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What would you build right now?


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Anyways, how would you deal with it?


I'm rounding out the last bits of my warband, so I'm just waiting to see if we get some sweet new vehicle or special characters. I don't see new Legions rules radically changing the makeup of my army or how I fight. I'd be wicked nervous if I hadn't bought anything for CSM yet, sort of like how I'm waiting to see this new Necrons dex before I make a final decision over what my xenos army is going to be. So... I guess I'd wait, passing the time by working on a different army that had a more recent codex.


And building transports. You can never have enough Rhinos put together...

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I'm rounding out the last bits of my warband, so I'm just waiting to see if we get some sweet new vehicle or special characters. I don't see new Legions rules radically changing the makeup of my army or how I fight. I'd be wicked nervous if I hadn't bought anything for CSM yet, sort of like how I'm waiting to see this new Necrons dex before I make a final decision over what my xenos army is going to be. So... I guess I'd wait, passing the time by working on a different army that had a more recent codex.


And building transports. You can never have enough Rhinos put together...

You going soft on us Max? Taking up with the emperor's dogs and their lackeys? Or are you like those Eldar fancy boys?


Going the worst route possible, trying to prepare for every eventuality. Just doubled down on noise marines and thousand sons through eBay. They HAVE to get better in whatever GW is cooking up, there comes a time when you can't nerf anymore than has already been done.

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I would build (HQ), ELITE, FAST ATTACK and HEAVY SUPPORT choices for my Plaguemarines ("Death Guard") and Khorne Berzerkers ("World Eaters") and my little Noise marine contigent. I'm still miffed that my Possessed Berzerkers haven't had a chance to get fielded. I made them in our 3.5 codex, just plain to fight orks. (The player is really into the modelling and painting aspects of the hobby, and well - the Ork Codex was great, but not really powerful, especially if you spent your points on the cool units. Admittably that's how the codexes were, back then.)


I'd be really happy to add daemons to, but I won't have my Bloodletters, Plaguebearers or Daemonettes be lesser deamons.

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I'd like to build Havocs holding Reaper Autocannons but that's just wishful thinking. But it'd be fun to have a bit more spread on the only infantry held long range fire power that set's us apart from the Imperials.


I think I'd go a different route than most when it comes to building something. I'm still very much in the building process myself of my CORE army without really needing to add new projects to it. But if I didn't have lots of basic stuff to still do I'd concentrate on just doing one model that I'd really like to use and make look suitably grand not caring if it was any good. I've always liked Land Raiders for example and I really want one (have bought it just to see what the kit looks like) that can be the center of my army, a mobile temple to the Dark Gods that is suitably converted up. That would probably be what I'd do if I had the time to do something proper.

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