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How would you combine somewhat neutral alignment with a


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Without having to use the Black Legion. (Purist here)


Say, I want to do an Iron Warriors Splinter Warband, but I also want to use the small force of Plague Marines I have in storage.


Alignment Conflict is almost Non-Existant now on the Tabletop, but I want a legitmate explanation as to why an Iron Warrior Warsmith or Champion is allowing a small group of Plague Marines with them. Are they the front line of Siege Defense, were they soak up enemy fire better than their Counterparts who are more squishy? Or former members who have allowed themselves to be converted to an alignment. Maybe this Commander has an affinity for Virus Weapons and Biological Warfare.


I read Storm of Iron, noted the Captain with the obvious Alignment for Khorne, but that's more or less accepted that Chaos elements are more acceptive of Khorne Marines as Shock Troopers and Assault units. (They weren't Berzerkers after all)

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Maybe this Commander has an affinity for Virus Weapons and Biological Warfare
You answered it yourself I think. I'd run with this and embellish it.


I can imagine a cynical/bitter/hatred-fueled Warsmith seeing Plague Marines as nothing but a biological weapon/asset to be used defensively (or as a deterrent/counter assault unit) during sieges.


It doesn't always have to be the next 'big thing' or Ultra-unique (pun intended) to be great. :(

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Siege of Vraks.


Among to most noted Chaos Warbands active in that campaign besides a few sub-Death Guard warbands and a few sub-World Eaters warbands was The Sanctified, an apparent Khrone affiliated Word Bearer offshoot, the Faithless, an Alpha Legion cell, and the Steel Brethren, an Iron Warriors offshoot.


Now personally I do not think it would too much of a stretch that with so many Nurgle fixed warbands being around them for however long it was the crusade for Vraks was, I recall it being pretty long in-verse, some of the members of the Steel Brethren would have their views warped or at least that the commanders of them would see the potential in Nurgle affixiated troops during a drawn-out siege for example.


And now the Siege of Vraks is only one example. I'm certain there have been a multitude of unknown sieges and campaigns against other planets and systems where Iron Warriors and warriors of Nurgle have teamed up against the forces of the Corpse God. :(



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As others have said, just have an off-shoot warband. My latest Warband is a group of ex Iron Warriors who've turned to Slaanesh, there's no reason why a warband couldn't have turned at least partially to Nurgle. Perhaps the leader had a love of chemical warfare, as mentioned above, or perhaps a group began worshipping him for the strength to survive the tedium and squalor of trench warfare. There's lots of reasons, really.
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You could always do some creative modeling, and have them 'count as'. Perhaps use some Iron Warriors more associated interested in mechanical replacement (replacing flesh with, well, iron) and use that to justify the extra point of toughness and so forth. Or, perhaps, something a little more interesting? Warriors with vials of toxins and so forth included in their armor - like Apple meets Nurgle, only not as sleek.
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Iron Warriors are probably the most pragmatic of the Legions. But it doesn't even have to be anything Nurgle related. Instead of straight Plague Marines they could have some kind of extra armor or equipment to represent the Feel No Pain. Honking great shields, perhaps, like the boarding shield equipped marines from Forge World that just came out, or Marines carrying large shields from, say, the Bretonnian Men-at-arms box purchased from a bits site. I'm a big fan of weird conversions, though a mercenary squad would be the easiest route to follow.
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I'm having a squad of veteran assault marines run around in AL colours, I am suspecting a slight khornate deviation has taken place in them through the millenia though...hehe (counts-as berzerkers) ;)
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