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whats your theme?


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i hear alot of trash talk about how the chaos dex is really bad, personally i think its a great dex, although somewhat lacking in variety.

my own opinion is that the chaos dex makes for great themes, most chaos chaps i know have a theme or a warband they are working on.


since i have no life outside the B&C :whoops: , i figured it would be nice to see what kind of themes people have on here, show some pics, tell us a bit about your warband, conversions overall theme etc..

ill take some pics and post mine up later..

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Forgive me I don't mean to start a discussion of our current codex and it does give us plenty of room to create some unique and good fluff but it's the problem that the fluff isn't really reflected in our lists. I'll explain a bit better. We have these really cool lords and sorcerors who are very powerful and blessed by the gods (fluffwise) but on the tabletop they get one-shot by a powerfist. Or they get into CC and miss/fail wounds with 4/5 attacks. Even worse they hit themselves with their weapon and can't do anything that turn. Our spells almost always get nullified by hoods etc. Our feared chosen are reduced to weapon platforms that come in later in the game. Our bad :D termies will run away if they lose a few out of their squads. You catch my drift?


Sorry now for my fluff/theme. I play Night Lords. My warband has a Lord and Sorceror, occaisonally summoning Princes to lead when the situation is dire enough their services are required. They are dwindling in number and have taken drastic actions to survive. Many now sport mutations, the chosen squad is nigh unrecognizable as marines now. They employ Eldar mercenaries and traitor guard to fight in their place at times and when they have enough sacrifices will often summon daemons to aid them. To most of their brothers they are shunned as outcasts and have even been attacked because of their corruption. The commander keeps close ties with the Black Legion and Iron Warriors. The sorceror will be a former Fallen DA who converts to their warband after his life is saved.


My fluff and theme may change as new codex books are released but for now that's how it is. I have no life either besides the B&C, basically work, gym, WoW and painting :D

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i suppose alot of people do sacrfice the fluff to make playable armies.. which is a shame.

is there anyone here who has a strict theme regardless of playability?


That would probably be me. I absolutely have to have a justification for a unit to fit it into my warband, which is a radical religious offshoot of the Iron Warriors. I have different commanders I will choose from, and their personalities dictate which troops I will include or leave out, and at least two of my commanders refuse to be in the same army list together. Because of the religious theme I have limited the number of cult troops I will take as well, because beyond two squads of bersekers (who are my "regular army" assault troops) they cannot be a part of my "regular army" and have to be considered as auxiliaries only fielded under certain circumstances (some of which I'm still working out).


I can still do a lot with my group fluffwise, but the theme and story of my army is much more important to me than playing a tournament list (my refusal to field more than one unit of three Obliterators, for instance).

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I suppose I sacrifice GW's fluff sometimes to satisfy the personal story I develop for an army, but I generally don't make armies that WAAC people would consider even "usable." :HQ:


The theme for my Chaos Marine army is that they are the warriors who defend a Slaaneshi pleasure world inside the Eye of Terror. When I made the army under the 2003 codex my personal rule was that I would have no umarked units and that all units would either be daemonettes wearing power armor or actual daemonettes. The only mark allowed was Slaanesh, even though I suppose I could have made an argument about other marked units who were on the world coming to its defence. Still, I held myself to only units with the mark of Slaanesh and that all power armor units were daemonettes soul bonded to noise marines. My Daemon Princess was once an Eldar who spent her days bonding the souls of the dead to other things and that's why most of her standing army was daemonette in appearance. She used to be a daemon prince(ss) who rode a Steed of Slaanesh and had all sorts of the cool wargear they used to be able to have.


With the current codex, I've had to revise quite a lot since I can't have the support of daemonettes anymore. There are unmarked human tribes on the pleasure world and some are elevated to Chaos marines and can be drawn in larger numbers than the daemonette marines and so I added in a large unit of them for support as well as a Havoc unit. I even added in Obliterators and converted them to look like daemonette terminators who had caught the Obliterator nano virus. So I sold out a bit and used non marked units but the entire army is converted now (my original daemonettes were straight out of the box so they didn't qualify as conversions.) My Daemon Princess is now a monstrous creature with wings but she's also a major conversion...I still miss the version of her on the Steed, though. I only have a bunch of my Battle Sister stuff in my gallery but I'll try to take some new pics of the army tomorrow. Neat thread!

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I can still do a lot with my group fluffwise, but the theme and story of my army is much more important to me than playing a tournament list (my refusal to field more than one unit of three Obliterators, for instance).


im pretty much the same, i went into collecting a chaos army with a theme and backstory in mind, and knew from the off i wasnt going to use oblits OR dual princes..

i mean why would a small warband have 2 daemon princes?


if you ask the WAAC boys*** im sure they will say a chaos army is only usable with dual lash prince and 2 x 3 oblits... i say meh to that, id rather have a fun army and have a harder time in game (not that thats the case tbh)


*** for the sake of sanity please dont follow this advice, every village must put up with its idiot, but the interwebz means they congragate in large groups.. i strongly advise you stay clear of them


^^^ this was sarcasm, if your are offended, then perhaps your a WAAC gamer :P


@Zankuro, that sounds awesome, pics at your earliest convienience please ;) , i have a friend who runs mono slaanesh daemons, using all OOP minis (he brought them about the time i was born), he made his own slaaensh chariot for his HQ dude though and we mounted it on a phallic base.. infact i think i have a pic from a friendly tournament where he charged a chimera from the rear and its back doors were open.. ill leave the rest to your adult imagination... good for a few giggles though, proves us adults can be very immature

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Yeah, it's a good thread to talk :) i think it helps to show who is the true follower of the Dark Gods and despite the current situation still desires blood of the False Emperor! :P


I suppose alot of people do sacrfice the fluff to make playable armies.. which is a shame.

is there anyone here who has a strict theme regardless of playability?

And me too. :)


I'm working on my renegade chapter - Crusaders of Thousand Unholy Ways, devoted to the Changer of the Ways. So it consists only of those who swore his loyalty to the Architect of Fates :)

So i now have two 10-man squads of CSM with the Icon of Tzeentch, one with two flamers and the second with two meltas and both have Aspiring Champions with powerfists and plasma-pistols. For now i'm planning to add another 10 CSM to have two 15-man squads and then, perhaps, the magnificent Defiler. I have big plans ;)

And my centerpiece - Menkeroth, the Daemon Prince of Tzeentch! The former Lord-Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Legion :)

So here're some pics.





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awesome, thanks for the pics, loving the plasma and fist combo, everything says take combi-weapons, but i think plasma pistols rule (and they have the very chaosy ability to blow up in your own faces)


my own warband is the cult of kthulu, now it should be said that whilst im influenced by certain aspects of "Cthulhu".. its nowhere near the same thing.. Cthulhu was a big cult sci-fi thing going back many decades, HP lovecraft and his many works.. i didnt want to step on any toes so my warband only has aspects similar to the story, but different in many ways.. it also means no-one will moan should i get anything wrong :P


i dont have pics for my DP yet, ill post them tomorrow but heres some of my dudes.. originally i started out as khorne, but after a while nurgle seemed to be the logical choice for reprisenting the cult of kthulu.. i still intend to use khorne, but have some greco-roman themed ideas for a seperate warband.










edit: once i can decide on a colour scheme ill start a WIP thread

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My main and at present only army is my Black Legion warband.


My theme is luckily unaffected by the Codex change because my force is built around the principle that the forces leader is Luna Wolf and subsequently Son of Horus of old. He has been at the forefront of fighting to rebuild the credibility of the Legion and never forgets the betrayal and destruction subjected to the Legion in the aftermath of the Heresy and the loss of Horus' body.


Keeping in line with the old 'dex and my view of the fluff, he is always Undivided (or not marked at all as is now the case). Cult troops are utilised as an elite and only ever recruited from within the Legion and wore Black Legion colours - so no Thousand Sons. Daemons also played a role and still do, as does a large Terminator squad from time to time.


My only concession is that I am working in a Daemond Prince - a concession because despite the fluff they seem very, very common.

My second warband was to start before I had to take a break (this was before the present 'dex) - an Emp's Children force. The lack of Sonic Terminators, Sonic Preds & Dreas plus the lack of Daemonettes killed this project stone dead.

My current Warband which I have just started for a painting challenge to myself and because I really love the background is a World Eaters Warband.


Granted, the lack of Cult Terminators and Chosen is irritating as is the lack of Khornate Daemons (especially since the Finecast Bloodthirster is both a thing of beauty and a joy to assemble) but I can still model Khornate Terminators, Bikers et al. and the Icon system whilst inferior is an alternative. Also, whilst standing in as generic daemons, Bloodletters and a Bloodthirster still looks visually in keeping with the Warband.


I'm contemplating Khorne Havocs too. Not every warrior in my World Eaters warband is a Bezerker (though most numerous, they are the extreme aspect of the path of Khorne). My Havocs will be modelled as clearly being World Eaters and Khornate but in fluff terms they fight with an intense martial pride and honour with Heavy Weapons - to be the best in their aspect of warfare. None heavy weapon tropers will have bolters and of course the unit will have an Icon of Khorne. Similar process for the Bikers.


In line with fluff - all my squads will be 8 or 16 strong (more likely the former) and if it isn't Khorne, it isn't present. So no Obliterators.


For the first time, I am also fielding a special character in Khârn The Betrayer. Normally I avoid this and to be honest I fancy a change. Daemon Princes bore me. I will also have a standard Lord with is own background to field as an alternative to Khârn.


For me, the Theme is everything - it is what makes painting and gaming interesting and most importantly fun. It strongly influences what I field. I am not so much a tournement gamer but even on the rare times I go, I don't tailor my list. I take my standard, fluff based list and have fun playing the game win, lose or draw.


Ultimately, I'm still influenced by the previous Codex and also by the Index Astartes background (not so much the rules). The present codex, whilst a monolithic let down in many, many ways can still produce some wonderfully modelled and imaginatively thought out themed armies. To me it is what you make it and the negativity on this forum very nearly put me off Chaos Marines altogether (Sadly, much of it well founded). It was only modelling a Khornate Warband in Fantasy Warriors of Chaos and absorbing the fluff that made me reread the Index Astartes and find a theme I can sink my teeth into in terms of fluff, modelling and gaming style.

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since i have no life outside the B&C :D , i figured it would be nice to see what kind of themes people have on here, show some pics, tell us a bit about your warband, conversions overall theme etc..

ill take some pics and post mine up later..


Great topic, dude.


A lot of my warband background is still up in the air, as I'm only now getting my first squad underway, and things change depending on test paint schemes and available bitz. But I essentially wanted to make a warband that exemplified the variety and choice on offer in a traditional setup. Chaos Marine squads as the backbone, some Terminators, and allied forces here and there.


The Aphotican Oath is a Word Bearer warband that has essentially followed the natural course of most companies and Chapters within the Word Bearer Legion, becoming a Host after the Horus Heresy.


It's largely made up of the former Bleeding Scourge Chapter from the XVII Legion, with the warband's Lords and Aspiring Champions all drawn from the former companies' leaders: the captains, Chaplains, Techmarines, and other officers. Three squads are led by Aspiring Champions who were the former Forgemaster Primaris, Lord Apothecary, and High Chaplain. The overall Lord is the former Chapter Master, who shares an uneasy triumvirate leadership with his High Chaplain (now an Apostle) and a Daemon Prince, who was commander of the Terminator forces attached to the companies that once made up the Chapter. The Terminator squads take immense pride in their abilities and their master's exaltation, referring to themselves as the Mukrah Jal ("Consecrated Iron" in Colchisian).


As with all traditional Word Bearers (rather than mono-god dedicated splinter factions like The Sanctified) the Aphotican Oath worship the pantheon rather than focusing too heavily on individual deities; a squad may pray to Khorne for strength, or Tzeentch for wisdom before a battle, but overall they're devoted to the gods in equal worship of their glory.


They're not above taking mercenaries into their ranks, of course, or forming alliances of mutual survival and/or convenience. The ones I'm musing on are pacts with the Algol Masquerade (a Raptor Cult also originally drawn from the Word Bearers but now more devoted to their own glory than the Legion's) and the Syntagma (informally referred to as the Ashen Covenant), a coven of minor Thousand Son sorcerers who are allied to the Oath, and bring their Rubric Marines with them. I'm musing over the alliance being strong enough that the Thousand Sons repaint their mindless Rubrics in Aphotican Oath colours, but I'm not sure yet. Probably not. The red and blue mix of squads will be cool.


In short: Chaos Marine squads with Rhinos, Terminator squads with Land Raiders, and a few Rubric Marine / Raptor Cult allies.


Traditional stuff, but that's the point.

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I whole-heartedly throw theme at my armies, I endeavour to throw backstories at my forces and characters.


Previously I ran a Noise-Biker army, which was fun, Bikes with mounted Sonic Blasters and Daemonettes everywhere by the end of turn 3.... Each squad had a theme running through it, Chosen were elaborately ostentatious and deadly up close and another squad were Moto-X fanatics on stripped down bikes and Bare-chested, mainly mounted on flying bases.


Now I'm building a Word Bearers force, led by the insane whimsies of it's Dark Apostle, they bring the purifying flame of chaos to the material realm and with them the faceless, nameless monstrosities of the Aether. Their former commander a colchisian born into a ruling family at around the time Lorgar took power and self-punishing penitent has embraced his final act of debasement and has been interred within and ancient Dreadnought sarcophagus, his barely coherent ramblings continuing to inspire his former host. There's more to come but that's he basis for now.

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My army is a Heresy style Sons of Horus army.


Lots of Marines with Rhino's, a Land Raider some heavy support en Horus (counts as Abaddon) to lead them.

Pretty simple and straight forward but I love playing them and I dont need to make my own fulff cause I already got three books about them <_<

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My old Iron Warriors army, which I'm going to redo here shortly, I have no marks, only icons I will use are CG. I do not use daemons of any kind, I DO have a squad of Berzerkers but they aren't World Eaters just because I see no reason why a siege warfare army wouldn't have skirmishers & for them to be the cult of Khorne makes sense to me.


My heavy support features 2 vindis & 3 oblits, despite the inherent potential weakness of using my HS slots for them.


I do actually have gunline-style CSM squads w/ ML/PG loadout.


I favor flamers, meltas chain & power fists even though they aren't the best weapons neccessarily. I also feel that missile launchers are more siege weapons than lascannons as they can be used to punch holes in walls/armor & deliver a blast to the inside of a fortification after it's breached. I also extensively employ havoc launchers on my tanks so that my vehicles have dual purposes intended to represent the fluidity needed for siege warfare: hammer them from afar, wipe out supply lines, then move in & hit the enemy up close inside the walls.

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Originally it was a Sorcerer led Nurgle Army, with many Defilers. Now it's going to be an Iron Warriors Warband with a small group of Plague Marines, who form the front phalanx in Siege. Their Warsmith/Champion views them as another weapon, and has an affinity for Biological weapons, and some siege tactics. Hence Defilers. They are a smaller warband, but are more like Pirates and they Salvage and Scavenge many things. Terminator suits and requisitioned gear is sent to Medrengard. The rest is kept as loot. Gene-Seed is usually sold off to the Legions, or Fabius.


Notable loot includes Imperial Weapons, stolen Imperial ship, an Eldar Farseer, and other various stuff. Also pie.

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My Host would probably, by the standards of our current dex, be considered strictly fluffy. I am basing mine off of the Word Bearers XXXIV (34th) Host from Anthony Reynolds trilogy of books, and I am enjoying the converting and painting aspect of it immensely. Whether or not I win any games with them is irrelevant, though I must say a win or two would be nice from time to time, hehe. I have been motivated so much by the various BL fluff, including ADB's The First Heretic, and the awesome conversions and painting works that can be found amongst the pages here at B&C.

Here are a few pics of my Host. Some are still WiP's others are done, for the moment at least....

First up, my take on the head of my Host, Dark Apostle Marduk:


My take on Coryphaeus Kol Badar:


My take on Khalaxis: gallery_62728_6478_855753.jpg

Sabtec and a portion of the 13th Coterie:


and Burias-Drak'shal with his possessed brethren (just need to get his icon designed and finished):


My force is ever expanding as I get more of them ordered, painted and put together...

There's more pics in my album, just follow the link in my sig, as well as a WIP thread in that section of the forums as well.


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Current project is a Slaaneshi warband. Remnants of the Lords of Retribution Chapter, they consist of a small Marine contingent and teh hordes of Daemons that the Dark Prince send their way to assist their Lord. He fights in constant denial of of being marked, which is why Slaanesh has so much fun with him.


Gameplay-wise, it's meant to represent a city-fighting force that brings packs of Daemons as shock troops while the Marines provide fire support and counter-assault units.

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I'm building the Legion of the Setting Eye. A Cursed Chapter of the who are sons of Dorn. Most of their Apothecaries were turned by a Lesser Chaos God who was sealed on their homeworld a long time ago. This turning made caused them and subsequent Acolytes "allergic" to normal Psyker use. They now seek to change the Warp so it isn't painful to use by altering the sentients of the galaxy to match them or just killing them. The Apothecaries have become Sorcerers and have found a way to use a form of Ahriman's Rubric on a personalized basis, allowing their fatally wounded Marines to continue fighting and to "encourage" captured Astartes to join them on their own crusade.
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The Medusan Knights chapter, founded in M33 from the Iron Hands gene-seed, was created to fill gaps in the defences around the Eye of Terror's northern sectors. They continued to serve the Imperium with honour for 3,000 years, until their forge-monestary was struck by the Dark Mechanicus and 4 full Traitor Titan Legions. Practically annihlated, the survivors were subject to experimintation and torture as their homeworld was enslaved and turned into a new Deamon-Forge. Their bionics were stripped and rebuilt with foul sorceries, their flesh torn and remolded, thier minds shredded of all sanity by constant forcible scrap-code inloads that polluted their souls. Neither the Emperor nor the Machine God heard their screams, or pleas for mercy. Every one of their weaknessess were brought to the fore, and the Knights could no longer hide their fears behind the mechanical modifications wreathing their bodies.

One by one, the Medusan Knights broke their oaths to the Imperium in a fit of madness and self-loathing, and swore themselves to the Dark Gods in an effort to permanently purge the faults inheirent within themselves. With the Titan Legions gone to fight elsewhere, the Knights broke free, and using their new modifications and loyalties to the Gods to shatter the leaders of the Dark Mechanicus who sat within the corrupted former fortress monestary. With the help of the Gods, they counter corrupted the scrapcode pouring across the planet, subsuming the skitarii mortals to their will. Clinically insane, and Ironbound to their oaths to the Dark Gods to "forcibly purge the failures of the human flesh and soul", they took the world for their own again, and began their war against the weakness that is mankind.

They experiment with anything and everything they can get their hands on, from weapons from the Dark Age of Technology, to the melding of flesh, steel, and the warp. They now strike out at the Imperium, searching for new technology to exploit, selling the tech they don't want to procure other warbands to further the Ironbound's goals, and leaving millions of tortured human experiments in their wake.

And a pic of 001011011012010, Lord of the Ironbound...


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My chaos force is the Legion of the Fleshy Curse. Named as such, as the legion is doomed. A vile demonic presence cursed the flesh of all the members of legion, so that they are all slowly turning into Chaos Spawn. They roam the vastness of space searching for a cure for their rapidly dire situation as more and more of their brothers become mewling chaos beasts. In their plight, they have taken up arms for the chaos god Slaanesh, for a faint promise of respite.


More recently, they have been joined by Fabius Bile, whom they've offered some of their number for experimentations, in return for a possible cure.


Fabius Bile.




Lord Dekkar, Chosen of Slaanesh. Known as the "Blissgiver".




Squad Nolak, lead by the Champion Nolak, also known as "Ork Bane" and the "Sword Tooth".




Squad Mikon, Lead by the Champion Mikon, also known as the "Unblemished".




Squad Jarek, Lead by the Champion Jarek, also known as "Jarek the Cursed".




The Dreadnought, possessed by the Khornate entity Warpblind Deathvomit.




The Trinity of the Flesh. Obliterator Cult sworn to the Legion.






Plus Vehicles and bound Daemon Followers.


Very much an "in your face" chaos army. Based around getting close and personal with Obliterator, Dread and Predators laying down covering fire.

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thats the coolest thing, nice work on the coversions..

As with all traditional Word Bearers (rather than mono-god dedicated splinter factions like The Sanctified) the Aphotican Oath worship the pantheon rather than focusing too heavily on individual deities; a squad may pray to Khorne for strength, or Tzeentch for wisdom before a battle, but overall they're devoted to the gods in equal worship of their glory.

i always found this a little 'confusing' (probably the wrong word, its early), it must be really hard to keep all the gods equally happy without showing favourtism to one particular god.. it must be like being married to four different women

myself i use Kthulu as my lesser chaos deity, although i use nrugle in game, i dont call it the mark of nurgle i call it the mark of kthulu for fluff but its a 'counts-as' in game terms..

it works for me and means i can break with conventional rules a litte..

i wonder how mnay people run night lords armies based on A D-Bs literature?

edit: @killersquid, those are some awesome conversion and paint jobs, that dread in particular is amazing

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Here's the tiny background blurb I wrote for my warband a while ago:


9th Company of the Shadow Lords are all that is left of their chapter after their homeworld Tranquil had turned out to be a necron tomb world. Their captain, Darius Vyle, has called out for help to nearby space marine chapters many times since the necrons had emerged but recieved no replies. For a while now, Vyle has been haunted by the whispers of Tzeentch and, at his most desperate moment, agrees to a pact that will eliminate the necron threat from Tranquil and save what is left of his beloved company. In return he vows to serve the Changer of Ways as a daemon prince for the rest of eternity and hunt down the imperial scum that had refused to come to their aid.


Henceforth all imperial worlds in the sector that surrounds the now deserted ruins of a planet once named Tranquil, are being haunted and corrupted by the highly dangerous chaos warband that call themselves "The Shades of Tranquil".


So far, I haven't really set anything else in stone as far as background goes. In game terms the warband worships chaos undivided if they even 'worship' chaos at all. I see their relationship with chaos as more like the one the Night Lords have from the soul hunter books. Darius Vyle is quite obviously a daemon prince of Tzeentch (he is also known by the name 'The Shadowcursed' sometimes) and he currently leads his warband as the god of fate dictates it. This leads to the movements of the warband being highly unpredictable. They have been known to take incredible risks to attain something seemingly irrelevant, lose complete interest their enemies during the midst a battle or fleeing a battlefield even though they seemed to be having the upper hand.


I personally like to entertain the idea that Tzeentch is slowly guiding my warband to join the last black crusade, all the while performing random tasks, collecting unrelated objects and manipulating their allies and enemies in seemingly odd ways. The warband members themselves don't even have a clue as to what exactly the goals of their missions are, which of course creates a predictable ammount of friction amongst their number. The fact that they're making their way towards the eye of terror and abbadon's crusade is slowly starting to dawn on them, but nobody even knows whether their arrival will be a blessing or a curse to the effort of the crusade.


Here's a pic of Darius:



A pic of about half the warband in decent lighting:



A pic of the warband as it is right now in not so good lighting:



Great topic btw. Needs more pics though :) .


Check the blog link in my sig for more pics.

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