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World Eaters Assistance


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I am very interested in creating a World Eaters force but i have a couple questions and ideas that I would appreciate some input from the community on.


Question. When did they go red? My main plan for this army is to keep them in their pre heresy colors of white and blue, but i want to include the daemonic "chaosy" feel to the army. Im thinking post Siege pre Skalathrax might be an appropriate time setting.


Primarily i will be using the Chaos Codex to represent the army. But I am also entertaining the idea of blood angels and space wolves to mix it up from time to time for reasons discussed at length in various other topics.


I want the taint of chaos to be felt in the army ... daemons, mutations etc. Just dont want to go overboard with them. The main thing im worried about is Khorne daemons are usually portrayed as being red and i dont want the army to be all red white and blue in your face captain america style.


So some gore fitting Khorne's chosen, but for my daemons and mutations "skin" tones im thinking maybe a dark grey? black? really I dunno, but id appreciate some ideas on this front.


Thanks for any assitance

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The Red armour is a sign of their corruption.


They didn't so much repaint it as it has recolored itself with the blood of their victims.


A way to represent this corruption would be to use the original Pre-Heresy scheme and have parts of them gradually turning Crimson :devil:

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There's no reason they can't be a splinter group, their lord preferring the old white & blue.


There was a pic posted by GW facebook, of a bloodletter pack, painted as a nice smokey grey. The black/grey/white all blended perfectly, as the make the models look like they were formed out of smoke.


Khrone's favored colors are black, red, and bronze, but you don't have to use all three or make your bloodletter's red.

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For my World Eaters, I've used the white and blue since the beginning (although in the VERY beginning it was only characters). my fleshhounds are ruddy red, but the patches of outstanding fur are done mottled grey, and their teeth very white, for contrast.

I'd say go for it. Like the captain America comment, haven't thought about it that way.

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The followers of Khorne used to (in older fluff) have armour that grew to be part of their bodies so they could never remove it.

The Chaos armour offered improved protection but I guess since it was less power armour and more "the stuff of chaos" it only came in Khorne's favourite colours!

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As has been pointed out, if you want to go for the old legion colours, go for it. It's your army after all. They could be a warband (as all WE are now warbands) that has decided to keep it's old colours. The old fluff as has been pointed out was that the armour slowly became part of the marines and changed colour to reflect their curruption by Khorne. The newer fluff (I think it replaces the old fluff rather than running alongside it as the old fluff isn't mentioned anymore) is that the red colouring is due to the amount of blood spilt over the armour and not being cleaned off (although how does that explain the bronze edging and bunny\khorne symbol style ears?). This of course could all change in the future when chaos gets a new codex or is mentioned in the HH series.
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The most recent reference to the World Eaters' colours that I can find is Liber Chaotica: Khorne, which states:


"The original colours of the Eaters of Worlds is still visible on some items. Often a shoulder piece, a breastplate or a single piece of armour has come from one of the Legion's original warriors, and has been incorporated without redecoration."


The implication being that the redecoration was intentional, rather than just dried blood. I can't find anything more recent on the matter, not even the current CSM codex.

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