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Could someone tell me what the Chaos Biker-box comes with?


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Back when I was last in the game the sprues were pictured on the Games Workshop site. Not so now.


As my own bikers come from the battle- and army forces I bought when building the army, I've not in the know.


I love the models, but...



... do they come with weapon upgrades? Frag/krak grenades? Bolt pistol? ... any cool bitz other than the bike and rider?





... also, how viable is the Chaos Bikers now? (For curiousity sake, I swore that sunday would be my first and only game with the current Chaos Space Marine Codex, though I'm tempted in running Tzeentch Sorcerors in Khorne Berzerker Squads, for a once in a lifetime oppourtunity. I don't think the codex would be as [underpowered] if one were just willing to toss background and versimilitude on the funeral pyre.)

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Insane Psychopath's link is correct. All you get is a bike and rider, with 2 head options.

I'm pretty sure most Chaos players you speak to would say Bikers are cool, but generally aren't worth the points cost. Most common setup I've seen is 3 Bikers with 2 Meltas, and possibly a Powerfist Champ, as a suicidal tank-buster.

But yeah, like all of our Fast Attack choices, currently they aren't all that :(

Hope that helps.

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The Biker Squad box now however, does have a specific Champion Head, Power Weapon arm for the Champion, a meltagun for a bike, a flamer for a bike, three custom shoulder pads and three pouches with pistols and grenades.


Unless they have changed that in the odd 5-6 years since I bought my box that is :(



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Guess they don't include metal bitz to replace the twin-linked bolters with a flamer, plasma, or melta anymore? Which always infuriated the Imperials because our plasma was stabilized, and theirs wasn't. =p

I would be happy to play them if their plasma guns were mounted on the bike (IE: remplacing twin linked bolters).

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I would be happy to play them if their plasma guns were mounted on the bike (IE: remplacing twin linked bolters).

Under the current rules it doesn't matter so much, but under the old ones having plasma on the bikes was a huge advantage because you could move and still shoot twice. Infantry could only shoot once with rapid fire weapons if they moved.


The key was whether the weapon was mounted on the bike or not. Bike-mounted Chaos plasma was stabilized; hand-carried Imperial plasma wasn't.

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Kind of in the same vein, anyone have access to what comes in the Doomrider box?
Not anymore, but:


Is it compatible with the Chaos Marine bits to customize out?
I can tell you that it is, I did a conversion ages ago that used his bits and they are interchangeable with regular biker and marine bitz. Some of the parts might be a tiny bit smaller but a paintjob/greenstuff can cover that up np.
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My plan has always been to use my bikes for last-turn objective contesting, like a Loyalist at the local gaming shop uses his Land Speeders (sine, um, we don't have Land Speeders ;)
That'd require a change to the rules to allow non-Troops units to contest objectives. Ain't too likely to happen. Then again, if he's playing speeders like they can contest objectives....



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That'd require a change to the rules to allow non-Troops units to contest objectives.

Umm, what?


speeders can contest.... everything can contest, only scoring troops can claim, bit of a difference there ;)
^- What he said.
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