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whats your theme?


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@killersquid: Dude, that Dread is friggin' insane, I love it! Great job on that!


@Daanofwar: Love the colors on your guys, very crisp!


@Greatcrusade08: Thanks for the compliment, he was my very first attempt at some serious greenstuff work.


@ -Max- : :( I was hoping someone would notice that, lol! I'm a huge Futurama fan, so I couldn't resist. Thanks for the compliment!

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I'm a very slow painter, but i try to have a theme with my army that revolves around less warp-influence and more tech...as much unmarked as I can manage!


Obviously no plague marines(I can't stand nurgle aligned models, personally...) and very few warp-changed things...


Alpha Legion cell 379:


My poor old legionnaire that had to(due to popular vote) become a daemon prince to add tactical flexibility to the cell...



First squad that is completed with squad #2 waiting in the background, using comm-links as icons and unfortunately I have three guys with horned helmets...the first ones I painted(two in pic):



Currently working on building servo-arms for my custom dark mechanicus techmarine-oblits and trying to get some paint on my "veteran assault marines"(berzerkers)...all in nice shades of blue...

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Me?,World Eaters,plain old World Eaters,since '97,only World Eaters,and no matter what i buy,it turns out to be a World Eater mini or Khorne follower mini.


I buy Dark Eldars minis,it become World Eaters bits.


I Buy Orks minis,it becomes World Eaters bits.


I buy Grey Knight models,it becomes World Eaters bits.


I buy Vampire Counts minis,it becomes World Eaters Bits...


Everything,is to be corrupted for the Glory of Khorne and the World Eaters.






World Eaters Thunderhawk



Test model for a Gladiators of Blood Cult,wich will use DE Heamonculus Cults list.


Gladiators of Blood,as their name implies,is a Cult of the Blood God who use Gladiatorial tactics and combat routines.




It maybe my very first army outside World Eaters,but in a sens its still a bit WE,because its a Chaos cult...

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I play an Alpha Legion warband. The story behind them is that one of the old Legionnaires from the Crusade never stopped plotting the downfall of the Imperium, and eventually had a run in with the Grey Knights in M32, after which the Legion was declared destroyed by the High Lords. In reality, he and a handful of his original warriors escaped and became pirates, stealing geneseed, ammo, and armor from loyalists or weaker traitor 'bands. After being hounded around the galaxy by a very zealous Inquisitor in early M40, they joined forces with a larger Alpha Legion warband that had gone from renegade to Chaos over the years. The Chaos Lord lied and told them that he was Alpharius(he was one of the Primarch's doubles during the Crusade), and they instantly gave him full control. As of 999 M41, he's been making his way over to the EoT to support the 13th Black Crusade.
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This was a good idea for a topic though gotta admit, good work crusade. There are some amazing models here each one is unique and painted excellently. Slayer you're just crazy with your World Eaters, just like any good WE player would be :HQ:


Here's the first of my warband's characters. A lord and the first of his chosen retinue. My fluff revolves around them.



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I have two themes for two armies, though only one is represented on the table-top.


The one with representation is the Host of Dark Apostle Thirst, which is a variety of hodge-podge units that have become sworn to the Dark Apostle and the Word Bearers for a variety of reasons, as well as the mad things created by the Tech-Lord and his adepts. Thirst always seeks to grow his forces, and so grow the glory of the Dark Gods.


The second one exists purely in the fluff - the Wraiths of Darkness. They are mercenaries, desperate mercenaries who fight across the breadth of the galaxy, trying to keep themselves from being slaves of Chaos while still mantaining the image of undefeatability. There have been many, many sacrifices made to keep the dream of being truly secure in this universe of war alive, but they have not yet faltered in their pursuit and they will not until the dream becomes reality or they have died trying.

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as promised heres my daemon prince, note my greenstuff skills are still a little rusty





i really need to work out a decent paint scheme.. *sigh*

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Crusade question for you. I really like your Cthulu theme, are you going to make a GD of him?


i do intedn a GD mini, but i dont think ill convert one, another sci-fi model company makes a really good Cthulhu model that would be the perfect GD.

just need to remember where i filed the link

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My fledgling warband is named the Brotherhood of Fire. A small warband made from marines of many different Legions, alleigances and marks. The Brotherhood is a major user of possesed chaos marines, and have in the past taken loyalist marine prisoners to use as conduits for Daemon possesion, often broadcasting it to enemy forces.


They also have strong ties with the Knights Griffon chapter for reasons unknown, but the Griffons will hunt them with utter fury when sighted.

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My army started off as the warband of Lord Memnoch,a mighty Chaos Lord of the Black Legion-never defeated in close combat and had a huge number of Black Legionnaires etc. (was way too strong fluff wise). Appeared first around the time of the EoT worldwide campaign. Then he wasnt used at all after the current codex came out because the rules couldnt do him justice so instead a splinter fleet of his warband was used doing his bidding.


However then I read Soul Hunter/Blood Reaver and did a total ret-con of the back story.


Now he is Memnoch the Terror and leads the remnants of his original company. He was responsible for many crushing defeats for the Imperium in the EoT campaign but got over-confident and suffered a devastating defeat at the Siege of Korbaden losing many marines and vehicles. (Basically he was set-up in to attacking to early by his ''trusted'' advisor the Sorcerer Ortanas and lost. Badly.) Memnoch led his shattered forces in retreat back in to the Eye and concentrated on rebuilding his forces making alliances with other Legions in order to strike at the Imperium again. However due to lower numbers the warband is now fighting a differant style of battle and are currently battling the Doom Eagles over control of the planet MidgarV.


In short I never used cult troops in the previous codex and only started using them in the current one, so now play with an odd mix of cult troops and normal CSMs hence the alliances part of the story.

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My WIP army basically takes it's core idea from the "skull harvest" type tournament that Honsou went to.



Basically my army is a bunch of factions that have been shuffled and reshuffled a good few times, hiring mercenaries and

building rickety unstable alliances. Shady characters with dubious pasts and untrustworthy claims. Cults with patron entities

of all kinds. If I am to use them in games the lineup will represent whatever "microfactions" are getting along for the moment.


Apprearancewise many chaos marines will have scavenged parts of armour and decorated it to the point that their origin is dubious at best. There will be parts of the army that are clrearly legion forces or such helping out.


I will have some subtle hints on characters like an alpha legionnaire or fallen angel with their own machinations, while not overtly declaring their legion of origin.


I will have several dreadnoughts and I'll try scratchbuilding obliterators with the "retro" oldschool look.

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As I was reading this topic again yesterday it reminded me of something. Each time I lose a unit/vehicle/HQ in a game I always feel the need to make up my own fluff as to why they came back and are able to fight in other battles. Does anyone else do this?
They have a six-pack of clones courtesy of Fabius Bile. =p


Honestly, no. I never worry about it, the assumption is that either they were just knocked unconscious or crawled off to find a medic.

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@killersquid, 1000heathens, Zynk, crusade: Thanks guys! I'm quite proud of the colour scheme, especially since it's taken me a full year to finish the army to this standard. So thanks for noticing :D .


I really like all of the other stuff (both pics and fluff) in this thread as well. It warms my traitorous heart to see so many people getting excited about their chaos armies despite the supposedly lean times we're in right now.

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Having been out of the collecting/painting side of the hobby for quite some time. I recently brought the night goblin paint starter set and after quickly getting bored painting them (not really a fan of goblins) I started rumaging around in my old bitz box for something more interesting to paint...


I found a couple of (boo, hiss) Imperial Space Marines, some old Mordian guardsmen and a host of other sadly broken models but finally after much searching and finding of odd things like shoe laces and a spoon.


I found three intact Chaos Space Marines! With only a minor amount of thinking over how to paint them using the limited colour from the goblin set and then a bit more thinking over a theme.


Background - Take 2


Led by Draka The All-Seeing a Daemon Prince who is enslaved to the will of Daemon Prince Rorzal the Knowing. Draka leads his warband in a quest to gain enough power to free himself from his brother daemon and place him under his (Draka's) will. I've only thought up the idea and I'm still working on it but one thing I've decided on is that neither Daemon Prince started of as a Space Marine but they are pre-unification and very old.


The colours are based around the original death guard scheme - Bleach Bone armour, Knarloc Green for trim, backpack and weapons, Mechrite Red for icons, skulls etc and Chainmail for metal bits followed by a complete covering of Delvan Mud. I'm not much of a painter but I am rather pleased with them.


I would post a pic of the models but don't have a camera currently.


Edit - Decided the background was boring.

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I've been struggling with a theme for my army for a while. While I'm not a tournament player, (just like with video games) the tournament/Try Hard guys do have useful advice and tactics, so it pays to keep that stuff in mind.


I had to re-evaluate some things I wanted too. I was looking to make my Chaos Space Marines soldiers...and really Space Marines aren't good basis for soldiers, who are more like Knights, down to their paintschemes which are heraldic in nature. And while I liked elements of most of the Legions, I had to keep in mind that a new army book would be coming out eventually...and I might be left holding something as useless as a Iron Warrior Basilisk, or Alpha Legion Cultists.


I didn't really like Black Legion all that much-for many of the same reasons I don't really like the Iron Warriors (don't like their Primarch, don't like their IAs, don't really like how they are overused). I knew I didn't want a "chaos black" army, and my silver/metal army is slated for my Greyknights brotherhood. I came up with a pretty cool colorscheme that was sort of a dark gray color, and I like the idea of a "crusade force" for my army, varying elements painted differently in one force, with my World Eater warband contingent painted separately from my Nightblades (my Warband's name).


I'd had a couple of different stories-some were pretty far out there, but I think I've finally found a balance between what I was going for, and what would work plausibly for the game universe and fluff background.


The Nightblades (my Warband's name) are a Black Legion warband, created from some of the captured geneseed from the Storm of Iron novel. As such, they don't really have a connection with any primarch-and inherited the present feelings of the Black Legion disdaining all Primarchs. They specialize in "Close Warfare" and believe that the Imperium-and all of the Black Legion's enemies-should be destroyed, their ultimate goal is to see Astartes inherit the galaxy over the lesser beings.


They are led by a Sorceror-Lord, who was a veteran of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Like many Sorcerors, he is a former Thousand Son, who served alongside his actual brother for thousands of years until they were both banished, along with Ahriman for being apart of the Kabal. Alarus, and his brother Zedian, who tends their four remaining ruberic brothers, have served the Sons of Horus since their Banishment by Magnus. Alarus is highly favored by Tzeentch, having both a Daemonweapon as well as a disc of tzeentch. Unlike many of his fellows, he keeps himself grounded in the present, without relying too much on visions of the future.



Second in command is Strike-Commander Harlon, the only member of the Nightblades to have geneseed from Horus. A long time veteran of the Black Legion, his ancestors were taken as slaves from one of the earlier Black Crusades from Cadia, and before his ascension to Astartes was a member of a Child Soldier contingent-and one of only eighty survivors from his initiation. He ardantly believes in the Warmaster's cause, and sees Abaddon as a rolemodel. He gained his rank from his tours of duty as a Shipmaster, having an affinity for near-orbit void war. He teamed up with Alarus when their original Warband was scattered across a space hulk, and fought on to victory against the warp-infected genestealers. He is favored with a Darkblade, and his trusty Combi-melta (uses Arkos the Faithless' Rules)


In command of the Balverines-the remnants of a World Eater warband, is Blademaster Droga. He was a veteran of many raids into Imperial space, he and the remnant of his warband were saved when the small contingent led by Alarus and Harlon came across Droga and aided the Blademaster when he and his men were about to be overrun. Droga is dedicated to Khorne, though he disdains an axe for a Sword he forged from the armor of a Greyknight grandmaster, and though his title is 'blademaster' he is a master with all melee weapons. Droga trains his men, and the men of the Nightblades rigorously in close combat, and during battles he will often test those with him, throwing attacks at them instead of the enemy-for his pride will not tolerate weak subordinates or allies. (Uses Khârn rules).


Beneath him is Sargeras the Scorned, who was a Nightblade who repeatedly allowed himself to be possessed, and exorcising the daemons after finding them not to his liking. Finding this blasphemous, a Word Bearer invoked a Greater Daemon to possess the errant Nightblade and devour his soul. The two entities fought-and surprisingly came to an understanding, becoming Sargeras. Their first act was to rip the Word Bearer apart. Sargeras has wings and his armor is seemingly alive. He is devoutly Khornate, and his lightning claws have been the bane of any of his enemies. When it's rage overwhelms him, he can transform into Sargeras-Sel Goreseer Greater Daemon Lord. Sargeras-Sel Goreseer will not fight alongside Droga, Alarus or Harlon, though in his lesser form he may tolerate them. In some instances, he can create a 'warp clone' of his smaller form from his essence, who fights alongside him. (I use him as a Khorne marked Lord with wings and twin lighting claws and a Greater Daemon gate [using my Daemon Prince Model], or fighting as a Khorne marked Lord with wings and twin lightning claws alongside a Daemon prince with wings.) He prefers the company of the Raptor and Possessed pack.


I also use Abaddon, painted in "official" Black Legion colors, (Chaos black and gold trim), I use the Abby bits, on the plastic Chaos Lord. No counts as. He's Abaddon, Warmaster, Anointed Champion of Chaos, bearer of the Ascendant Chaos Mark. The Nightblades see the Warmaster as many Astartes in the Great Crusade saw the Emperor, as the ideal, superior man, greater than the Primarch and Emperor who shaped him.




My three obliterators are "Technomages" and I take a self-imposed roll before I shoot with them that passes on a 2+ (unless shooting with the same weapon as last turn). If it fails, they can't shoot that turn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't think I've posted on B&C yet. Mostly lurk for interesting fluff posts^.^ Been looking for interesting World Eater fluff lately but none to be had! Disappointed in my brothers who claim to lay skulls for the Lord of skulls....if mine weren't a WiP I'd post^.^


Anyways, on topic.


I have two warbands currently, my current project is a company of Night Lords, who call themselves the Legion of Anarchy, the warband is mostly split down the middle, with the bulk being led by Garadon the Harrowing. Garadon leads his warband via his first company elite, all who use extreme stimms that speed their reactions (much like EC's), and are addicted to these stimms. Garadon's faction is filled by his Terminators, fourty standard marines with special weapons backed by their rhinos and 2 havoc teams with either lascannons or heavy bolters. The other faction is led by the warbands sorcerer, who navigates through the warp with his vast amount of daemonic pacts. Not only does he essentially control the ship's warp travel, he controls the fourty strong raptor cult "the Dark Talons". In total, this makes 96 Astartes, 6 Rhino's and a single land raider. I don't play with any marks except for Garadon and his Terminator Champions (all slaanesh) and my Sorcerer who is armed with Tzeentch, Warptime and a Jump Pack (represented in fluff by his conversing with daemonic powers). Unfortunately, I've only collected my 40 Night Lords, Garadon, my Terminators, my sorcerer and 5 raptors....I'm yet to get the tanks, a bulk of the raptors, or my havocs:(


My other warband, is my World Eaters, who are known as the Company of Carnage, led by Kraull the Rampager, who is NOT an original World Eater, but has claimed one of the mighty Berzerker Glaives. Currently, he leads 8 squads of 8 berzerkers, all riding in Rhino's. As well as 3 packs of 8 "Bloodbeasts" aka Possessed, who act as navigators in the warp (via daemonic abilities), hunting the closest vessel traversing the warp, or attracted to a particular scent that leads to the warbands next ultimate mission. Kraull owns a pack of 5 Slaughterfiends, a vindicator formation, and has 4 crazed Dreadnoughts to act as his spearhead. Whilst he himself, is armed with Terminator Armour, and backed by 23 "Devourers" or his Chosen Terminators^.^

I've got the 64 berzerkers, and 3 of the slaughterfiends...I want to remake Kraull, and a majority of my Terminators, but I do have his primary 7 Terminator Champion bodyguard....



Thanks to B&C, I want to make a renegade chapter, and continue with my corrupted streak^.^, but I'm not sure what God I desire to follow after I'm finished my current projects, nor what direction I wish to take with said Chapter:\ I also write fluff for both Warbands whenever inspiration hits me. I feel I need to re-organise it to a B&C layout though, so that people can read it easier, as they're used to such a layout:)

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My Warband, the Angels of Light, are made up of two parts. The actual Angels, who were the former Assault Company of my other DiY Chapter and are now mainly Raptors (although currently half of my tactical squad is Iron Warriors and half Angels, and my Chosen are possessed Angels.) The other half of the force are Iron Warriors which will be under the leadership of Warsmith Deus (need to get him). Two units of Rubric Marines under Sorcerer Kah-Thulu joined sometime later, but all is not well in the Warband. Deus wants total control, Sulln (the Angels of Light leader) demands he keep control of his forces. Meanwhile, the entire thing is being watched over by a unknown warp entity...a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.






p.s no I have not updated the IA article with the power struggle

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This is a test model i painted for my CSm that i'm thinking of making:




He's from the Warriors of Mayhem, a warband mentioned in the most recent codex (i prefer to stick to canon outfits). They have a short entry on Lexicanum, that says they are not alligned to a particular God, with members worshipping whichever they feel like. Apparently they have a majority of Slaanesh followers, but it seems like a decent warband for modelling as there is a reason for all Marks and cult troops to be present.

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