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whats your theme?


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The purple is darker than it looks in the picture, my lamp has brightened it. It's Liche Purple, washed Badab, Liche cleaned up, then washed Leviathan. Metal is just boltgun washed with Badab. He has a black gun now but i did it after i took the picture.
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Sons of Malice. They have the coolest background for chaos. I also use rusty Lords of Decay, for a non-green nurgle army. Now, if only they\\\\\\\'d add a Icon of Malal that gives us preferred enemy due to our intense hate of everyone...

Belowa re some pics of the Sons...if you want a very cool matallic-pearl color to your armor, mix normal white paint with Vallejo AIrbrush Silver...it has a very cool silver sheen effect while keeping the model white...










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I do remember trying to compose some sort of story for my Word Bearer Host a few years ago as I got involved in the Crusade of Antioc AoD that the B&C ran.


It never got further than me writing up a few names for different Champions of the warband I wanted tho as well as the naming of two ships and the once Astartes Captains of them. I lost all that a year or so ago though and I can't really remember anything of it, and I kept changing the names every few weeks or so anyhow. :P


Recently however I've gotten a new push to make an actual story for the warband after I started the project up again after a year or two hiatus :)


Anyhow I currently have two central pieces of the warband, which is called the Chaotica Tyrannus, or the Tyrants of Chaos;


My Dark Apostle Viqthuros, whom obviously is the commander of the warband. I'm still trying to come up with a good title for him but everything I've thought of so far just sounds cheesy and bad :lol: Anyhow that way I currently envision him is that of a Word Bearer proper dedicated to all of the Chaos Gods equally. However he is still determined to NOT just raze and plunder like ye old standard Chaos Lord but has fully embraced the glory of the Gods and the mission to spread the faith to all of the non-believers. This in turn has earned him the attention of Tzeentch who have marked him more than his brother Gods as such a plot greatly amuse him. Tzeentch is also greatly amused by Viqthuros' choice of "forcing" the glory of Chaos on those unwilling to convert of their own choice turning them into Spawns. Sort of a "Join us, or join us anyway" ploy instead of the usual "Join us or die". :lol:


For the rest of the Astartes forces I'm really working on the more darker, monkish and missionary feel by giving them robes, hoods and tons of books, "purity" seals, and other random trinkets and artifacts. Also I'm staying away from mutations I'm keeping very few horns on them. Only Champions get horns to enforce their status as horns, or tusks, to me represents seniority. The bigger they are, the more senior and higher in the chain of command you are.


Que the second center-piece;


The as of yet unnamed Greater Daemon of Tzeentch whom has pledged himself and his Daemonic Host to Viqthuros' cause. No doubt for his own end, or may hap a sign of Tzeentch's support and approval of the cause. B)


If I get around to actually playing I'm currently thinking of running him as a Daemon Prince to make him viable as the generic Greater Daemon has really poor rules, not to mention a really lame name.


And to tie in the rest of the Daemons with the Host I've opted to give them a similar paint-job to the Astartes, with bits of white and black to really make them seamless with the more "mortal" components. I'm thinking of revising a few of them and make the Slanneshii Daemons venture into a bit more paler and pinkish tones and letting the Tzeentchian Daemons venture a bit more into the purple and blue tones.


Of course I'll also have the Nurgleite Daemons venture into the greens when I get around to them and the Khornate more into a proper bright reddish or even orange tone to set them all apart from each other.


In essence that would be it for my theme.



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I finally got around to rewriting my Index Traitoris just this evening.


My theme is an Iron Warriors garrison that was forgotten by pretty much everybody during the Great Crusade and went native. Adopting the mystery religion and medieval warrior customs of the natives they became something other than Iron Warriors by the time the Horus Heresy happened and the Great Scouring forced them to flee and become a fleet based warband.


They survive as a mash-up between Dark Ages Northern European pagan heroic culture and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism, roaming the galaxy hiring themselves out as surprisingly well equipped mercenaries. Sort of "Viking Ronin with tank and air support", all meditating and purifying themselves before battle and then drinking mead from the skulls of their favorite enemies while they compose ballads about how they acquired said skulls on the spot before returning to their Battle Barge to clean their swords, write poetry, and practice their calligraphy.


Mercenary enough that the occasional desperate Imperial governor or radical Inquisitor could pay them to wreck something. Odd enough that even their former Iron Warriors brothers think they're too weird to hang out with. Strange enough that the foulest Chaos cultist thinks their religious views are delusional. Harboring enough hatred of xenos to investigate even an Imperial planets distress call. Vicious enough to punish humans who collaborate with or surrender to xenos with horrific and contemptuous cruelty.


Stylish in their black and orange, extremely cheeky in conversation, and prone to growing impressive moustaches, the Iron Hounds rock and roll through the Galaxy without any earthly concerns.



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