless, god-Marked) Chaos Terminators.

2. Assemble (cheaper) Possessed.

3. Paint "POWER OF THE MACHINE DAEMON" on all of my Rhinos and Land Raiders.

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New radical changes can be and can not, but Legions as our past will always remain and so their colours and symbols too.

I think you missed what happended to the EC on transition from 3.5 to gav dex.





10xplasma guns 10x AC dudes. 10xmelta dudes[if you dont have any] 10xflamer dudes[you should not have any] . 8xpower weapon asp champs[you should not have any] . 12xbikers with options to switch weapons . no defilers there will be better stuff. no lords or DPS , special will be a lot better to take then normal HQs. no zerkers or pms . 2x5 1ksons for those 2500 games . you should have enough normal csm to play already . same with rhinos .

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I think you missed what had happened to the EC on transition from 3.5 to gav dex.

I saw Chaos from its very beginning. Some has been changed, some - not, but the essentials're always the same and so should it be. But i have no interest in your thoughts as for it.


Assemble some (fearless, god-Marked) Chaos Terminators.

Agreed! TSons Terminators with AP3 bolters, slow and purposeful, 4++ and so on... ah, sweet dreams! :wallbash:


In any way it depends on what codex will be. If Legions, so for those who play not them it won't be, i think, important. But if not...

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Currently, I've got some thoughts as to a Slaaneshi warband of ex-Iron Warriors. Sadly though, the only thing I've got for them is a colour scheme, gold with bone trim (the gold is the melted tributes of their victims, and the bone taken from those that couldn't pay), I don't even have a name for them. :lol:

Basically though, they're the remnants of one of the old garrison forces, who got left behind during the Heresy, stuck on a backwater planet, and turned to Slaanesh to keep themselves entertained. Over time, they became more and more tyranical to the native population, demanding tributes and killing those who couldn't pay (see the colour scheme), exemplifying more of the Greed aspect of Slaanesh. Now they roam the galaxy, enslaving worlds and demanding payments of recruits, tribute and "entertainment", with their Sorceror leader ripping the memories from his own victims, desperate to find an experience amongst them that he hasn't felt before.

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Some has been changed, some - not, but the essentials're always the same and so should it be. But i have no interest in your thoughts as for it.

some is a nice word for losing sonics on chosen , havocks , tank , bikers , dreads and HQ . unlike other chaos legions list EC became illegal as soon as gav dex hit and not only because of the sonics , but also because 50% of the list was demons. not to mention losing plasma on NM etc

If you call that some , I dont think you know what EC list lost in the transition.

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Currently, I've got some thoughts as to a Slaaneshi warband of ex-Iron Warriors. Sadly though, the only thing I've got for them is a colour scheme, gold with bone trim (the gold is the melted tributes of their victims, and the bone taken from those that couldn't pay), I don't even have a name for them. :HQ:

Basically though, they're the remnants of one of the old garrison forces, who got left behind during the Heresy, stuck on a backwater planet, and turned to Slaanesh to keep themselves entertained. Over time, they became more and more tyranical to the native population, demanding tributes and killing those who couldn't pay (see the colour scheme), exemplifying more of the Greed aspect of Slaanesh. Now they roam the galaxy, enslaving worlds and demanding payments of recruits, tribute and "entertainment", with their Sorceror leader ripping the memories from his own victims, desperate to find an experience amongst them that he hasn't felt before.


This. Rocks.

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