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Index Astartes: Delta Wolves

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Index Astartes: Delta Wolves



Many scholars estimate that the birth of the Delta Wolves occurred during the third founding, while records of the hard times succeeding the harrowing are hard to come by since the dark days of the apostasy. Mentions of the Delta Wolves appear sparsely in the Honourifica Imperialis, The earliest of which was the “liberation of Dantos IV” est – M32.937, The records indicate that during a coupe staged by the then Planetary Governor Augustus Aevonis for independence from the Imperium, in which he turned the planetary defence array upon a nearby Imperial Navy patrol, resulted in the Fledgling Delta Wolves mounting a successful liberation campaign for the world and had wrested control from the despot in no less than 6 months a truly astounding feat for a chapter surely no older than a few centuries at most. Other campaigns of varying success are dotted throughout the millennia campaigns such as; The Battle for Mitas Prime est- M33.001, Stemming Waagh Gritchnog est - M33.542 and the disastrous boarding of The Heart of Darkness est – M34.02 remembered only for the astounding vengeance operation led by the Genesis Chapter to avenge their brothers and Scions.

Discounting these sporadic mentions early in the Imperiums history, it is only in early M37 that detailed records appear from trusted scholars, most of which appear to be the dialogue of a certain Veteran Sergeant Aelis Krane, he recounts the legend of the founding as it is to the Delta Wolves.

It is said by Vet Sgt Krane that the Delta Wolves were founded in the third founding from the seed of the legendary Roboute Guilliman to bolster Imperial defences as the need for more marines became increasingly apparent to the High Lords of Terra a need that far outweighed any perceived risk, foul Xenos and Vile Heretic alike surrounded the Imperium. Captain Elohim of the Gensis Chapter fifth company was nominated by his peers to lead this new chapter when word reached Genesis of the High Lords or Terra’s intention for them to sire Chapter 301. It is said Elohim meditated for 40 days and nights aboard the battle barge “Orar’s Fury” for guidance on how to lead Chapter 301 into glory and honour and looked to the Primarch and The Emperor for guidance; On the 41st Day he emerged from his chambers and strode onto the bridge and announced to his assembled brothers throughout the fleet:

“Brother’s prepare to make planet-fall, For many day’s I have sort answers from the Codex, for many days I have meditated for guidance, Guidance has come. We are Space Marines we are scions of the Emperor and where we step fires of war shall burn and enemies of man shall scatter before us like livestock from the wolf, Our weapons howl for war in His holy name, We are both Shield and Sword of Humanity, Fury tamed to Man’s ends, We are Space Marines and we are the Delta Wolves!”

Upon leaving warp space, The newly Christened Delta Wolves fell upon the World of Tertius Deus a world recently enslaved by an Ork Waaaargh of the best Thumpa-Fist and claimed it as their home.

Home world:

Tertius Deus [tithe status: Feral/Agri World] is a small world situated in the Templum system located along the farthest north-eastern edge of the Segmentum Solar. A meagre 25% of the planet’s surface is covered by liquid water, However the central land mass known as Bumellia and the many smaller continents slowly drifting away from it are rich in vegetation due to vast sub-terrain water pockets, The World itself is tiny and of little strategic value for the Imperium as a whole; with a very low population [>70,000] and fractured independent city-state style of Government, it’s only valued out source material was the vast amounts of food produced through farming and animal husbandry. Due to its fragmented society it is known that Tertius Deus fell swiftly to the Waargh of Thumpa-Fist, However the priests of the Emperor had managed to active their short range distress beacon which alerted the fledgling Delta Wolves of the worlds need.

Upon restoring the World to Imperium and claiming it as their own the Delta Wolves did little to alter the Worlds traditions, Elohim set up a centralised committee for the leaders of the separate city states to meet in case of emergency or summoning by the chapter and claimed that Collis Primus the largest mountain reaching far into the upper atmosphere from western Bumellia and set up their fortress monastery atop of it.

Elohim and his Delta Wolves had permanently changed the beliefs of the primitive people of Tertius Deus, for Collis Primus became the home of the God Emperor, and his many Gods of War, the city states relations turned more hostile and weapon smiths began the production of swords shield and shining chest armour to mimic the Gods as best they could, Agriculture had always put a huge importance on the land for the people, but now states began to realise more land allowed higher population more wealth and more attention from the Gods.

Combat Doctrine:

The Delta Wolves follow the Codex Astartes like man of from Ultramarines stock, Elohim instilled in them its values and wisdom from its very birth, However unlike many chapters who follow its creed they do not follow but one version battle brothers of the Delta Wolves are taught all of the tomes collected by the chapter and a huge emphasis is put on the marine to use his own imitative in the heat of combat, and not rely upon guidance from the past. Thus it is not unheard of for Captains of the Delta Wolves to embark on a course of action discredited by the Codex as it seemed the best course at the time.

One such example is the story of the Adragus campaign [M39.99] and Captain Adriel of the 2nd company; Captain Adriel had been charged with pushing the heretical guard from the planet Adragas, and had been limited to a dominatus order as the planets tactical importance was paramount and to launch exterminatus would have been unacceptable.

Adriel had tried all conventional insertion methods such as Drop pods or Thunderhawk insertion but after losing over 30 marines and the only thunderhawk attempted to get 7 marines on the ground Adriel had to think again, he knew he had to get on the ground to lead his men for the Codex says”... a Captain is to lead from the front” and teleportation was out of the question, the warp is a treacherous place at best, but when being manipulated by servants of chaos, to risk relics such as Tactical Dreadnought armour would have been folly. So he embarked on what remains one of the highest risk insertions to have been recorded he and 5 Veteran’s of the 1st Company boarded the “Intercepting Fury” revered Command thunderhawk of the 2nd company, and headed for the uppermost atmosphere from the Company Strike Cruiser “Wrath of Gulliman”.

Adriel’s plan was to “drop insert covertly” from his thunderhawk at the highest possible point in the atmosphere, free fall towards the surface of Adragus and use their jump packs for a last minute counter burst of thrust to make a safe landing.

While Adriel’s plan was a success despite heretical sorcery revenging his flesh upon planet fall released by a rogue psyker, Adriel still managed to lead all military operations including the taking of the Planetary defence station with no more than 12 injured marines and fifty loyal PDF which directly led to the final surgical strike via drop pod to crush the remaining resistance, the success has always been marred by the actions of Brother Longinus.

Inquisitor Drackonhoff made planet fall shortly after the final victory with a squad of Ultramarines at his behest and detained Captain Adriel for suspicion of Heresy, Brother Longinus stood before his Captain and re-sited “None touched by the Warp are free of its taint”

Brother Longinus should be remembered a hero for eternal vigilance against heresy, however under intense interrogation and close study over the course of twenty years it was revealed that Adriel had remained spiritually pure despite the impurities wracked upon his flesh, and was summarily cleared of the charges, Brother Longinus has become a hated name in the chapter; Longinus is seen by the Delta Wolves as a dishonour for he could not see past the Codex’s guidance and see the truth with his own eyes and judge it so with his own mind, Longinus has become a byword for lack of initiative and honourless within the chapter.


The Delta Wolves prescribe to what they see as the only Organisational Doctrine: 10 companies, 1st Company – Veterans, 2nd – 5th Battle Companies [made up of six tactical squads, 2 Assault squads and 2 Devastator Squads],6th – 9th Support Companies [6th and 7th Tactical support, 8th Assault Support and 9th Devastator support], and 10th Scout Company [made up of Neophytes] as prescribed by the Codex Astartes.


The Delta Wolves like many chapters of the Adeptus Astartes do not believe the Emperor to be a God, they prescribe him homage as the greatest of all men, not an uncommon belief itself however due to the recruits from Tertius Deus and the belief structure of the home world the chapter does put an unprecedented amount of pressure on humility in its brothers, Hubris is a real risk for ant Space Marine but for Marines seen as God’s the pit falls are all the easier to slip into. The Delta Wolves entire belief system is based on four main precepts, Humility, Honour, Respect and Duty, these four corner stone’s to their beliefs were instilled by Chapter Master Elohim upon Tertius Deus during the early years of the establishment, a time where the armour is retrofitted with badges detailing their chosen iconography, something they did unusually after seeking out their first combat operations. It is said Elohim was shown by the Emperor that there four qualities would make the perfect Space Marines as recounted by in the collected visions of Elohim the key tome in the chapter’s spiritual ideology:

“... and these four qualities will be the Delta elevating you and your brothers from the ranks soldiers the packs of wolves that hunted for humanity“


Elohim set the rules of recruitment early in the chapter’s life he gathered the priests of old and recited to them that the people of his world were to maintain their independent states and to settle all international disputes with war to gain the favour of the Emperor and his Angels of Death on all days except the 20th Terran Year [end of the Tertius Deus’ year] in which all boys physically approaching man hood would embark on a pilgrimage to Emperors Fortress of Theoí and brave the horrors of the Calthanian Wilds surrounding Collis Primus, and climb through the raging storms of his fury [ref:storms of his fury:Gamma Class Electrical storms which permanently surround the Delta Wolves fortress monastery, Fortress of Theoí ] which surround Collis Primus and face the Lords of War to be judged for ascension.

This has been the rite of gathering recruits for over 8 millennia and is likely to never change, if they recruits survive the journey and are judged worthy they begin a long initiation rite of combat training, hypno-cognitive behaviour reconditioning, and “Philosophical unifying” with the rest of the chapter before even earning the rite to call themselves a scout or combat neophyte. Such is there ways of ensuring the ways of the chapter survive and the four tenants are up help.


The Delta Wolves are from Roboute Guilliman’s genestock and so far excibit no signs of corrupt genestock.

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I can't read this until you change the first sentence to "Many scholars estimate..." The whole first sentence might superfluous, but I didn't finish reading it.


The name is awesome, completely classic. I have high hopes about the name. You might have a hard time writing the IA to the high standard you set with "Delta Wolves." I swear to Rick Priestly, that name is solid.

  voi shet magir said:
I can't read this until you change the first sentence to "Many scholars estimate..." The whole first sentence might superfluous, but I didn't finish reading it.


The name is awesome, completely classic. I have high hopes about the name. You might have a hard time writing the IA to the high standard you set with "Delta Wolves." I swear to Rick Priestly, that name is solid.


Thanks for the suggestion nothing like starting an IA and making a grammatical error haha. Glad you like the name :HQ: Well hopefully with some help from you guys I can write an IA worthy of the name.

  ShaMonty said:
Well hopefully with some help from you guys I can write an IA worthy of the name.

I will gladly offer my help... just don't come to me complaining that this was not the help you have been expecting.



It is said by Vet Sgt Krane that *snip* and claimed it as their home.

- Eh, you know, the legends are anything but historically accurate. So, your sergeant has probably very good access to some kind record of this events.

- Second, the recount of said sergeant, with all the specifics and details, make the previous paragraph practically obsolete. Gone is mystery of Delta Wolves founding.

- Orks on the Homeworld are bad news. Orks are basically a angry ecosystem and like with any weed it's hard to get rid of them.


Home world:

Tertius Deus [tithe status: Feral/Agri World]

- Planet Classification: Agri World - "Feral" classify a world with society of hunters/gatherers with low to zero level of technology.

- Tithe Status: Aptus Non. - it's Astartes homeworld.

- Ahem, why would a Chapter consider this peaceful and nice world a good recruiting place?


Comba Doctrine

battle brothers of the Delta Wolves are taught all of the tomes collected by the chapter

- Impossible.


... a huge emphasis is put on the marine to use his own initiative in the heat of combat, and not rely upon guidance from the past.

- I think you don't understand what is "guidance". Guidance is, when you listen to someone more experienced and knowledgeable than yourself and then you make your own conclusions and observations. It's not like the said guy is forcing you to do the same things like he did. :P

- Btw, the Genesis Chapter is renown for their dogmatic view of Codex, quite the opposite of Delta Wolves. Hmmm...


One such example is the story *snip* Longinus has become a byword for lack of initiative and honourless within the chapter.

- In the light of what I said above is this story rather superfluous.

- The Chaplain is the guy, who watches over the purity of Space Marines. The Inquisition will be involved only in case of conflict with other organisation.




Overall: This is huge wall o'text, however I can help myself but to see another vanilla Chapter. There isn't really many things, which would set them apart from another 900+ Chapters.


Cheers, NightrawenII.

Thanks NightrawenII I'll take the critique on board and change and work on the IA, In fairness I do want them to be practically a set of vanilla marines to an extent because it is the vast majority of chapters in the Imperium, however I take on board completely that they need a little more flavor to them, I was kind of thinking of a Roman/Greek style of Marine (I know right *yawn* another one) but I just love the imagery.


Basically the world was kinda seen as like Ancient Greece loads o' city states no unity yada yada yada, and I didnt know quite how to it would be classed as as I though Fuedal might be a little to advanced.


The only thing I would defend is there use of initiative as many chapters don't turn out exactly as there parent chapters and I suppose in fairness somewhere in one of the versions it would actually mentioned who knows.


I'll give it an overhaul later tonight see what I can do with it, But any over advice on how to better incorporate my theme would be greatly appreciated


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